4000-520-616 / 18915418616

This ELISA kit is used for quantitative determination of mouse total GIP in plasma and culture mediumsupernatant. The kit is characterized by its sensitive quantification and high specificity. In addition, ithas no influence by other components in samples. GIP standard is highly purified synthetic product.Specificity:This ELISA kit has high specificity to mouse GIP(1-42) and GIP(3-42), and shows no cross reactivity to Glucagon, GLP-1(7-37), GLP-1(7-36) NH2, GLP-1(9-36) NH2 and mouse GLP-2.The incretin hormones, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and glucagons-likepeptide-1 (GLP-1), are a group of gastrointestinal hormones that cause an increase in the amount ofinsulin released from the beta cellsof the islets of Langerhans after ingestion of food.The intestinal peptide GIP was first isolated from porcine upper small intestine. The sequences ofporcine, bovineand human GIP5) have been determined, each has 42 amino acids, and the sequencesis highly conserved. The porcine and bovine peptides differ from the human at two and three site,respectively. Takeda et al. have isolated a human cDNA encoding the GIP precursor and confirming thatGIP belongs to the vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)/Glucagon/secretin family. GIP is agastrointestinal peptide hormone that is released from duodenal endocrine K cells after absorption ofglucose or fat. GIP is a potent releaser of insulin in experimental animalsand in manprovidedthat the blood glucose is above basal level. Plasma level of GIP is elevated after an oral glucose load or ameal in normal man. This increase after a meal is below normal in newly diagnosed insulindependentdiabetics. It is nowbeing recognized that GIP receptor is also expressed in organs and cells such asduodenum, small intestine, pancreatic alpha-cell, adipocyte and osteoblast. These results demonstrateGIP may have a lot of physiological effect in addition to theirglucoregulatory effects.GIP is rapidly inactivated by the enzyme dipeptidyl peptidase- 4 (DPP- 4) to GIP (3-42) with a bloodhalf-life of only several minutes. DPP- 4 inhibitor can prolong the half-life of GIP, that expectingtreatment of incretin effect.The kit can be used for measurement of total GIP [both GIP (1-42) and GIP (3-42)] in mouse plasmawith high sensitivity. It will be a specifically useful tool for incretin research.Principle: This ELISA kit for determination of mouse total GIP is based on a sandwich enzyme immunoassay. Tothe wells of plate coated with highly purified mouse monoclonal antibody against mouse GIP, standardsor samples are added for the 1st step immunoreaction. After the 1st step incubation and plate washing,HRP labeled antibody solution against mouse GIP is added as the 2nd step to form antibody - antigen -labeled antibody complex on the surface of the wells. After the 2nd step incubation and rinsing outexcess labeled antibody, Finally, HRP enzyme activity is determined by 3,3’,5,5’-Tetramethylbenzidine(TMB) and the concentration of mouse total GIP is calculated.
Cosmo蛋白质工程涵盖了为基础和应用研究生产重组蛋白质的一系列扩展方法。目前,尽管遭受多种问题困扰,但基于细胞的蛋白质工程方法仍在广泛使用,包括不溶性,低产量,可变表达,低稳定性,不正确的折叠以及与缺乏活性相关的不正确的二硫键形成。相比之下,无细胞蛋白质工程方法可以直接控制反应条件,从而可以相对容易,快速地合成复杂蛋白质,有毒蛋白质,膜蛋白质和具有非天然氨基酸的新型蛋白质。两种主要类型的无细胞系统是常用的。 第一个和较旧的系统基于支持转录和翻译的粗细胞提取物。最常见的提取物来源是大肠杆菌,酿酒酵母,兔网织红细胞,小麦胚芽和昆虫细胞。无细胞系统的第二种类型是基于上田组的纯的(P rotein合成 ü唱 ř ecombinant ë元素)系统。用于无细胞蛋白质合成的PURE方法基于从亲和纯化的蛋白质成分(1-4)组成的细胞翻译机制的模块重建,其中蛋白质成分包括起始因子(IF1,IF2,IF3),延伸因子(EF-Tu) ,EF-Ts,EF-G),释放因子(RF1,RF2,RF3),核糖体回收因子,20种氨酰基tRNA合成酶,甲硫酰基tRNA甲酰基转移酶和焦磷酸酶。在某些PURE系统方法中,所有蛋白质成分(核糖体除外)都带有6X His标签,可通过金属亲和色谱法随后通过超滤去除核糖体(例如,来自BioComber Co.和New England Biolabs的PURExpress®)。在第二版的PURE系统中(日本的Gene Frontier Corporation生产并由Cosmo Bio在世界范围内分发和支持的PURE frex®),所有蛋白成分均未加标签,从而可以基于任何所需标签(包括他的标签。在这两种情况下,重组成分都与核糖体和从特制大肠杆菌中分离的tRNA结合在一起 菌株,以及所有必需的NTP和氨基酸,ATP生成的催化模块和重组T7 RNA聚合酶,创建了一个独立的反应系统,可以使用多种DNA模板对它们进行编程以进行蛋白质合成。PURE系统的优势包括降低了污染的蛋白酶,核酸酶和磷酸酶的水平,由于化学方法更加明确,产生了更高的重现性,以及模块化系统的灵活性。可以完全避免耗尽细胞提取物中氨基酸库的代谢副反应。因为它们是模块化的,所以PURE系统支持各种针对特殊应用的修饰,包括核糖体展示和非天然氨基酸的位点选择性掺入。