Sicgen/Chromatrap® Enzymatic ChIP-Seq 96 Well Kit/Chromatrap HT Enzymatic ChIP-seq Protein G/500217


Chromatrap® Enzymatic ChIP-Seq 96 Well Kit


Chromatrap® Enzymatic ChIP-Seq 96 combines the solid state technology in 96 well format with high throughput sequencing to deliver a streamlined ChIP-seq protocol from small cell numbers and low chromatin concentrations.

The unrivalled flexibility of experimental design offered by Chromatrap® ChIP-Seq 96 allows large reliable data sets to be collected efficiently enabling widespread effects to be studies across multiple sample and cell types all carried out simultaneously.

The Chromatrap® 96 Enzymatic ChIP-seq kit allows the user to perform up to 96 ChIP assays from cell collection through to immunoprecipitation, including up to 10 chromatin sample preparations by enzymatic digestion. The kit provides all of the major components required for performing ChIP assays including a DNA purification plate to obtain high quality DNA for NGS library preparation. Positive and negative antibody and primer sets are provided in the kit to give you satisfaction of chromatin preparation. With selective and sensitive enrichment of low chromatin loading and optimised elution buffer chemistry allows for high quality and quantity of immunoprecipitated DNA.

  • This kit is compatible for both qPCR and sequencing as a downstream process and has a wide dynamic range suitable for low and high chromatin loadings (1-50µg). The wide dynamic range allows for better results from small sample sizes and provides greater flexibility thus more IP assays can be performed from just one sample
  • The kit is ideal for more difficult primary cell samples and for the enrichment of low abundant transcription factors
  • The Chromatrap® 96 Enzymatic ChIP-seq kit allows the user to perform up to 96 ChIP assays from cell collection through to immunoprecipitation, including up to 10 chromatin sample preparations by enzymatic digestion
  • The kit provides all of the major components required for performing ChIP assays including a DNA purification plate to obtain high quality DNA for NGS library preparation

Positive and negative antibody and primer sets are provided in the kit to give you satisfaction of chromatin preparation.

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抗GFP抗体也识别GFP的变体吗? 抗GFP抗体识别维多利亚水母GFP的其他变体。 为什么抗GFP抗体在蛋白质印迹上没有信号? Western印迹后缺乏信号可能表明存在一些不同的问题。没有传输或传输非常差意味着没有信号。可能无法通过Ponceau-S染色检查到膜的良好转移。气泡的存在也会导致传输不良。GFP标记蛋白的表达水平可能太低。加载更大体积的样品,并包括阳性对照。稀释度非常高的抗体可能是问题所在,请尝试使用几种不同浓度的抗体来探测蛋白质印迹。另外,极有可能的是GFP标签不合框架且未表达,导致缺少任何信号。 GFP信号太弱而无法成像,可以增强信号吗? 在某些实验条件下,GFP荧光会部分或完全丢失。因此,某些表达GFP标记蛋白的细胞结构可能难以可视化或成像。GFP-Booster是一种源自Camelid的VHH域结合蛋白,与强荧光染料偶联。这稳定并增强了荧光信号。 为什么用抗GFP抗体免疫沉淀后观察到多个条带? 抗体交叉反应性是一个常见问题,通常会产生比预期更多的条带。更严格的实验条件可以解决此问题。GFP-Trap可用于免疫沉淀实验。GFP-Trap是具有更高特异性,稳定性和亲和力的单域抗体(源自骆驼科动物)。但是,必须考虑的是,如果生成了截短的融合蛋白,则如果存在标签,抗体也会检测到截短的融合蛋白,并产生多个条带。 历史的角度 绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)是来自维多利亚水母(Aequorea victoria)的一种小蛋白。它是由下村修(Osamu Shimomura)发现的,并且在蓝色到紫外线范围内的光激发时显示出绿色荧光。在许多其他海洋生物中也发现了相关的荧光蛋白,例如珊瑚,海葵和海紫罗兰。当Martin Chalfie证明GFP基因可以克隆并表达为发光标签时,GFP成为非常流行的工具。从那时起,它已在细菌,酵母,粘液霉菌,蠕虫,果蝇,斑马鱼,哺乳动物细胞系和植物中表达。GFP在其N和C端可耐受多种蛋白质融合,并且不需要任何辅助因子来发出荧光,这使其成为使用最广泛的蛋白质标签之一。这项开创性的工作为研究细胞与发育生物学中的重要问题开辟了新途径。通过许多科学家的努力,尤其是Roger Tsien小组的努力,GFP的调色板已扩展到绿色以外。这允许使用多种变体同时追踪许多生物过程。2008年,Osamu Shimomura,Martin Chalfie和Roger Tsien因其对GFP发光世界的贡献而获得了诺贝尔化学奖。