Lipidadsorption and clarification reagent
Effectivelyreplaces chlorinated/fluorinated hydrocarbons (eg. freon)
Workflowsfor antibodies, proteins, nucleic acids, proteoglycans, and mostserum analytes
Ahigh binding capacity for lipids with minimal cross-reactivity withproteins and nucleic acids
Idealfor clarifying ascites, serum, cell & tissue culture, bile,saliva, fecaland organ homogenates
Simplemicrofuge (not ultra) centrifugation protocols
Exquisiteselectivity profile including extracellular vesicle and exosomeclearance
Compatiblewith cell response assays
Forbioprocessing, extends the life of membrane and chromatographiccolumns
Related‘LX’ product alternative to LipoClear, go to:https://www.biotechsupportgroup.com/Cleanascite-LX-p/lx155.htm
Cleanascite™ selectivelyremoves lipids, cell debris, lipoproteins, floating fats, impuritiesfrom Cohn paste, transgenic milk, egg yolk and biological samplesfor pretreatment of samples prior to purification. The reagent is asolid-phase, non-ionic adsorbent supplied as a suspension in saline,ready for use. Simply add, centrifuge and/or filter. The clarifiedsupernatant is ready for subsequent downstream processing oranalysis.