Protein Enrichment through serum IgG removal
The BioMag® ProMax Serum IgG Removal Kit is based on patented BioMag® superparamagnetic particle technology. BioMag® ProMax IgG Removal Particles, in combination with specific buffer conditions, bind the IgG from the serum enabling it to be depleted from the sample. Using magnetically responsive particles for depletion of IgG has advantages over other systems. Removal of IgG with the BioMag® ProMax Serum IgG Removal Kit is a rapid and simple procedure that requires no pretreatment of the sample. In addition, the ProMax system does not require the use of time consuming columns or centrifugation. The ProMax protocol is scalable and can be used in conjunction with the BioMag®ProMax Albumin Removal Kit (Cat. #24351-1).
BioMag® ProMax Serum IgG Removal Kit is supplied with particles and buffers for carrying out 10 separation reactions.
Based on patented BioMag® superparamagnetic particle technology
下面将主要介绍polysciences 线性PEI(#23966)的产品特性及其溶液的配制过程。 1. 产品特性: 产品名称:线性聚乙烯亚胺(PEI) CAS号 9002-98-6,26913-06-4 分子式 (CH2CH2NH)n 分子量 25000 熔点 73-75°C 外观 白色或黄色固体 结构式 溶解性 溶于热水,低pH值的冷水,甲醇和乙醇;不溶于:苯,aether和丙酮 储存 室温 2. 溶液配制 此指导说明书是经polysciences公司研究,测试及其客户反馈的后编写的。下面推荐一种简单适用而的方法,讲述如何配制浓度为1mg/mL的转染试剂的配制。 材料: 1g #23966、1L 纯水(Milli-Q®纯水,注射用水(WFI),或类似的生物级水)、12 M盐酸、10 M氢氧化钠、一次性0.1-0.2µm PES真空无菌过滤器、无菌高聚乙烯或聚丙烯试剂瓶。 器材: 1 L 玻璃烧杯、1 L玻璃量筒、核准pH计、2支1 mL塑料移液管、托盘、聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)搅拌棒、真空泵 配制过程: 1g #23966——900mL水溶解——搅拌、加热(60-80°C)——加HCl调pH到2.0左右——盖上烧杯,搅拌3h(直至粉末完全溶解)——冷却至室温——加NaOH调pH到6.9-7.1——移液到量筒,加水补足至1L——真空过滤消毒——分装,-20°C保存。 备注:加热或加酸都有助于PEI溶解。当然酸可能不用加那么多,详细用量可试加一点搅拌看看,足够溶解就行,不一定需要加到pH那么低。 试剂储存: 冷冻部分溶液可在-20°C保存长达一年;部分解冻的溶液可在4°C保存2周,不可反复冻融。 粉末储存: 未开封的粉末有效期两年。可在室温下保存直至使用。