Volume: Purified: 100 µL; Purified Trial: 20 µL; TC Supernatant: 5 mL
Concentration: Purified: 1 mg/mL; TC Supernatant: Lot Specific
Clonality: Monoclonal
Form: Purified and TC Supernatant Available (select your preferred form, size and quantity before clicking "Add to Cart")
Host Species: Mouse
Immunogen: Lipid raft fractions isolated from adult rat brain. Target identified as Neurofascin by: - binding to NF-186-tranfected COS cells- recognition of NF155 and NF186 but not other highly related L1 CAMs like NrCAM- immunoprecipitation of NF155 and NF186 and confirmation by mass spectrometry - loss of immunostaining against NF186-shRNA knockdown samples Rat: amino acids 25-1110 (extracellular domain common to NF155 and NF186)Mouse: 98% identity (1074/1086 amino acids identical)Human: 79% identity (955/1195 amino acids identical)This NeuroMab antibody is considered "Restricted" and is therefore not available for commercial re-distribution on a for-profit basis.
Target Description: Neurofascin is encoded by the gene NFASC. Two major isoforms of NeuroFascin are expressed as a result of alternative splicing, NF186 and NF155. These proteins are expressed in the central nervous system. In brain, NF186 is expressed at Nodes of Ranvier andNF155 is expressed in unmyelinated axons. Neuofascin plays a role in cell adhesion and is thought to be involved in processes such as neurite extension, synaptogenesis and myelination. Diseases associated with this gene include Demyelinating Polyneuropathy.
Gene ID: Nfasc
Antibody Registry ID (RRID): AB_2282826
Physical State: Liquid
Validation and Application Notes
Molecular Weight: 155, 186 kDa
Aves Labs products are intended for use as research laboratory reagents. They are not intended for use as diagnostic or therapeutic reagents in humans.
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鸡的概念 在一次会议上,他与同事的一次谈话说服了西蒙博士再次尝试制造这种抗体,但是尝试把鸡作为宿主——鸡在进化上与包括人类在内的哺乳动物完全不同。结果表明:人蛋白抗原具有高度的免疫原性,抗体产量异常高,免疫试剂结合紧密,特异性高。 今天的Aves 从那时起,Aves Labs开创了在蛋白质中寻找高免疫原性肽序列的新算法,开发了针对鸡抗体的新的亲和纯化方法,并开发了许多其他有用的试剂,如BlokHen®阻断试剂和PrecipHen®免疫沉淀试剂。Aves实验室继续开发针对神经特异性抗原和表位标签的新型抗体试剂,以促进神经科学和分子生物学领域的科学进步。