4000-520-616 / 18915418616

Bio-World/Sputum DNA Collection, Preservation And Isolation Kit/50 Prep(s)/10760130-1


Sputum DNA Collection, Preservation and Isolation Kit is an all-in-one method designed for:

• Simple and non-invasive sputum collection; • Preservation of DNA in sputum samples at ambient temperature; • Isolation of high quality DNA.

The Sputum DNA Collection, Preservation and Isolation Kit contains 50 individual Sputum Collection and Preservation Devices, as well as the required reagents for the subsequent isolation of sputum DNA from the preserved samples. Each of the 50 individual kits consists of three components: (1) Sputum Collection Tube; (2) Collection Funnel and; (3) Norgen's Sputum DNA Preservative contained within sealed ampoules. Sputum samples (either induced or non-induced) are collected by the patient by first rinsing the mouth thoroughly with water. Following this step the patient must then cough deeply to loosen sputum and then expectorate/spit inside the Collection Funnel which has been assembled with the Collection Tube. Following collection of the sputum sample, the Collection Funnel is removed and the contents of the Preservative ampoule are then added and mixed with the collected sputum and the Collection tube is labeled. The Sputum Collection Tube is subsequently sent to the laboratory for DNA isolation and analyses. The sputum DNA in preserved samples is stable for more than two years at ambient temperature. The kit is ideal for collecting, preserving and isolating DNA samples for numerous research based applications, as well as epidemiological and population studies.

SPUTUM DNA PRESERVATIVE Norgen's Sputum DNA Preservative is an aqueous storage buffer designed for rapid cellular lysis and subsequent preservation of DNA from fresh sputum samples. The preservative prevents the growth of Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria and fungi and inactivates viruses allowing the samples to be handled and shipped in a safer manner. In addition, the samples are preserved allowing their storage and shipment at ambient temperature, eliminating the requirement for refrigeration or freezing, decreasing costs. The components of the preservative will allow the collected samples to be stored for more than 2 years without any detectable DNA degradation.

NUCLEIC ACID ISOLATION FROM PRESERVED SPUTUM Sputum DNA is isolated from the preserved samples either according to ethanol precipitation or can be performed using Sputum DNA Isolation Kit (Cat#10760131-1). The preservative is also compatible with other DNA isolation methods.


• Non-invasive sample collection - Higher donor compliance and lower costs due to non-invasive sample collection • Convenient, all-in-one kit - Sputum sample collection, preservation and DNA isolation all with one convenient, affordable kit • Safer handling - The provided Sputum DNA Preservative is designed for rapid cellular lysis, prevents the growth of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria and fungi and also inactivates viruses allowing the samples to be handled and shipped in a safer manner. • DNA is stable for years at ambient temperature - Sputum DNA preserved with Norgen's Sputum DNA Preservative is stable at room temperature for over 2 years, thereby reducing storage costs associated with fridges and freezers. • Compatible with most DNA isolation methods - DNA can be isoated from the samples via ethanol precipitation using the provided reagents. Alternatively, DNA can be isolated using other methods, such as Sputum DNA Isolation Kit (Cat# 10760131-1) which uses spin columns. • High quality DNA is suitable for sensitive downstream assays - Purified DNA is of the highest quality and free from inhibitors, and can be used in sensitive downstream applications including PCR and qPCR Shipping Accessories can be purchased separately - Norgen also provides shipping accessories (envelopes and bags) which meet all standards and regulations for safe shipping of biological samples.


1. Individual Sputum DNA Collection and Preservation Device: a. Collection Tubeb. Collection Funnelc. Preservative ampouled. Absorbant pade. Post-collection labelf. Patient instructions 2. Sputum Liquefier 3. Proteinase K 4. Purification Additive 5. Product Insert

SHELF LIFE AND HANDLINGThis kit contains ready-to-use Proteinase K which is dissolved in a specially prepared storage buffer. The Proteinase K should be stored at 4°C (stable for 2 years) or at -20oC for long term storage. All other kit components should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature (15 - 25 °C) for up to 3 years without any reduction in kit performance. The Collection Tube, Collection Funnel and the Device container of each Individual Sputum DNA Collection and Preservation Device are recyclable.

Catalog No.:10760130-1
Size:50 Prep(s)
直接或间接患有遗传异常,疾病,受伤或感染的人通常会想出改善人类健康的新方法。看着心爱的人受到这种疾病的折磨,未来的科学家和商界人士发誓要找到一种方法来帮助他们。从这些故事中,汤森路透的BioWord团队了解到,几乎每天,这些新公司都在努力寻找资金来资助他们的创新药物开发。从出生到最终上市,BioWorld通过许可交易,融资,临床试验的成功和失败,监管审批以及各种商业交易,追踪这些公司,并从观点和科学理论的角度审视这些下一代药物。最后去市场。 目前,大型制药公司正在寻找机会来加强他们的产品线。竞争对手和投资者都密切关注这些新兴公司,因为他们是新一代。 在即将举行的汤森路透第二届中国医药行业大会上,汤森路透将分享2014年首次在BioWorld上发布的65家创新公司的故事(120页英文版):他们致力于开发针对各种疾病的药物,从癌症到罕见疾病。他们采取了不同的方法,开发更有针对性的药物,科学地使用尖端的再生药物,或更好的传递机制,使效果更加显着。 这些公司有不同的发展阶段,有些新产品可用,有些还处于研发阶段,正试图赶上竞争对手,或汇集候选药物,或进一步证明治疗模式的有效性。然而,他们都朝着最终目标前进。 这些新公司中有许多正在开辟一个新的世界,其中一些是从大公司剥离出来的,而其他公司则是由政府支持的。科学是独一无二的,一些商业模式可能是实验性的,但所有资助的初创企业也都试图帮助他人。无论是以下公司名称还是故事本身,我都希望能为中国企业带来一定的参考和思考。