4000-520-616 / 18915418616
已回答苏州蚂蚁淘生物科技有限公司是一家创新型高科技生物公司,以常规生物学实验外包与生物学试剂为基础,放眼于生命科学领域的前沿技术服务,公司技术骨干有着多年的生物学科研背景,毕业于国内外名牌大学,并且有着丰富的项目经验,了解国内外科研行情,我公司力求为每一个客户提专业、针对性的实验方案。我公司以技术服务为支点,和国内外多家生物试剂公司有着密切的业务往来.公司特色技术服务包括:抗体药物研发、噬菌体抗体库、蛋白表达与传化、抗体制备、高通量测序、组学研究、生物信息学分析与方法建立、基础分子生物学技术外包、化学...点击查看 >
已回答Pro-Lab Diagnostics is a privately held corporation founded in 1974 with its head office in Toronto, Canada and subsidiaries in the U.K. and U.S.A. The company has demonstrated the achievement of quality standards in attaining ISO 13485:2003 (CMDCAS)...点击查看 >
已回答Pro-LabX,蚂蚁淘专业代理英国各大品牌,在线下单,万余种高质量抗体,价格短,货期短,全国代理,品牌保证,价格优惠,请详询有礼,苏州蚂蚁淘生物专业代理英国prolabX,正品保证 , 价格优惠.欢迎来询Pro-Lab Diagnostics is a privately held corporation founded in 1974 with its head office in Toronto, Canada and subsidiaries in the U.K. and U.S.A....点击查看 >
已回答蚂蚁淘生物致力于成为科研试剂搜索、采购一体化解决方案提供商!我们的优势: 1,覆盖欧美的全球采购中心,总部设立在美国新泽西,采购团队有30多人,能进口涵盖抗体,蛋白,细胞,血清,耗材等的全门类生物产品。2,货品多且全,目前,以我们美国公司为主体,与欧美600多个品牌建立了正式的代理与合作,基本涵盖所有的生物试剂门类,特别是二三线高质量品牌产品,优势更大! Pro-Lab Diagnostics is a privately held corporation founded i...点击查看 >
已回答Pro-Lab Diagnostics is a privately held corporation founded in 1974 with its head office in Toronto, Canada and subsidiaries in the U.K. and U.S.A. The company has demonstrated the achievement of quality standards in attaining ISO 13485:2003 (CMDCAS)...点击查看 >
已回答蚂蚁淘生物是一家专门从事抗体,蛋白,细胞等试剂产品研发与销售的公司.蚂蚁淘生物专业代理Pro-LabX 品牌试剂,大量现货,保证正品,价格优惠.欢迎来询Pro-Lab Diagnostics is a privately held corporation founded in 1974 with its head office in Toronto, Canada and subsidiaries in the U.K. and U.S.A. The company has demon...点击查看 >
已回答Pro-Lab Diagnostics is a privately held corporation founded in 1974 with its head office in Toronto, Canada and subsidiaries in the U.K. and U.S.A. The company has demonstrated the achievement of quality standards in attaining ISO 13485:2003 (CMDCAS)...点击查看 >
已回答Pro-Lab Diagnostics is a privately held corporation founded in 1974 with its head office in Toronto, Canada and subsidiaries in the U.K. and U.S.A. The company has demonstrated the achievement of quality standards in attaining ISO 13485:2003 (CMDCAS)...点击查看 >
已回答Pro-Lab Diagnostics is a privately held corporation founded in 1974 with its head office in Toronto, Canada and subsidiaries in the U.K. and U.S.A. The company has demonstrated the achievement of quality standards in attaining ISO 13485:2003 (CMDCAS)...点击查看 >
已回答Pro-LabX,蚂蚁淘专业代理英国各大品牌,在线下单,万余种高质量抗体,价格短,货期短,全国代理,品牌保证,价格优惠,请详询有礼,苏州蚂蚁淘生物专业代理英国prolabX,正品保证 , 价格优惠.欢迎来询Pro-Lab Diagnostics is a privately held corporation founded in 1974 with its head office in Toronto, Canada and subsidiaries in the U.K. and U.S.A....点击查看 >
已回答Pro-Lab Diagnostics is a privately held corporation founded in 1974 with its head office in Toronto, Canada and subsidiaries in the U.K. and U.S.A. The company has demonstrated the achievement of quality standards in attaining ISO 13485:2003 (CMDCAS)...点击查看 >
已回答Pro-Lab Diagnostics is a privately held corporation founded in 1974 with its head office in Toronto, Canada and subsidiaries in the U.K. and U.S.A. The company has demonstrated the achievement of quality standards in attaining ISO 13485:2003 (CMDCAS)...点击查看 >
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