Rabbit polyclonal antibody
Pooled Serum- Size:
- 100 µl
- Formulation:
- Affinity Purified from Pooled Serum
- Specificity:
- Rat, Mouse, Human
- Applications:
- WB 1:1,000
- Species:
- Rabbit
- Molecular Reference:
- ~53 kDa
- Cite This Antibody:
- PhosphoSolutions Cat# p195-392, RRID:AB_2492196
Antigen/Purification: Collapse
The antigen is a phosphopeptide corresponding to amino acid residues surrounding the phospho-Ser392 of human p53.
The antibody is prepared from rabbit serum by affinity purification via sequential chromatography on phospho- and dephospho-peptide affinity columns.
Biological Significance: Collapse
p53 has a well established role in blocking the proliferative action of damaged cells and acting in essence as an anticancer agent (Sharpless and DePinho, 2002; Yin et al., 1992). It has been called the guardian of the genome (Lane, 1992). Phosphorylation of Ser392 in p53 is associated with formation of human tumors (Saito et al., 2003; Pise-Masison et al., 1998; Kim et al., 2004). In addition, p53 has been linked to effects of aging and oxidative stress (Sharpless and DePinho, 2002). An increase in p53 has also been linked to deficits in LTP and learning and memory (Jiang et al., 1998)
100 µl in 10 mM HEPES (pH 7.5), 150 mM NaCl, 100 µg per ml BSA and 50% glycerol. Adequate amount of material to conduct 10-mini Western Blots.
For long term storage –20° C is recommended. Stable at –20° C for at least 1 year.
General References
Jiang YH, Armstrong D, Albrecht U, Atkins CM, Noebels JL , Eichele G, Sweatt JD, Beaudet AL (1998) Mutation of the angelman ubiquitin ligase in mice causes increased cytoplasmic p53 and deficits of contextual learning and long-term potentiation. Neuron 21:799-811.
Kim YY, Park BJ, Kim DJ, Kim WH, Kim S, Oh KS, Lim JY, Kim J, Park C, Park SI (2004) Modification of serine 392 is a critical event in the regulation of p53 nuclear export and stability. FEBS Lett 572:92-98.
Lane DP (1992) p53, guardian of the genome. Nature (London) 358:15-16.
Pise-Masison CA, Radonovich M, Sakaguchi K, Appella E, Brady JN (1998) Phosphorylation of p53: a novel pathway for p53 inactivation in human T- cell lymphotropic virus type 1-transformed cells. J Virol 72:6348-6355.
Saito S, Yamaguchi H, Higashimoto Y, Chao C, Xu Y, Fornace AJ, Jr., Appella E, Anderson CW (2003) Phosphorylation site interdependence of human p53 post-trans lational modifications in response to stress. J Biol Chem 278:37536-37544.
Sharpless NE, DePinho RA (2002) p53: Good cop/bad cop. Cell 110:9-12.
Yin Y, Tainsky MA, Bischoff FZ, Strong LC, Wahl GM (1992) Wild-type p53 restores cell cycle control and inhibits gene amplification in cells with mutant p53 alleles. Cell 70:937-948.
我们很高兴地宣布 PhosphoSolutions 的创始人兼首席执行官 Michael Browning 博士被任命为享有盛誉的 2020 年 CiteAb 终身成就奖的获得者。该奖项突出了一位在试剂领域产生重大影响的杰出人士。在长达四年的职业生涯中,布朗宁博士作为模范神经科学家、导师和商业领袖为科学发现事业服务。他无懈可击的诚信和对科学严谨性的奉献激励了无数研究生、博士后和员工,并在试剂行业树立了卓越标准。Browning 博士为研究界贡献可靠抗体的使命始于 1980 年代他在诺贝尔奖获得者 Paul Greengard 博士在耶鲁大学的实验室的博士后期间。在研究突触蛋白在突触功能中的关键作用时,他亲眼目睹了抗体质量与杰出研究成果之间的联系。作为科罗拉多大学药理学和神经科学系教授,Browning 博士开发了针对 LTP 所涉及蛋白质的抗体,LTP 被广泛认为是学习和记忆的关键细胞机制。1990 年代初期,美国国立卫生研究院 (NIH) 认可布朗宁博士对抗体作为研究工具的理解,并授予他开发其他新型抗体的资助。随后的许多出版物都引用了他的本土抗体,NIH 敦促他将他的工作商业化——从而开发了 PhosphoSolutions。由于多克隆抗体的多功能性和稳定性,布朗宁博士长期以来一直是多克隆抗体的支持者。在出现“重现性危机”之前,他是倡导试剂重现性的行业领导者。2006 年,在他的指导下,PhosphoSolutions 发起了一项行业内独一无二的血清汇集计划,只有在大量血清被积聚、阳性筛选然后汇集后才会释放抗体。这种做法保证了从同质起始材料中纯化的给定抗体的 20 年供应,几乎没有批次间的差异。认识到 Browning 博士在可重复性方面的领导地位,GBSI 邀请他参加其具有里程碑意义的 2016 年抗体验证研讨会,Browning 博士呼吁抗体制造商采用血清混合并改进和标准化内部验证。2019 年 9 月,Browning 博士加入了 PhosphoSolutions with Antibodies Incorporated 和 Aves Labs,组成了一个小型制造商家族,提供研究人员可以依赖的试剂。Browning 博士有一个妻子和两个成年儿子。在业余时间,他喜欢打高尔夫球并与家人共度时光。CiteAb 的创始人 Andrew Chalmers 博士说:“我个人祝贺 Michael Browning 博士获得 CiteAb 终身成就奖。任何见过他的人都会对他为研究界改进抗体的热情和奉献精神印象深刻。这是在成就非凡的职业生涯之后当之无愧的奖项。我和整个 CiteAb 团队向布朗宁博士表示祝贺