Norgen Biotek /ProteoSpin™ Inclusion Body Protein Isolation Maxi Kit (Cat. 17700)/4preps/17700

品牌:Norgen Biotek

  • All-in-one solution for inclusion body protein isolation and purification
  • Complete kit with Cell Lysis Reagent, Inclusion Body Solubilization Reagent, buffers and spin columns to purify proteins
  • Isolate up to 12 mg of protein per spin column
  • Fast and convenient spin column protocol

ProteoSpin™ Inclusion Body Protein Isolation Maxi Kit

This kit provides everything required to isolate and purify inclusion body proteins from induced bacterial cultures. First a proprietary Cell Lysis Reagent is used to selectively lyse the cells and release inclusion bodies in their solid form. Next, inclusion bodies are dissolved and their contents released using the provided IB Solubilization Reagent. Inclusion body proteins are then further purified using spin columns for rapid and convenient buffer exchange and desalting.

The procedure is efficient and streamlined and can process up to 4 samples in approximately 2 hours. Each spin column is able to recover up to 12 mg of acidic or basic proteins from 100 mL of induced bacterial culture.  Purified recombinant proteins are then ready for SDS-PAGE, 2D gels, Western blots, Mass Spectrometry analysis, and other applications.

About Inclusion Bodies

Bacteria are widely used for the expression of different proteins. However, 70-80% of the proteins expressed in bacteria by recombinant techniques are tyically contained in insoluble inclusion bodies (i.e., protein aggregates). The protein of interest found in these sub-cellular structures is often inactive, due to incorrect folding. The production rate of recombinant proteins stored in inclusion bodies is invariably higher than those synthesized as soluble proteins. The reason behind this is thought to be the resistance of insoluble proteins to proteolysis by cellular enzymes. In addition, separation of insoluble recombinant proteins in inclusion bodies is considerably easier than that of soluble proteins. These factors have been the major influences favoring scale-up of high-value proteins using bacterial fermentation for example.  Procedures for the purification of the expressed proteins from inclusion bodies are often labour-intensive, time consuming and not cost effective.   This kit provides the essential reagents for cell disruption, inclusion body solubilization and purification using spin column chromatography - all optimized to work together thereby simplifying the process and saving a tremendous amount of time and cost.  



产品简介 品牌 其他品牌 供货周期 现货 应用领域 医疗卫生,食品,化工,生物产业,农业   北京百奥创新代理Norgen Biotek在中国的业务。Norgen Biotek全国代理,Norgen Biotek北京代理,Norgen Biotek华东代理,Norgen Biotek华北代理。详细介绍 RNA/Protein Purification Plus Kit           产品介绍 品牌:Norgen Biotek 货号:48200 中文名称:RNA/DNA/蛋白质纯化大提试剂盒(提取试剂盒)   该试剂盒提供了一种快速自旋柱方法,用于从培养的动物细胞、小组织样本、血液、细菌、酵母、真菌或植物的单个样本中分离和纯化总RNA、基因组DNA和蛋白质。该试剂盒采用两个柱:1)用于gDNA纯化,2)利用碳化硅柱进行RNA纯化(优于所有RNA大小的结合,包括miRNA)。蛋白质经RNA洗脱后在第二柱进行纯化。这些蛋白质在缓冲液中被洗脱,准备用于下游,不需要进一步的清洗。蛋白质可以直接定量,用于western blots, ELISA或质谱分析。