Triple Compartment Neuron Device (1000 μm microgroove barrier)
Each box contains (5) Silicone Devices
Silicone Device
Cat.No: TCND1000
Size: Size: ~ 38 mm – ~24mm
The TCND1000 consists of (2) 500 μm microgroove barriers with a 1000 μm central compartment. This device makes it possible to culture cortical neurons in the left and right compartments while culturing hippocampal neurons, or other combinations of cells, in the middle. The triple compartment is also suitable for transport studies where the researcher wishes to treat the middle of the axon growing in the middle compartment while observing effects at the growth cone or in the somal compartment. Neurons can also be loaded in the central compartment and different treatments applied to the left and right compartments.
Xona Microfluidics公司为广大研究者提供分区化、流体隔离、组织有序的神经元培养方法,特色产品为神经元突触轴突培养舱。The XonaChip™ offers a high quality, reproducible method for the compartmentalization, fluidic isolation and improved organization of neuronal cultures. Xona Microfluidics公司的主要产品包括: XC150 150 µm microgroove barrier XC450 450 µm microgroove barrier XC900 900 µm microgroove barrier XonaPDL Poly-d-lysine solutions optimized for XonaChips SND150 150 µm microgroove barrier SND450 450 µm microgroove barrier SND900 900 µm microgroove barrier RD150 150 µm microgroove barrier RD450 450 µm microgroove barrier RD900 900 µm microgroove barrier TCND500 500 µm central compartment with (2) 500 µm microgroove barriers TCND1000 1000 µm central compartment with (2) 500 µm microgroove barriers RD75 75 µm microgroove barrier SND75 75 µm microgroove barrier μLP Microfluidic Local Perfusion Device