4000-520-616 / 18915418616

Advanced BioMatrix/Type IV Collagen//5022-5MG

品牌:Advanced BioMatrix

Product Description

This Type IV Collagen is isolated from human placenta and is purified using a multi-step process. The product is supplied as a sterile, lyophilized powder containing 5 mg of Type IV collagen per vial.

Type IVCollagenis the primary collagen found in the extracellular basement membranes separating a variety of epithelial and endothelial cells. It is a major component of the dermal-epidermal junction where it is mostly found in the lamina densa. It is a heterotrimeric molecule containing two Alpha1-like and one Alpha2-like chains.

Type IV Collagen is typically used as a thin coating on tissue culture surfaces. Specific instructions are found in the Directions for Use. This product is generally usedin vitroas a substrate scaffold to enhance cell attachment, adherence and proliferation. Type IV collagen may be used to culture epithelial, endothelial, muscle, nerve and many other cell types. Additionally, this product is suitable for use as a substrate for collagenase assays and positive controls.

Parameter, Testing, and MethodType IV Collagen#5022
Sterilization MethodIrradiation
FormLyophilized Powder
Package Size5 mg
Storage Temperature-20°C prior to reconstitution and 2-10°C after reconstitution
Shelf LifeMinimum of 6 months from date of receipt
Shelf Life after Reconstitution3 months

Adventitious Agents

Human source has been tested and found negative for Hepatitis B, C and immunodeficiency virus-1.

Electrophoretic Pattern - Coomassie Blue

Sterility - USP modifiedNo growth
Endotoxin - LAL<1.0 EU/mL
Cell Attachment AssayPass
SourceHuman Placenta

Directions for Use

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  1. Reconstitute the 5 mg vial with 5 ml of cold, sterile 0.25% acetic acid and mix by pipetting up and down several times. Allow to mix at 2 to 8°C overnight. Note: The resulting solution will be slightly hazy. If there are some insoluble materials present and you wish to remove it, aseptically centrifuge the materialfor approximately 2 minutes at 3000 RPM .
  2. Dilute the product to desired concentration with sterile 0.25% acetic acid. A typical final coating concentration may be 10 to 100 µg/ cm2. Testing will likely be required to determine optimal concentrations required for different cell culture systems.
  3. Add appropriate amount of diluted product to culture surface.
  4. Incubate at room temperature, covered, for 1-2 hours. Aspirate any remaining material. Alternatively, incubate at room temperature until surface is dry.
  5. Rinse coated surface carefully with a sterile balanced salt solution. Avoid scratching surfaces.
  6. Aspirate remaining material from coated surface.8. Coated culture vessels are now ready to use. The coated culture vessels may be stored at 2 to 10°C.

Product Q & A

The Type IV collagen undergoes an enzyme step in the purification process, resulting in Atelocollagen.

Product References

References for Type IV Collagen:

Stanton, Bruce A., et al. "Pseudomonas aeruginosa reduces VX-809 stimulated F508del-CFTR chloride secretion by airway epithelial cells."PLoS One10.5 (2015): e0127742.

Kang, Yun Gyeong, et al. "A three-dimensional hierarchical scaffold fabricated by a combined rapid prototyping technique and electrospinning process to expand hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells."Biotechnology letters38.1 (2016): 175-181.

Pageau, Steven C., et al. "The effect of stromal components on the modulation of the phenotype of human bronchial epithelial cells in 3D culture."Biomaterials32.29 (2011): 7169-7180.

Fulcher, M. Leslie, and Scott H. Randell. "Human nasal and tracheo-bronchial respiratory epithelial cell culture."Epithelial Cell Culture Protocols. Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, 2012. 109-121.

Sellgren, Katelyn L., et al. "A biomimetic multicellular model of the airways using primary human cells."Lab on a Chip14.17 (2014): 3349-3358.

Ozeki, Nobuaki, et al. "Gelatin scaffold combined with bone morphogenetic protein-4 induces odontoblast-like cell differentiation involving integrin profile changes, autophagy-related gene 10, and Wnt5 sequentially in human induced pluripotent stem cells."Differentiation93 (2017): 1-14.

Ozeki, Nobuaki, et al. "Differentiation of human skeletal muscle stem cells into odontoblasts is dependent on induction of α1 integrin expression."Journal of Biological Chemistry289.20 (2014): 14380-14391.

Product Certificate of Analysis

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Product Videos

link to library blog - Coating Plates with Collagen
Coating Plates with Collagen


link to library blog - Coating a Glass Coverslip with Collagen
Coating a Glass Coverslip with Collagen


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Safety and Documentation

Safety Data Sheet

Certificate of Origin

Product Disclaimer

This product is for R&D use only and is not intended for human or other uses. Please consult the Material Safety Data Sheet for information regarding hazards and safe handling practices.

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