4000-520-616 / 18915418616

Advanced BioMatrix/Type III Collagen//5019-10MG

品牌:Advanced BioMatrix

Product Description

This Type III Collagen product is isolated from human placenta and is purified using a multi-step process with approximately 85% Type III collagen with the remainder being comprised of Type I collagen. The product is supplied as a non-sterile powder. Type III collagen product is provided in a user-friendly packaging for use and storage.

Type III Collagen provides structure and strength to connective tissue, is found many places in the body, especially skin, lung, intestinal walls and the walls of blood vessels. Collagen III is initially produced as procollagen, a protein consisting of three pro-alpha1(III) chains that form the triple-stranded, rope-like molecule. After being synthesized, the procollagen molecule is modified by the cell. Enzymes modify the amino acids lysine and proline in the protein strands by adding chemical groups that are necessary for the strands to form a stable molecule and then later to crosslink to other molecules outside the cell. The Type III procollagen molecules are released from the cell and are processed by enzymes that clip small segments off either end of the molecules to form mature collagen. The mature collagen molecules assemble into fibrils. Cross-linking between molecules produces a very stable fibril, contributing to collagen’s tissue strengthening function.

Type III Collagen is typically used as a thin coating on tissue culture surfaces or as a control. Specific instructions are found in the Directions for Use. This product is generally used in vitro as a substrate scaffold to enhance cell attachment, adherence and proliferation. Type III collagen may be used to culture a variety of cell types.

Parameter, Testing, and MethodType III Collagen Powder #5019
Package Size10 mg
Storage Temperature2-10°C
Shelf LifeMinimum of 6 months from date of receipt

Adventitious Agents

Human source has been tested and found negative for Hepatitis B, C and immunodeficiency virus-1.

Electrophoretic Pattern - Coomassie Blue

Endotoxin (LAL)<10.0 EU/mL
SourceHuman Placenta

Directions for Use

Download the full PDF versionor continue reading below:

Preperation Procedure

  1. Reconstitute the 10 mg vial with 10 ml of cold 0.01 N HCl and gentle swirly until completely solubilized.
  2. Remove required quantity of collagen from the bottle and dispense into a dilution vessel.
  3. Dilute Type III collagen with a 0.01 N HCl to desired concentration.
  4. Swirl contents gently until material is completely mixed.

Product Q & A

The Type III collagen undergoes an enzyme step in the purification process, resulting in Atelocollagen.

Product References

References for Type III Collagen:

Drzewiecki, Kathryn E., et al. "Circular dichroism spectroscopy of collagen fibrillogenesis: a new use for an old technique."Biophysical journal111.11 (2016): 2377-2386.

Cho, Soo Hyun, et al. "Meat quality traits as a function of cow maturity."Animal Science Journal88.5 (2017): 781-789.

Da, Qi, et al. "Fluorescent labeling of endogenous platelets for intravital microscopy: Effects on platelet function."Microcirculation25.6 (2018): e12457.

Jerrell, Rachel J., Mitchell J. Leih, and Aron Parekh. "The altered mechanical phenotype of fetal fibroblasts hinders myofibroblast differentiation."Wound Repair and Regeneration27.1 (2019): 29-38.

Simmons, Chad. "The Effect of 3D Collagen Scaffolds on Regulating Cellular Responses." (2015).

Product Certificate of Analysis

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Product Videos

link to library blog - Coating Plates with Collagen
Coating Plates with Collagen


link to library blog - Coating a Glass Coverslip with Collagen
Coating a Glass Coverslip with Collagen


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Safety and Documentation

Safety Data Sheet

Certificate of Origin

Product Disclaimer

This product is for R&D use only and is not intended for human or other uses. Please consult the Material Safety Data Sheet for information regarding hazards and safe handling practices.

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