Smad transcription factors lie at the center of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) pathway, which is one of the most important cytokine signaling pathways. Members of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) superfamily bind to serine/threonine kinase receptors and specifically activate intracellular Smad proteins. Smads 2 and 3 are activated by activin/nodal and TGF-β, whereas Smads 1, 5 and 8 are activated by TGF-β-like BMP (Bone morphogenetic proteins). Smads family can be subsequently classified based on their activation by TGF-β or BMP cytokine family. These activated Smads form the complexes with co-Smads, translocate from cytoplasm into nucleus and bind to the distinctive consensus binding sequences on the target promoter region to regulate the transcription of genes. Signosis has developed the Smad2/3 ELISA kit for the analysis of TGF-β/Smad pathway, Smad1/5/8 ELISA kit for the analysis of BMP/Smad pathway, and a combined kit (48 wells for Smad2/3 and 48 wells for Smad1/5/8) to facilitate studying activation of different Smad-related pathways. Signosis基因表达 是利用来自基因的信息指导功能性基因产物合成的过程。这些产品通常是蛋白质。基因表达分析对于理解基因及其蛋白产物的功能,以及对影响基本生物学过程的复杂调控网络的清晰了解至关重要。Signosis 提供了许多用于基因表达研究的测定产品,包括用于监控由TF上调或下调的基因表达的cDNA板阵列,以及用于分析基因表达的单细胞PCR试剂盒,可直接分析细胞无需RNA分离即可进行裂解。 SARS-CoV-2实时PCR检测试剂盒单细胞基因表达分析印迹分析RNA的cDNA板阵列细胞裂解液的cDNA板阵列