Cytoskeleton/Paclitaxel (Taxol)/10x100 µl/TXD01


Product Uses Include

  • Promote tubulin polymerization in vitro
  • Promote microtubule stability in vitro
  • Anti-mitotic drug in cell cultures

MaterialPaclitaxel"s (Taxol) usefulness as a laboratory tool is well established and lies in its ability to inhibit microtubule depolymerization. Thus, taxol stabilized microtubules are used as substrates for the identification and characterization of the ever increasing number of microtubule associated proteins.

Paclitaxel is provided as a lyophilized powder. When resuspended in DMSO (not included) the paclitaxel is at 2 mM concentration.

PurityIn keeping with our policy of providing only the highest quality products, we are now pleased to inform you that Cytoskeleton is offering paclitaxel (taxol), from the Pacific yew tree, Taxus brevifolia, at a chromatographic purity of >99.5%. This is the purest taxol commercially available for research use.

Biological ActivityWe have determined that the microtubule stabilizing property of our product is equal or superior to any other commercially available taxols. Microtubules in 10 µM paclitaxel are stable at room temperature for over one week.


For product Datasheets and MSDSs please click on the PDF links below. For additional information, click on the FAQs tab above or contact our Technical Support department at


Kosturko, L. D., Maggipinto, M. J., D"Sa, C., Carson, J. H. and Barbarese, E. (2005). The microtubule-associated protein tumor overexpressed gene binds to the RNA trafficking protein heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A2. Mol. Biol. Cell 16, 1938-1947.Teckchandani, A. M., Birukova, A. A., Tar, K., Verin, A. D. and Tsygankov, A. Y. (2005). The multidomain protooncogenic protein c-Cbl binds to tubulin and stabilizes microtubules. Exp. Cell Res. 306, 114-127.Nair, K. S., Hanson, S. M., Kennedy, M. J., Hurley, J. B., Gurevich, V. V. and Slepak, V. Z. (2004). Direct binding of visual arrestin to microtubules determines the differential subcellular localization of its splice variants in rod photoreceptors. J. Biol. Chem. 279, 41240-41248.Wagner, O. I., Ascano, J., Tokito, M., Leterrier, J. F., Janmey, P. A. and Holzbaur, E. L. (2004). The interaction of neurofilaments with the microtubule motor cytoplasmic dynein. Mol. Biol. Cell 15, 5092-5100Ligon, L. A., Shelly, S. S., Tokito, M. and Holzbaur, E. L. (2003). The microtubule plus-end proteins EB1 and dynactin have differential effects on microtubule polymerization. Mol. Biol. Cell 14, 1405-1417.Benink, H. A., Mandato, C. A. and Bement, W. M. (2000). Analysis of cortical flow models in vivo. Mol. Biol. Cell 11, 2553-2563.Korinek, W. S., Copeland, M. J., Chaudhuri, A. and Chant, J. (2000). Molecular linkage underlying microtubule orientation toward cortical sites in yeast. Science 287, 2257-2259.


Question 1: Can I mix taxol with my cell culture media and store at 4°C?

Answer 1: No, we do not recommend storing cell culture media with taxol (Cat. # TXD01). The taxol could precipitate out of solution at 4°C since the taxol is prepared in a 100% DMSO solution. Instead, add taxol to warm cell culture media to be used on the day of the experiment.

Question 2: Can I incubate my cells with taxol to affect in vivo tubulin polymerization?

Answer 2: In-house testing demonstrates that 1 hour with 0.5 or 1 mM taxol (Cat. # TXD01) produces a robust increase in microtubules in Swiss 3T3 fibroblast cells.

If you have any questions concerning this product, please contact our Technical Service department at

Cytoskeleton运动蛋白Cytoskeleton Motor Werks™(CMW)产品线由Cytoskeleton独家制造和销售。这些产品促进了运动蛋白领域的研究和药物开发(Funk et al。2005)。我们致力于生产真核和真菌来源的高纯度和具有生物活性的驱动蛋白和肌球蛋白家族蛋白。这些试剂旨在用于抗有丝分裂药物的发现和运动活性的机理研究。Cytoskeleton Motor Werks™系列产品还包含几种Biochem Kits™,抗体和其他与运动相关的试剂(例如,微管稳定剂紫杉醇,目录号TXD01)和蛋白质(例如,预先形成的微管,目录号MT002)。  有关运动蛋白的更多信息,请单击上方的关于标签。  从以下类别中选择:药物和缓冲液F-肌动蛋白丝套件微管蛋白质类