Cytoskeleton/Heavy meromyosin protein/4x50 ug/MH01


Product Uses Include

  • Measurement of F-actin activated ATPase activity
  • Identification/characterization of proteins or small molecules that affect heavy meromyosinATPase activity
  • Identification/characterization of proteins or small molecules that affect heavy meromyosin Factininteraction

MaterialHeavy meromyosin has been produced by α-chymotrypsin proteolytic cleavage of full-length myosin II protein isolated from rabbit skeletal muscle. Heavy meromyosin consists of an active motor fragment consisting of two head domains connected by their subfragment-2 (S2) regions and two pairs of light chains, essential light chain (ELC) and regulatory light chain (RLC), see Figure 1. Heavy meromyosin has been determined to be biologically active in an F-actin activated ATPase assay. Heavy meromyosin is supplied as a white lyophilized powder. When reconstituted in nanopure water, the protein will be in the following buffer: 10 mM Imidizole pH 7.0, 50 mM KCl, 3 mM MgCl2, 1 mM DTT, 5% sucrose and 1% dextran. The lyophilized protein is stable at 4°C desiccated (<10% humidity) for 1 year.


Figure 1. Diagrammatic representation of the myosin II protein and its subfragments. Myosin II or conventional myosin is a hexameric protein consisting of two heavy chains and two light chains. Myosin II can be proteolytically cleaved into heavy meromyosin (HMM) and light meromyosin(LMM) by α-chymotrypsin. Heavy meromyosin consists of the myosin head subfragment-1 domain (S1), its associated light chains (essential light chains and regulatory light chains), and the coiled-coil subfragment -2 domain. Light meromyosin consists of coiled-coil protein structure. The myosin S1-subfragment is produced by papain digestion of HMM.

PurityProtein purity is determined by scanning densitometry of Coomassie Blue stained protein on a 4-20% gradient polyacrylamide gel. Heavy meromyosin protein was determined to be 70% pure (see Figure 2).


Figure 2. Heavy meromyosin purity determination. A 10 µg sample of MH01 was separated by electrophoresis in a 4-20% SDS-PAGE system, and stained with Coomassie Blue. Arrow indicates the truncated myosin head domain (approx. 150 kDa), arrowheads indicate the RLC (approx. 20 kDa) and ELC (approx. 17 kDa). Protein quantitation was performed using the Precision Red Protein Assay Reagent (Cat. # ADV02).

Biological ActivityThe biological activity of rabbit heavy meromyosin is determined from its rate of F-actin activated ATP hydrolysis. A standard biological assay for monitoring ATP hydrolysis by heavy meromyosin consists of an in vitro F-actin ATPase assay (Cat. # BK054). Stringent quality control ensures that in the presence of F-actin, rabbit heavy meromyosin will have a minimum hydrolysis rate 500 fold greater than in the absence of F-actin.


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Li, Y., Lin, J. L., Reiter, R. S., Daniels, K., Soll, D. R. and Lin, J. J. (2004). Caldesmon mutant defective in Ca2+-calmodulin binding interferes with assembly of stress fibers and affects cell morphology, growth and motility. J. Cell Sci. 117, 3593-3604.Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos, A., Huang, S. C. and Benz, E. J., Jr. (2000). A nonerythroid isoform of protein 4.1R interacts with components of the contractile apparatus in skeletal myofibers. Mol. Biol. Cell 11, 3805-3817.


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Cytoskeleton运动蛋白Cytoskeleton Motor Werks™(CMW)产品线由Cytoskeleton独家制造和销售。这些产品促进了运动蛋白领域的研究和药物开发(Funk et al。2005)。我们致力于生产真核和真菌来源的高纯度和具有生物活性的驱动蛋白和肌球蛋白家族蛋白。这些试剂旨在用于抗有丝分裂药物的发现和运动活性的机理研究。Cytoskeleton Motor Werks™系列产品还包含几种Biochem Kits™,抗体和其他与运动相关的试剂(例如,微管稳定剂紫杉醇,目录号TXD01)和蛋白质(例如,预先形成的微管,目录号MT002)。  有关运动蛋白的更多信息,请单击上方的关于标签。  从以下类别中选择:药物和缓冲液F-肌动蛋白丝套件微管蛋白质类