Cytoskeleton/Rhodamine fibronectin/5x20 ug/FNR01


Product Uses Include

  • Tracking cell movement through a 3D matrix
  • Tracking cell movement across a glass slide
  • Observation of fibronectin matrix assembly and cell adhesion.
  • FACS analysis of fibronectin binding cells

MaterialFibronectin purified from bovine plasma and has been modified to contain a covalently linked rhodamine fluorescent dye. An activated ester of rhodamine has been used to label the protein with a labeling stoichiometry of apprximately 1.0 dyes per protein molecule, a low labeling stiochiometry to retain functional activity. No free dye is apparent in the final product. Fibronectin has an approximate molecular weight of 250 kDa. FNR01 (20 µg of protein) is provided as a lyophilized powder.

Fluorescent Fibronectin Treated MCF10A cells


Fluorescent fibronectin (Cat. # FNR01) treated MCF10Acells (image kindly provided by A. Varadara and M. Karthykenyan, Univ. S.Carolina,Columbia, SC).

PurityPurity is determined by scanning densitometry of proteins on SDS-PAGE gels. Samples are >90% pure. No free dye is apparent in the final product. 


Figure 1: Rhodamine Fibronectin Purity Determination. A 20 µg sample of rhodamine fibronectin (molecular weight approx. 250 kDa) was separated by electrophoresis oin a 4-20% SDS-PAGE system and stained with Coomassie Blue.


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Varadaraj, Archana et al. “TGF-β triggers rapid fibrillogenesis via a novel TβRII-dependent fibronectin-trafficking mechanism.” Molecular biology of the cell vol. 28,9 (2017): 1195-1207. doi:10.1091/mbc.E16-08-0601
Mana, Giulia et al. “PPFIA1 drives active α5β1 integrin recycling and controls fibronectin fibrillogenesis and vascular morphogenesis.” Nature communications vol. 7 13546. 23 Nov. 2016, doi:10.1038/ncomms13546

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Question 1: What is the optimal excitation and emission filter settings to visualize the rhodamine fluorescence?

Answer 1: Rhodamine fibronectin can be detected using a filter set of 535 nm excitation and 585 nm emission.

Question 2: What is the labeling stoichiometry?

Answer 2: Rhodamine labeling stoichiometry was calculated to be 1-3 dyes per fibronectin protein using the absorbance maximum for rhodamine at 565 nm and the Beer-Lambert law. Dye extinction coefficient when protein bound is 70,000 M-1cm-1.

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Cytoskeleton运动蛋白Cytoskeleton Motor Werks™(CMW)产品线由Cytoskeleton独家制造和销售。这些产品促进了运动蛋白领域的研究和药物开发(Funk et al。2005)。我们致力于生产真核和真菌来源的高纯度和具有生物活性的驱动蛋白和肌球蛋白家族蛋白。这些试剂旨在用于抗有丝分裂药物的发现和运动活性的机理研究。Cytoskeleton Motor Werks™系列产品还包含几种Biochem Kits™,抗体和其他与运动相关的试剂(例如,微管稳定剂紫杉醇,目录号TXD01)和蛋白质(例如,预先形成的微管,目录号MT002)。  有关运动蛋白的更多信息,请单击上方的关于标签。  从以下类别中选择:药物和缓冲液F-肌动蛋白丝套件微管蛋白质类