- SAHA (Vorinostat)
- 探测系统
- 雌酮ELISA试剂盒
- 成分辅助试剂
- Triiodothyronine (T3) ELISA Kit
- Pregnanediol-3-Glucuronide (PDG) ELISA Kit
- 别孕孕酮ELISA试剂盒
- 左炔诺孕酮(LNG)ELISA试剂盒
- Corticosterone Chemiluminescent ELISA Kit
- BRL-50481
- 甲状腺素(T4)ELISA试剂盒
- BML-278
- Testosterone ELISA Kit
- IOX1型
- 谷胱甘肽比色反应杯检测试剂盒
- 心钠素ELISA试剂盒
- Sirtinol
- Retinol Binding Protein (RBP) Multi-Format ELISA Kit

The DetectX® Aldosterone Chemluminescent Immunoassay (CLIA) kit is designed to quantitatively measure Aldosterone present in extracted serum and plasma, or in urine, extracted dried fecal samples, and tissue culture media samples. An aldosterone stock solution is provided to generate a standard curve. The kit has a standard range from 1,500 to 2.06 pg/mL. Samples are pipetted into a white microtiter plate coated with an antibody to capture sheep antibodies. An aldosterone-peroxidase conjugate is added to the standards and samples in the wells. The binding reaction is initiated by the addition of a polyclonal antibody to aldosterone to each well. After incubation overnight at 4°C, the plate is washed and chemiluminescent substrate is added. The substrate reacts with the bound aldosterone-peroxidase conjugate. The substrate reacts with the bound corticosterone-peroxidase conjugate to produce light.