Biotin‐NHS ester reagent enables simple and efficient biotin labeling of amine-containing organic molecules, antibodies, proteins and any other primary amine-containing biomolecules in solution. NH2-activated biotins require an organic solvent such as DMSO or DMF to be dissolved.
Formula: C14H19N3O5S
MW: 341.38 g/mol
Storage/Handling: Store at -20°C. Product shipped at ambient temperature. Soluble in DMSO or DMF
Highlights:- Biotin‐NHS ester reacts rapidly with any primary amine-containing molecule to attach the biotin label via a stable amide bond. - Biotin‐NHS ester is water insoluble - must be dissolved in DMSO or DMF before further dilution in aqueous buffers. - Spacer arm is 13.5 angstroms. - High purity, crystalline biotin labeling reagents can be used to create high-quality biotin-labeled derivatives biotinylation reagents.
★活体技术荧光检测荧光蛋白标记适用于标记细胞、病毒、基因等,通常使用的是 GFP、EGFP、RFP(DsRed)等;荧光染料标记适用于标记抗体、多肽、小分子药物等;常用的有 Cy3、Cy5、Cy5.5 及 Cy7量子点标记(新的标记方法)适用于标记肿瘤,主要应用在活细胞实时动态荧光观察与成像;量子点(quantum dot) 是一种能发射荧光的半导体纳米微晶体,外观恰似一极小的点状物。量子点荧光比有机荧光染料的发射光强的 20 倍,稳定性强 100 倍以上,具有荧光发光光谱较窄、量子产率高、不易漂白、激发光谱宽、颜色可调,并且光化学稳定性高,不易分解等诸多优点。