Orfamide B is a component of a family of cyclic lipopeptides produced by Pseudomonas fluorescens, reported in 2007. The orfamides were discovered by employing genomic analysis with an isotope-guided fractionation to identify metabolites produced by orphan gene clusters containing non-ribosomal peptide synthetases. Orfamide B has not been further investigated, although its activity is thought to parallel that of orfamide A and other cyclic lipopeptides produced by Pseudomonas.
Orfamide B is soluble in ethanol, methanol, DMF or DMSO. Poor water solubility.
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TOKU-E植物生物学植物生物学,基因工程,改变植物生长特性。植物生物学是指植物的科学和研究。植物的特性和生长可以通过多种方式进行改变,包括基因工程和各种生长调节剂或激素的使用。可以通过农杆菌介导的转化或其他方法将DNA导入植物, 其中将质粒上的目标基因从农杆菌 细胞中转移 并整合到植物组织中。植物还易受细菌和真菌性植物病原体的侵害,而使用低毒性抗生素 和 抗真菌药可以控制或消除这些病原体 。