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Relia Tech类似于我们在大肠杆菌中的蛋白质表达服务,我们还提供了围绕昆虫细胞中基因和蛋白质表达(尤其是信号蛋白质)的模块化服务系统。ReliaTech的“杆状病毒表达服务(BVS)”分为一系列步骤,这些步骤可以单独执行或组合执行,因此您可以选择实际需要的步骤。这些服务旨在充分满足从基因表达到蛋白质纯化的所有特定需求-从通过重组杆状病毒构建,高滴度重组杆状病毒生产,重组蛋白批量生产以及最终蛋
Relia Tech公司新闻
Description:Prolactin (PRL) is a neuroendocrine pituitary hormone. Prolactin is synthesized by the anterior pituitary, placenta, brain, uterus, dermal fibroblasts, decidua, B cells, T cells, NK cells and breast cancer cells. Originally characterized ...
2021-05-17 阅读量(4)
Description:Lin28 is a RNA-binding protein that belongs to a diverse family of structurally-related transcription factors. Lin28 is found abundantly in embryonic stem cells (ESCs), and to a lesser extent in placenta and testis. Lin28 has been shown t...
2018-07-04 阅读量(11)
Description:IL-17B is a disulfide-linked homodimer of two 161 amino acid polypeptide chains. It belongs to the IL-17 family of structurally-related cytokines that share a highly conserved C-terminal region but differ from one another in their N-termi...
2018-07-25 阅读量(4)
Stability:The lyophilized protein is stable at room temperature for 1 month and at 4°C for 6 months. Reconstituted working aliquots are stable for 1 week at 2°C to 8°C and for 3 months at -20°C to -80°C.Reconstitution:Reconstitute in water to a conce...
2018-08-14 阅读量(1)
Description:G-CSF is a hematopoietic growth factor that stimulates the development of committed progenitor cells to neutrophils and enhances the functional activities of the mature end-cell. It is produced in response to specific stimulation by a var...
2018-08-27 阅读量(1)
Description:Epigen is an EGF-related polypeptide growth factor that signals through the ErbB receptor-1. It is produced in several tissues, including the testis, liver, heart and in certain tumor cells. Epigen is mitogenic for fibroblasts and epithel...
2019-01-03 阅读量(1)
Description:RANKL and RANK are members of the TNF superfamily of ligands and receptors that play an important role in the regulation of specific immunity and bone turnover. RANK (receptor) was originally identified as a dendritic-cell-membrane protei...
2019-01-04 阅读量(20)
Stability:The lyophilized human SCF, though stable at room temperature, is best stored desiccated below 0 °C. Reconstituted human SCF should be stored in working aliquots at -20 °C. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cyclesReconstitution:Human SCF should be ...
2019-01-09 阅读量(34)
Stability:Lyophilized samples are stable for greater than six months at -20 °C to -70 °C. Reconstituted EGFL7 should be stored in working aliquots at -20 °C. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles!Reconstitution:The lyophilized mouse EGFL7 should be recon...
2019-01-14 阅读量(34)
Description:Slit2 is a member of the Slit family that signals through the Roundabout (Robo) receptor as a repellent for axon guidance and neuronal migration, and can also act as a chemo attractant to vascular endothelial cells and a chemotaxis inhibi...
2019-01-17 阅读量(0)
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