For isolation of CD8+ CD62L+ CD45RA- central memory T cells from peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The kit includes all Fab Streptamer® components for double positive selection and for one depletion of cell subsets with magnetic microbeads*and for removal of Streptamers from isolated cells.
1.) Strep-Tactin® Magnetic Microbeads for Fab Streptamers; 4 vials for 5x10^8 cells each
2.) CD8 Fab-Strep, human for isolation of T-cells; 1 vial for 1x10^9 cells
3.) CD62L Fab-Strep, human for isolation of T-cells; 1 vial for 5x10^8 cells
4.) CD45RA Fab-Strep, human for isolation of T-cells; 1 vial for 5x10^8 cells
5.) D-Biotin stock solution for Streptamer® technology; 3x 1 ml
6.) Buffer IS, Streptamer® Washing Buffer, 10x concentrated; 2x 50 ml
This product requires dry ice shipment and is shipped directly from our Headquarters in Germany.
*Microbeads are intended for use with a permanent magnet for manual cell isolation; we recommend our StrepMan magnet for 2 x 15 ml and 2 x 50 ml Falcon tubes.
Principle of Selection:
Isolation of human CD8+ CD62L+ CD45RA- central memory T cells is performed by serial double positive selection and one depletion step. In a first step PBMCs are labeled with magnetic CD8 Fab Streptamers. Labeled cells are isolated in a strong magnet (StrepMan, horizontal position) where they migrate toward the tube wall on the side of the magnet. This CD8 positive cell fraction is collected and cells are liberated from all labeling reagents by addition of biotin in a strong magnet (StrepMan, upright position).The magnetic Streptamers migrate toward the tube wall and the label-free cells remain in the supernatant. Biotin is removed by washing.
The pure and label-free CD8 positive cells are subjected to a second positive selection with magnetic CD62L Fab Streptamers following the same procedure. The CD8+ CD62L+ T cells are then subjected to a depletion step with CD45RA Fab Streptamers. The resulting cell preparation is highly enriched with CD8+ CD62L+ CD45RA- central memory T cells with a purity of more than 90%. No columns are needed.
IBA-lifesciences蛋白质生产与分析的Strep-标签® 系统是基于在自然界中最强的非共价相互作用,这是生物素与链霉抗的相互作用中的一个。它允许纯化,检测和固定重组蛋白。该系统包括两个亲和标签:链球菌标签® II和双Strep-标签®。此肽序列表现出对内在亲和力链球菌-Tactin ®和 链霉素- Tactin ® XT中,两个特别设计的链霉的变体。通过利用高度特异性的相互作用,可以在第一步中以无与伦比的纯度从粗细胞裂解物中分离出带有Strep标签的蛋白。因为Strep-标签®温和,在生理条件下洗脱它特别适合用于产生功能性蛋白例如酶蛋白。Strep- tag® 融合蛋白所需的温和(生理)纯化和洗脱条件使其适用于结构和功能研究,蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用研究,配体-受体研究,甚至分离活细胞以进行再培养。该系统适用于多种蛋白质类别,例如金属蛋白质,膜蛋白质,具有多个亚基的易碎蛋白质复合物以及任何其他蛋白质类别。此外,双Strep标签的近共价亲和力®到链球菌-Tactin ® XT可以用于为检测开发有效地固定化的蛋白质。这使该系统成为通用平台,并且优于所有其他亲和系统:一个标签可用于表达,纯化,检测和固定。