The kit allows the selection of CD4+ T cells directly from whole blood, buffy coat or PBMCs.
The Kit includes:
- 4x Fab-TACS® Gravity column (Capacity: 1x 10^8 target cells per column)
- CD4 Fab-Strep, human
- Buffer CI (10x)
- Biotin stock solution
- 1x Fab-TACS® Gravity Adapter
*Cat. No. 6-3202-004 replaces Cat. No. 6-6202-004 (the products are identical)
The Fab-TACS® Gravity column is filled with a Strep-Tactin® coated matrix made of cell-grade agarose. Strep-tagged Fab fragments (Fab-Streps) specifically bind to the matrix. Subsequently, whole blood or other blood preparations pass through the column. Target cells adhere to the matrix based on the exclusive binding of the Fab-Strep to the target cell. Non-target cells are efficiently washed away. In a final step, the addition of biotin causes the elution of the target cells and the Fab-Streps. After elution, the Fab-Streps self-dissociate from the cell surfaces. The label-free authentic target cells are now ready for further downstream applications.
IBA-lifesciences蛋白质生产与分析的Strep-标签® 系统是基于在自然界中最强的非共价相互作用,这是生物素与链霉抗的相互作用中的一个。它允许纯化,检测和固定重组蛋白。该系统包括两个亲和标签:链球菌标签® II和双Strep-标签®。此肽序列表现出对内在亲和力链球菌-Tactin ®和 链霉素- Tactin ® XT中,两个特别设计的链霉的变体。通过利用高度特异性的相互作用,可以在第一步中以无与伦比的纯度从粗细胞裂解物中分离出带有Strep标签的蛋白。因为Strep-标签®温和,在生理条件下洗脱它特别适合用于产生功能性蛋白例如酶蛋白。Strep- tag® 融合蛋白所需的温和(生理)纯化和洗脱条件使其适用于结构和功能研究,蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用研究,配体-受体研究,甚至分离活细胞以进行再培养。该系统适用于多种蛋白质类别,例如金属蛋白质,膜蛋白质,具有多个亚基的易碎蛋白质复合物以及任何其他蛋白质类别。此外,双Strep标签的近共价亲和力®到链球菌-Tactin ® XT可以用于为检测开发有效地固定化的蛋白质。这使该系统成为通用平台,并且优于所有其他亲和系统:一个标签可用于表达,纯化,检测和固定。