HansaBioMed/Immunoplate for Overall Exosome capture from human saliva - Covalent coating (5 white plates)/HBM-POSL-CC/W5


Immunoplates for Overall Exosome capture from human saliva.



White 5 standard 96-well format pre-coated plates

Sample type

Human saliva

Exosome capiture

Overall exosome

Starting material

Up to 100 µL of biological sample can be loaded per well.

Unfractionated human saliva sample can be directly used for capture.

Product overview

Our multiwell plates are standard 96-well format where assays can be conducted as singletons and/or multiple wells. This enables optimization of a wide range of sandwich ELISA assays or other downstream applications, such as RNA extraction and proteomic analyses. Transparent, white and black plates are available depending on the downstream detection approach (colorimetric, luminometric and fluorimetric).

Antibody used for coating

Polyclonal rabbit antibodies




The plate is packaged in an opaque aluminum pouch which complies to food and pharmaceutical regulations.

Easy to open and re-sealable by zip-lock feature.

Shipment and storage

Immunoplates are shipped at 4°C and storage conditions as recommended in the product insert.

Expiration date

Unopened: 2 year stored at 4°C

Opened: 6 month stored at 4°C


Proteomic analyses

Exosomes incorporate a wide range of membranes and cytosolic proteins involved in many cellular functions and reflecting both their endosomal origin and a protein fingerprint unique for parent cell type and condition. HBM Immunoplates are an useful platform for Exosome capture from different biological sources and allow quantification through ELISA technique of protein exosomal markers.

Work with exosomal RNA

Exosomes shuttle RNA molecules (mRNAs and miRNAs), both classes proved to be functional in target cell, being translated or modulating gene silencing, respectively. Overall, exosome molecular composition distinguishes resting from activated, healthy from diseased cells.

RNA extraction could be performed after capturing exosomes on the plate. Recommended for RNA extraction: HansaBioMed Exosome Total RNA Extraction Kit.

Total exosome quantification

Immunoplates are part of the Ready to Use Kit for capture and quantification. The kit contains all the necessary components exosome quantification.

Related products:

Exosome standards

RNA extraction kits

Quantification kits

HansaBioMed抗体抗体是基础研究,开发人类疾病的诊断测试和疗法的重要工具。包括外泌体的细胞外囊泡(EV)表达的抗原具有3D构象和/或翻译后修饰,通常不同于细胞对应物。因此,目前市场上可买到的大多数抗体都无法以足够的敏感性和特异性识别与EV相关的抗原。HBM与Exosomics Siena Spa合作,已验证了针对常见(CD63,CD81,ALIX)和疾病特异性(癌症和神经退行性疾病)EV标记的多克隆和单克隆抗体清单单克隆AB(9)多克隆AB(5)