4000-520-616 / 18915418616
Nanocs代理        在生命科学领域,苏州蚂蚁淘生物为业界提供了丰富的实验室和生物医药生产研发的产品。庆祝苏州蚂蚁淘生物正式成为Nanocs品牌修饰性PEG的签约代理商,在这里要感谢广大客户多年来对苏州蚂蚁淘生物科技有限公司的支持和厚爱,我们将一如既往的为广大客户带来Nanocs品牌修饰性PEG高品质的产品和服务,欢迎广大新老客户
Description:Alkyne functionalized polyethylene glycol (Alk-PEG-X) is a bifunctional PEG derivative that can be used to modify proteins, peptides and other materials via Click Chemistry. Alkyne group can react with azide in aqueous solution catalyzed ...
2019-01-06 阅读量(4)
Folic acid PEG Biotin, Biotin PEG Folate, MW 2000DescriptionFolic acid PEG Biotin, also called Folate PEG biotin, is one of Nanocs reactive folic acid PEG derivatives. Biotin binds to avidin or streptavidin with high affinity. Biotin/streptavidin sys...
2019-01-09 阅读量(10)
Description:Hydrazide functionalizedpolyethylene glycol (PEG NHNH2) is a reactive PEG derivative that can be used to modify proteins, peptides and other materials via carboxylic group (-COOH) or other amine reactive chemical groups. It also reacts qu...
2019-01-10 阅读量(3)
Description: Nanocs DSPE PEG aldehyde is a phospholipid PEG derivative with amine reactive aldehyde group. Aldeyde PEG is a common N-terminal amine group pegylation reagent. The reaction between aldehyde group with the α-amine at the N-terminus produ...
2019-01-11 阅读量(8)
Blue Colored Silica beads Product description:Blue colored silica nanoparticles or micro beads from Nanocs have narrow size distribution yet with multiple size selection from 5 nm to 50 microns. Blue colored silica beads can be easily viewed by naked...
2019-01-11 阅读量(18)
DSPE PEG Folate, Folic acid PEG DSPE, MW 5000.DSPE PEG Folic acid, also called DSPE PEG folate, is one of Nanocs phospholipid PEG derivatives that can be used for folate receptor targeting. Folic acid is also known as vitamin M, vitamin B9 or pteroyl...
2019-01-12 阅读量(8)
Description:Nanocs provides a variety ofchemically functionalized and bioconjugated albumin (Bovine), BSA with different functionality. These functional BSA products were purified by size chromatography to remove non-conjugated molecules and ensure a...
2019-01-12 阅读量(5)
Description:Polystyrene Particles from Nanocs have narrow size distribution yet with multiple size selection from 20 nm to 10 microns. These particles are suspended in 1% aqeuous solution. Standard deviation of these particles is in the range of 10% ...
2019-01-12 阅读量(4)
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