CD24 can be found on most B lymphocytes as well as on differentiating neuroblasts and granulocytes. It is frequently associated with breast cancer, and has been found to be highly expressed in ovarian cancer. CD24 has also been found to be expressed on disseminated tumor cells, making it a potential target for therapeutics to combat metastasis.
Anti-CD24-SAP eliminates cells expressing human CD24.
This product is being offered as part of our Beta Testing program. It has saporin activity confirmed, peptide sequences published/confirmed, and/or antibody binding specificity published/confirmed. It has not been characterized or reported in scientific literature. The researcher who first publishes data* will receive a $500 credit for use on ATS products.
*Data subject to review by the scientific team at ATS. See complete details here.
Advanced Targeting Solutions(ATS)是一家位于圣地亚哥的生物技术公司,致力于为科学研究和药物开发提供高质量的靶向试剂。ATS被称为“萨波林人”,最初致力于为神经科学研究界提供研究工具。多年来,这些工具已用于科学研究和药物开发的所有领域。公司目前的产品线包括针对性毒素,抗体和定制服务,旨在帮助科学家研究系统功能,细胞功能,疾病和病症。ATS率先将靶向结合物用于“分子手术”技术。这些产品包括针对胆碱能性前脑神经元,去甲肾上腺素能和肾上腺素能神经元,巨噬细胞和小胶质细胞的特定损伤剂,以及能侵袭所有神经元上表达的抗原决定簇的泛神经元剂。此外,ATS还出售“次级结合物”,使用户可以将自己的靶向剂转化为特定的细胞毒性工具,并筛选抗体进行内在化。ATS已商业化,并提供了由Douglas Lappi博士开发和完善的Saporin技术平台的访问权限。拉皮博士与医学博士Ronald Wiley合作。在他们的学术实验室中,以验证使用主要的皂素结合物192-IgG-SAP来建立阿尔茨海默氏病模型。丹妮丝·希金斯(Denise Higgins)将她的业务专长和国际销售/营销经验带到了团队中,并将继续致力于将这一创新技术带给全球科学家。