08:0 DGPP
dioctanoylglycerol pyrophosphate (ammonium salt)
Diacylglycerol pyrophosphate (DGPP), involved in a novel signaling pathway, has been found in plants, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Escherichia coli and macrophage-activating factor, and suggests a potential role for this compound in triggering homeostatic cellular responses.
Biological Applications:
Short chain DGPP (DiC8)
DiC8 DGPP is added to a test tube as a chloroform solution and the solvent is removed. Add water or buffer to the dry lipid residue followed by sonication. The solution is added to cells directly. The short chain DGPP is taken up by mammalian cells and by yeast.
Long chain DGPP (DiC18:1)
DiC18:1 DGPP is added to a test tube as a chloroform solution and the solvent is removed. Add 0.5% Tergitol (detergent) solution and add this to cells.
Biological Application — "I am not sure how well the long chain DGPP is taken up in yeast cells, that is why we synthesized the DiC8 compound. We only use the long chain compound as a standard for TLC, HPLC and for DGPP phosphatase assays".
Storage Conditions — "Store concentrated, ~25mg/ml in chloroform. Concentrations below 10mg/ml are not as stable".
Personal communication, George M. Carman, Sept. 1999
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