Product Category:
Pre-made recombinant
AAV; AAV-Synapsin-Cre; AAV1-Synapsin-Cre; AAV-Syn-Cre; AAV1-Syn-Cre
AAV1-Synapsin-Cre is
a pre-packaged rAAV in serotype 1 (with capsid from AAV serotype 1 and 2xITR
from AAV serotype 2) which over-expresses Cre recombinase
under human synapsin promoter for exclusive neuronal expression. This product used in the Cre-lox system as a
genetic tool to generate site-specific recombination of DNA between loxP sites
in cultured cells and animal experiments.
Ready to use format.
> 1x1013 VG/mL
>30 µL(Std Pack)
Storage Buffer:
Sterile PBS
Infection Protocol:
Vector Map: