Jackson公司二抗现货供应Jackson ImmunoResearch公司是美国著名的二抗生产厂商,DyLigh™系列荧光标记是一种近年来被广泛应用的新型荧光染料,主要优点为:具有更好的光谱宽度、更强的荧光强度、更高的光学耐受性(抗淬灭性)、对pH不敏感和分子小而渗透性更好。DylightTM荧光染料激发和发射光谱:荧光染料最大激发波长(nm)最大发射波长(nm)相似染料DyLight 405
DNA 连接酶催化相邻 5’端之间磷酸二酯键的形成。 PO4 和 3
2017-11-29 阅读量(5)
原标题:Jackson公司最好卖的五个产品,居然不都是二抗!? 继上次小蚂蚁水了一把Parafilm 封口膜的科普后,今天逗逼的我再来告诉您可能不知道的真相。 说到Jackson ImmunoResearch Inc. 生物医学行业的同仁们可能都知道他们家的二抗(做好心理准备,人家卖的好的不一定都是二抗哦),但是您知道他们家卖的最好的产品是哪几个吗?根据蚂蚁淘的市场情报分析,客官请上眼。 TOP 1 115-035-003 Peroxidase AffiniPure Goat Anti-Mous...
2017-12-14 阅读量(11)
Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories, Inc. 公司成立于1982年,专业致力于亲合纯化的第二抗体和纯化的免疫球蛋白的生产和偶联。Jackson的二抗产品,具有产品新、多、全,及纯度高、特异性强、背景干净的特点,深受广大研究人员的认可,销售范围遍布全球, 领域包括植物,动物和生物医学等多个研究领域。一、Jackson ImmunoResearch产品种类1) 6nm, 12nm, 18nm电镜级的胶体金二抗复合物2) (Anti-Digoxin)3)抗生物素 ...
2017-12-26 阅读量(31)
Whole IgG antibodies are isolated as intact molecules from antisera by immunoaffinity chromatography. They have an Fc portion and two antigen binding Fab portions joined together by disulfide bonds and therefore they are divalent. The average molecul...
2018-01-01 阅读量(34)
Fab fragment antibodies are generated by papain digestion of whole IgG antibodies to remove the entire Fc portion, including the hinge region. These antibodies are monovalent, containing only a single antigen binding site. The molecular weight of Fab...
2018-01-04 阅读量(31)
Whole IgG antibodies are isolated as intact molecules from antisera by immunoaffinity chromatography. They have an Fc portion and two antigen binding Fab portions joined together by disulfide bonds and therefore they are divalent. The average molecul...
2018-01-07 阅读量(18)
Whole IgG antibodies are isolated as intact molecules from antisera by immunoaffinity chromatography. They have an Fc portion and two antigen binding Fab portions joined together by disulfide bonds and therefore they are divalent. The average molecul...
2018-01-08 阅读量(39)
Whole IgG antibodies are isolated as intact molecules from antisera by immunoaffinity chromatography. They have an Fc portion and two antigen binding Fab portions joined together by disulfide bonds and therefore they are divalent. The average molecul...
2018-01-08 阅读量(29)
Polyclonal antisera from immunized hosts are lipid extracted to improve clarity, salt fractionated, dialyzed against phosphate buffered saline containing sodium azide and freeze-dried. Antisera against whole serums are obtained by immunizing host ani...
2018-01-14 阅读量(102)
Whole IgG antibodies are isolated as intact molecules from antisera by immunoaffinity chromatography. They have an Fc portion and two antigen binding Fab portions joined together by disulfide bonds and therefore they are divalent. The average molecul...
2018-01-16 阅读量(17)
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