4000-520-616 / 18915418616

Enzymatics/Exonuclease III/50,000 U/X8020L


Exonuclease III is a 3′→5′ exonuclease which acts by digesting one strand of a dsDNA duplex at a time or digesting the RNA strand of an RNA-DNA heteroduplex (1). Exonuclease III breaks phosphodiester bonds on the 5′ side of AP sites in both dsDNA and ssDNA (3), removes 3′ terminal groups on dsDNA (3), increases MutY turnover (4), and efficiently degrades 3′ recessed but not 3′ protruding DNA ends (creating 5′ overhangs) (5). Exo III removes a limited number of nucleotides per binding event, resulting in coordinated progressive deletions within the population of DNA molecules (1).

Source of ProteinPurified from a strain of E. coli that expresses the recombinant Exonuclease III gene.

Supplied in25 mM Tris-HCl50 mM KCl1.0 mM DTT0.1% mM EDTA50% GlycerolpH 8.0 @ 25°C

Supplied WithB0130 (10X Yellow Buffer)

10X Yellow Buffer (B0130)100 mM Bis-Tris-Propane-HCl100 mM MgCl210 mM DTTpH 7.0 @ 25°C

Unit DefinitionOne unit is defined as the amount of enzyme required to produce 1 nmol of acid-soluble total nucleotide in 30 minutes at 37°C.

货号:Enzymatics Y9040L 品名:T4 Polynucleotide Kinase(T4多核苷酸激酶) 产品描述: T4多核苷酸激酶(PNK)催化ATP的末端γ位磷酸酯转移和交换到双链和单链DNA,RNA和核苷3-单磷酸酯分子的5-羟基末端(1)。T4 PNK还表现出3-磷酸酶和2,3环磷酸二酯酶活性(2,3,4,5,6)。   规格: 10,000 U 浓度: 10,000 U/ml 保存: -25°C至-15°C 纯度(SDS-PAGE) > 99% 活性: 133,333U / mg SS核酸外切酶 2000 U <5.0% released DS核酸外切酶 2000 U <1.0% released DS内切核酸酶 2000 U = No conversion 大肠杆菌 DNA污染 2000 U <10 copies   蛋白质来源 从表达重组T4多核苷酸激酶基因的大肠杆菌中纯化而得。   补充: 10 mM Tris-HCl 50 mM KCl 0.1 碌M ATP 1.0 mM DTT 0.1 mM EDTA 50% glycerol pH 7.4 @ 25掳C   随附: B9040 (10X T4 Polynucleotide Kinase Buffer):   10X多核苷酸激酶缓冲液(B9040)700mM Tris-HCl  100mM MgCl 2 50mM DTT  pH 7.6在25℃   单位定义 一个单位定义为在1X T4多核苷酸激酶反应缓冲液中,37℃下30分钟内催化掺入1 nmol [ 32 P](ATP供体)的酶量。   质量控制分析   单位表征测定 单位活性使用2倍系列稀释法测量。在1X反应缓冲液中制备酶的稀释液,并将其加入到50μL含有10μMOligo dT单链DNA,1X PNK反应缓冲液和66μMATP的反应中,并将[γ- 32 P] ATP反应在37°孵育30分钟将其置于冰上,并使用Sambrook和Russell的方法(Molecular Cloning,v3,2001,pp.A8.25-A8.26)进行分析。   蛋白质浓度(OD 280)测量使用使用2.0mg / ml BSA样品(Pierce Cat#23209)标准化的Nanodrop ND-1000分光光度计 在OD 280处分析2.0μL酶样品并用产品储存溶液冲切。使用消光系数63,440和分子量34,620道尔顿将观察到的3个重复样品的平均测量结果转换为mg / mL。   SDS-Page(物理纯度评估) 将2.0μL酶溶液加载到变性的4-20%Tris-甘氨酸SDS-PAGE凝胶上,其侧翼为宽范围MW标记和2.0μL1:100稀释的样品。电泳后,将凝胶染色并比较样品以确定物理纯度。该测试的验收标准要求浓缩样品中污染带的总量不超过稀释样品中目的蛋白质条带的质量,确认浓缩样品的纯度大于99%。     部分产品信息: 货号 品名 规格 浓度 品牌 N2070-10-L ATP Solution  50 µmol 10 mM Enzymatics N2050-10-L 10 mM dNTP Solution Mix 100 µmol 10 mM Enzymatics N2010L 100 mM 75µmol dNTP Solution Set  75 µmol 100 mM Enzymatics N2010-A-L 100 mM dATP Solution  75 µmol 100 mM Enzymatics N2050L 100µmol dNTP Solution Mix  100 µmol 25 mM Enzymatics Y9180L 10x Uracil Cleavage System  750 Reactions N/A Enzymatics P7670 2x HiFi PCR Master Mix  1 rxn 2x Enzymatics Y9420L 5x ER/A-Tailing Enzyme Mix  24 reactions N/A Enzymatics Y9380L E. coli Pyrophosphatase  50 U 100 U/mL Enzymatics Y9030L E. coli Single-Stranded DNA Binding Protein  1.5 mg 2.75 mg/ml Enzymatics Y9140-HC-L End-Repair Mix (High Concentration)  75 Reactions 1 Rxn/µL Enzymatics Y9140-LC-L End-Repair Mix (Low Concentration)  200 Reactions 1 Rxn/µL Enzymatics Y9080L Endonuclease VIII  10,000 U 10,000 U/ml Enzymatics P7600L EnzScript™ (MMLV Reverse Transcriptase RNase H-)  10,000 U 200,000 U/mL Enzymatics X8010L Exonuclease I  30,000 U 20,000 U/ml Enzymatics X8020L Exonuclease III  50,000 U 100,000 U/ml Enzymatics P7010-HC-L Klenow (3′→ 5′ exo-) (High Concentration)  10,000 U 50,000 U/ml Enzymatics P7010-LC-L Klenow (3′→ 5′ exo-) (Low Concentration)  10,000 U 5,000 U/ml Enzymatics P7060L Klenow Fragment  2,500 U 5,000 U/ml Enzymatics X8030L Lambda Exonuclease  10,000 U 5,000 U/ml Enzymatics P7040L M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase  100,000 U 200,000 U/ml Enzymatics P7090L Mako DNA Polymerase (3→ 5 exo-)  3,000 U 30,000 U/ml Enzymatics P7140-HC-L Manta 1.0 DNA Polymerase (High Concentration)  100,000 U 400,000 U/ml Enzymatics P7140-LC-L Manta 1.0 DNA Polymerase (Low Concentration)  100,000 U 40,000 U/ml Enzymatics P7610L NGS Library Prep: 2X VeraSeq™ PCR Mix – 250 Reactions  250 Reactions 2X Enzymatics P7590L Phoenix™ Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase  500 U 5,000 U/ml Enzymatics P7460L Poly(A) Polymerase  1,000 U 5,000 U/mL Enzymatics Y9260L RecA  1.5 mg 2.0 mg/mL Enzymatics Y9220L RNAse H  5,000 U 5,000 U/ml Enzymatics Y9240L RNAse Inhibitor  20,000 U 40,000 U/ml Enzymatics L6010L T3 DNA Ligase  900,000 U 3,000,000 U/ml Enzymatics L6030-LC-L T4 DNA Ligase  150,000 U 120,000 U/ml Enzymatics L6030-HC-L T4 DNA Ligase (Rapid)  240,000 U 600,000 U/ml Enzymatics P7080L T4 DNA Polymerase  2,000 U 3,000 U/ml Enzymatics Y9130L T4 Gene 32 Protein  1.0 mg 10 mg/mL Enzymatics Y9040L T4 Polynucleotide Kinase  10,000 U 10,000 U/ml Enzymatics L6050L T4 RNA Ligase 1  10,000 U 20,000 U/ml Enzymatics L6080L T4 RNA Ligase 2  4,500 U 30,000 U/ml Enzymatics L6070L T4 RNA Ligase 2 Truncated  500 U 5,000 U/ml Enzymatics L6020L T7 DNA Ligase  900,000 U 3,000,000 U/ml Enzymatics P7260L T7 DNA Polymerase  3,500 U 10,000 U/ml Enzymatics P7180L T7 RNA Polymerase  50,000 U 50,000 U/ml Enzymatics L6060L Taq DNA Ligase  20,000 U 40,000 U/ml Enzymatics P7110L Taq DSC 2.0 DNA Polymerase  1,250 U 5,000 U/ml Enzymatics P7250L Taq-B DNA Polymerase  10,000 U 5,000 U/ml Enzymatics P7620L TaqIT  5,000 U 50,000 U/mL Enzymatics P7070L Terminal deoxynucleotidyl Transferase (TdT)  6,000 U 20,000 U/ml Enzymatics G5020L Thermolabile UDG  500 U 1,000 U/ml Enzymatics Y9370L Thermostable Pyrophosphatase  1,250 U 2,000 U/ml Enzymatics G5010L Uracil DNA Glycosylase  10,000 U 2,000 U/ml Enzymatics P7511L VeraSeq™ 2.0 High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase  500 U 2,000 U/ml Enzymatics P7520L VeraSeq™ ULtra DNA Polymerase  500 U 2,000 U/ml Enzymatics L6030-W-L WGS Ligase  24 Reactions N/A Enzymatics P7640L ZipScript™ One-Step RT-qPCR Kit  1000 Reactions N/A Enzymatics P7020-HC-L φ29 DNA Polymerase (High Concentration)  2,000 U 100,000 U/ml Enzymatics P7020-LC-L φ29 DNA Polymerase (Low Concentration)  2,000 U 10,000 U/ml Enzymatics