4000-520-616 / 18915418616

Glen research/DBCO-Serinol Phosphoramidite/1kit/10-1998-95M

品牌:Glen research
Technical Documents
Intellectual Property
Dilution/Coupling Data
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Technical Documents

Safety Data Sheet

Glen Report 30.12:DBCO-Serinol Phosphoramidite

Glen Report 32.16: Technical Snippets


Most popular non-nucleosidic phosphoramidites for modification and labeling are based on two structural types:  1,2-diols and 1,3-diols.  Products based on a 1,2-diol backbone were first described to allow amino-modification and biotin labeling.  Technically, the 1,2-diol backbone has some drawbacks relative to the 1,3-diol backbone.  The 1,2-diol backbone can participate in a dephosphorylation reaction since the 1,2-diol can form a favored 5-membered cyclic phosphate intermediate.  This reaction is competitive with simple hydrolysis of the protecting groups and leads to some loss of label.  However, the degree of loss at the 3’ terminus can be limited by the removal of the cyanoethyl protecting group using DBU or diethylamine prior to the cleavage and deprotection steps.  Similarly, loss at the 5’ terminus can be eliminated by retaining the DMT group until the oligo is fully deprotected.  Fortunately, the elimination reaction is virtually non-existent in the 1,3-diol backbone since the cyclic intermediate would be a 6-membered ring which is not favored for a cyclic phosphate intermediate.

IVD customers have requested a new backbone based on a 1,3-diol that would overcome any technical or IP issues surrounding our current products.  We now offer a line of products based on the serinol backbone, which have been developed in close collaboration between Glen Research and Nelson Biotechnologies.  Protected Biotin Serinol Phosphoramidite and CPG are protected with a t-butylbenzoyl group on the biotin ring.  This group is designed to stop any phosphoramidite reactions at this active position in biotin.  This protection avoids branching when using nucleophilic activators like DCI.  The protecting group is easily removed during oligonucleotide cleavage and deprotection.  The BiotinLC versions are similarly protected and should be useful for the synthesis of highly sensitive biotinylated probes.  6-Fluorescein Serinol Phosphoramidite and CPG are designed to prepare oligonucleotides containing one or several 6-Fluorescein (6-FAM) residues.  Amino-Modifier Serinol Phosphoramidite and CPG are used to add amino groups into one or several positions in oligonucleotides.  The amino group is protected with Fmoc, which may be removed on the synthesis column prior to solid-phase conjugation to the amino groups, or which may be removed during deprotection for subsequent solution phase conjugation to the amino groups. 

Combining lipoic acid and our patented serinol backbone, we now offer Dithiol Serinol Phosphoramidite and the related  3’-Dithiol Serinol CPG.  This unique architecture moves the bulky dithiol away from the phosphate backbone, making it suitable for conjugation to gold surfaces.  The long spacer arm of Dithiol Serinol also allows multiple consecutive incorporations of the modifier without the need for intermediate spacer phosphoramidite additions to achieve optimal stepwise coupling efficiency.



  • Coupling: 12 minute coupling time recommended. Note the DBCO Serinol is susceptible to damage by iodine during oxidation. To prevent loss of the DBCO label, use 0.5M CSO in anhydrous acetonitrile (40-4632-xx) and a 3 minute oxidation time for best results.
  • Deprotection: Ammonium hydroxide for 2 hr at 65 �C or as required by nucleobases
DiluentAnhydrous Acetonitrile
StorageStorage: Freezer storage, -10 to -30�C, dry
Stability1-2 Days

Intellectual Property

" Serinol products are covered by US Patent No.: 8,394,948.


Dilution/Coupling Data

The table below show pack size data and, for solutions, dilution and approximate coupling based on normal priming procedures.

ABI 392/394

Catalog #Pack SizeGrams/Pack0.1M Dil. (mL)Approximate Number of Additions
10-1998-020.25 g0.252.7578.334729.3821.3615.673.92
10-1998-90100 µmol0.09120127.55.4541
10-1998-9550 µmol0.050.53.3321.250.910.670.17


Catalog #Pack SizeGrams/PackDilution (mL)Approximate Number of Additions
10-1998-020.25 g0.254.10.0775.647.2534.364.73
10-1998-90100 µmol0.091.50.0723.614.7510.731.48
10-1998-9550 µmol0.050.750.078.65.383.910.54

Glen research表观遗传学是生物学和癌症研究中发展最快的领域之一。虽然基本的遗传密码定义了合成哪些蛋白质和基因产物,但表观遗传控制定义了它们何时何地表达。基因表达的这种动态控制对于X染色体失活,胚胎发生,细胞分化至关重要,并且似乎是记忆形成和突触可塑性的组成部分。在2009年,两份报告1,2  中所述5-羟甲基-2'-脱氧胞苷的发现(HMDC),浦肯野神经元和胚胎干细胞的新颖的DC修饰。后来,第三份报告发现这种修饰在与较高认知功能相关的脑组织中高度丰富。3 dC修饰是通过α-酮戊二酸依赖性十一种11易位(TET)酶的作用产生的,该酶将5-Me-dC氧化为hmdC。这一发现激发了关于可能通过例如碱基切除修复(BER)借助专门的DNA糖基化酶发生的活性脱甲基途径的讨论。或者,可以设想一种方法,其中将hmdC的羟甲基进一步氧化为5-甲酰基-dC(fdC)或5-羧基-dC(cadC),然后消除甲酸或二氧化碳4,5。Glen Research自成立以来就一直为这项研究提供支持,为合成包含所有新dC衍生物-hmdC,fdC和cadC的寡核苷酸提供了基础。第一代hmdC亚磷酰胺已被广泛接受,但需要相当苛刻的脱保护条件。因此,介绍了由Carell和同事开发的与UltraMild脱保护兼容的第二代构建基(5-Hydroxymethyl-dC II)。6  5-甲酰基-dC III旨在满足制备包含所有甲基化变体的寡核苷酸的所有要求。