
Yeast Ethanol Lysates for SDSPAGE and Western Blotting


  1. pick one colony
  2. inoculate in 3 ml of the appropriate media
  3. grow at 30° overnight
  4. pellet the cells (5 min, 5000g)
  5. wash 1X in sterile ddH2O
  6. re- suspend the pellet in 200 µl EthOH (optional: +2 µl PMSF)
  7. add approx. 100 µl glass beads (0.5 µ) in a reaction tube (you can use the cap of a 0.5 ml reaction tube as bucket)
  8. vortex vigorously for 2 min., cold (optimal is an auto- vortex like “vortex turbo-mix”)
  9. collect the supernatant in an fresh reaction tube
  10. add again 200 µl EthOH
  11. vortex
  12. collect the supernatant
  13. add again 200 µl EthOH
  14. vortex for 2 min
  15. (optional: repeat this again)
  16. collect the supernatant
  17. incubate at -20°C for 30 min or longer
  18. centrifuge 16000g, for 15 min at 4°C
  19. remove supernatant and re- suspend pellet in SDS page sample buffer and directly
  20. boil the samples to denature
  21. SDS Page and western blotting

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