MD Biosciences/Mouse OVA-IgE ELISA/96 wells/M036005N

品牌:MD Biosciences
  • Overview
  • Data/Specifications
  • Literature/Support
  • How It Works



IgE is the least abundant isotype but has the capability of triggering powerful immune responses by binding to Fc receptors on the surface of cells such as mast cells, basophils, eosinophils, monocytes, macrophages and platelets.

IgE is well known for its involvement in eliciting an allergic or asthmatic response.Ovalbumin (OVA) is widely used for inducing an allergic response in mouse models of allergic asthma. Through T and B cell signalling, IgE production is stimulated and released into the bloodstream where it attaches to receptors on cells such as mast cells and basophils. These cells are then activated upon cross-linking of the IgE with the antigen initiating the allergic cascade.




Sample Type :cell culture supernate, serum

Sample Preparation:dilute 1:10, adjust as needed

Test Volume:100 uL

Length:2 hours 15 min


Sensitivity:< 3.8 ng/mL



Product Insert:

Mouse OVA-IgE ELISA Insert (PDF, 276 KB)


ELISA Troubleshooting Guide

ELISA Data Reduction Guide

IgE mediated immune response in allergic asthma (blog post)

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Tissue-specific effects of allergic rhinitis in mouse nasal epithelia Carr, V.M. et al., Chem Senses, Sep 2012; 37: 655 - 668. Serum from individual animals was analyzed for the presence ofOVA-specific IgE using an ELISA kit purchased from MD Bioproducts.
Lpa2 is a negative regulator of both dendritic cell activation and murine models of allergic lung inflammation Emo, J et al., J. Immunol., Apr 2012; 188: 3784 - 3790Serum from individual animals was analyzed for the presence of OVA-specific IgE using an ELISA kit purchasedfrom MD Bioproducts.
Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor–γ Agonist Induces Regulatory T Cells in a Murine Model of Allergic Rhinitis Wang, W. et al., Otolaryngology -- Head and Neck Surgery, Feb 2011Measure concentration of OVA-IgE from Balb/c mice with either PPAR-γ agonist pioglitazone (30 mg/kg/d) or pioglitazone plus PPAR-γ antagonist GW9662 (0.5 mg/d).
A Cell-Impermeable Cyclosporine A Derivative Reduces Pathology in a Mouse Model of Allergic Lung Inflammation Balsley, M et al., J. Immunol., Dec 2010; 185: 7663Serum from individual animals was analyzed for the presence of OVA-specific IgE using an ELISA kit purchasedfrom MD Bioproducts.
Inhibition of Th2 Adaptive Immune Responses and Pulmonary Inflammation by Leukocyte Ig-Like Receptor B4 on Dendritic Cells Breslow, R et al., J. Immunol., Jan 2010; 184: 1003 - 1013.Measure the concentration of serum IgE in genetically modified female mice of the BALB/c background (6-12 weeks old).
A Novel Dithiol Amide CB3 attenuates allergic airway disease through negative regulation of p38 MAPKKim SR, et al. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. April 2010Serum from individual animals was analyzed for the presence ofOVA-specific IgE using an ELISA kit purchased from MD Bioproducts.
Aldose Reductase Inhibition Suppresses the Expression of Th2 Cytokines and Airway Inflammation in Ovalbumin-Induced Asthma in Mice Umesh C. S. Yadav et al.,J. Immunol., Oct 2009; 183: 4723 - 4732.Measure the concentration of OVA-IgE in broncheoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid from C57BL/6 mice.

Role of breast regression protein 39 (BRP-39)/chitinase 3-like-1 in Th2 and IL-13–induced tissue responses and apoptosis Chun Geun Lee et al.,J. Exp. Med., May 2009; 206: 1149 - 1166.

Measure the concentration of OVA-IgE in splenocytes isolated from BALB/c WT and mutant mice.
Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Agonist Down-Regulates IL-17 Expression in a Murine Model of Allergic Airway Inflammation Seoung Ju Park et al,J. Immunol., Sep 2009; 183: 3259 - 3267.
Azithromycin Attenuates Airway Inflammation in a Noninfectious Mouse Model of Allergic Asthma Avraham Beigelman et al.,Chest, Aug 2009; 136: 498 - 506.Measure the concentration of serum specific OVA-IgE in 7-week oldBALB/cJ female mice.

How It Works

How It Works:

ELISA or Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay is a colorimetric based immunoassay utilizing a capture antibodyand a detection antibody to provide a unique and powerful assay system. Antibody/antigen reactionstake place on the suface of microplate wells that have been previously coated with a monoclonal antibodyto mouse IgE heavy chain. Biotinylated ovalbumin and streptavidin-peroxidase, in the presence of substrate quantifies theanalyte bound.

Assay Principle:

ELISA Assay Principle

MD Biosciences定制的基于细胞的检测测试服务MD Biosciences使用原代或永生化细胞系进行基于细胞的检测,用于筛选和作用机理研究。我们的科学团队与您一起确定最适合您需要的测定设计。我们的化验开发经验涉及广泛的研究目标,并且通过选择正确的细胞系统,刺激物,时间点和终点读数,针对每个试验研究针对赞助商的相关性进行了定制。 符合研究目标的 我们的菜单包括但不限于定制细胞培养,蛋白质表达和生物测定开发。尽管大多数研究使用患者来源的PBMC或已建立的细胞系,例如巨噬细胞U937或RAW264.7细胞,HUVEC内皮细胞,A549肺泡细胞或神经元细胞,但实际上任何类型的细胞都可以在研究中建立和使用。我们自豪地为GLP兼容实验室提供实验室服务,这些项目致力于FDA批准用于临床设置,从而允许通过临床前测定验证来进行定制测定开发,以用于临床药物开发和治疗应用。