4000-520-616 / 18915418616

immunodx/Recombinant HIV-1 MN Envelope Glycoprotein gp160 (Baculovirus)/1 mg/1024


Product Specifications:

Item#1024: Recombinant HIV-1 MN Envelope Glycoprotein gp160 (Baculovirus)             

Concentration: See vial                         


Diluent: PBS                                                                 

Purity: >90%                                                                       

Stabilizer: None                                                                        

Preservative: None

Storage: -75°C

Physical State: Frozen Liquid

Stability: At least 24 months at -75°C.  

Applications: Human diagnostics, CD4 binding, Drug screening, Human T-cell CD4 studies.         

Description: Gene cloned from T-cell-tropic HIV-1 MN strain and the full length recombinant envelope gp160 glycoprotein produced in the Baculovirus Expression System.

Purification:This protein is purified by immuno-affinity chromatography to >95% purity as determined by SDS-PAGE, reduced.

Specificity: This protein binds to murine monoclonal antibodies of defined epitope specificity and HIV-1 converted human serum polyclonal antibodies in ELISA and Western ELISA.

Biological Activity: Determination pending.

Applications and Instructions for use:

Recommended concentrations for use are approximate values. A dose dependent response assay should be performed to determine the optimal concentration for use in specific applications.

ELISA and Western ELISA require 10-100ng protein depending on the nature and affinity of the detection reagent.  Human serum polyclonal antibodies yield titers of 1:1000 or greater at 10-100ng of immobilized protein under standard ELISA conditions.

Related Clinical Trials

Official Title:

A Phase I, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Safety and Immunogenicity of HIV-1 MN rsgp120 and Bivalent AIDSVAX B/E (HIV-1 MN rgp120/A244 rgp120) in Combination With QS-21 With or Without Alum in Healthy HIV-1 Uninfected Adults

A Phase I, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Safety and Immunogenicity of HIV-1 MN rsgp120 and Bivalent AIDSVAX B/E (HIV-1 MN rgp120/A244 rgp120) in Combination With QS-21 With or Without Alum in Healthy HIV-1 Uninfected Adults


Biological: MN rgp120/HIV-1 and A244 rgp120/HIV-1, QS-21, rgp120/HIV-1MN

Group 1: low-dose MN rsgp120/HIV-1 plus QS-21 (13 volunteers). Group 2: high-dose MN rsgp120/HIV-1 plus QS-21 (13 volunteers). Group 3: AIDSVAX B/E (injection contains each of the two vaccine components, HIV-1 MN rgp120 and A244 rgp120/HIV-1) plus QS-21 plus alum (13 volunteers).

Group 4: high-dose MN rgp120/HIV-1 plus QS-21 plus alum (13 volunteers). Group 5: placebo plus QS-21 (8 volunteers). Volunteers will be closely monitored after each immunization and followed for a minimum of 12 months after the initial immunization.

Comparative immunogenicity of HIV-1 gp160, gp140 and gp120 expressed by live attenuated newcastle disease virus vector.

The development of a vaccine against human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) capable of inducing broad humoral and cellular responses at both the systemic and mucosal levels will be critical for combating the global AIDS epidemic. We previously demonstrated the ability of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) as a vaccine vector to express oligomeric Env protein gp160 and induce potent humoral and mucosal immune responses. In the present study, we used NDV vaccine strain LaSota as a vector to compare the biochemical and immunogenic properties of vector-expressed gp160, gp120, and two versions of gp140 (a derivative of gp160 made by deleting the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains), namely: gp140L. 

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