LysoView™ dyes label lysosomes in live cells, and are available in 3 dye colors: visible red LysoView™ 540, far-red LysoView™ 633, and far-red LysoView™ 650.
LysoView™ 540 is a red fluorogenic dye with pH-dependent fluorescence for staining acidic organelles in live cells. LysoView™ 540 belongs to a class of lysosomotropic dyes that possess weakly basic amine groups. It is hypothesized that protonation of weak bases under acidic conditions causes the dyes to be trapped in the low pH compartment of the lysosome. In addition, the fluorescence of LysoView™ 540 is pH-sensitive, resulting in highly specific lysosomal staining without the need for a wash step. The dye has excitation/emission at 541/634 nm for imaging in the Cy®3 channel.
LysoView™ 633 is a far-red fluorescent dye that is highly selective for labeling and tracking acidic organelles in live cells. Compared to LysoTracker® Deep Red, LysoView™ 633 offers highly specific lysosomal staining with no wash step required. With absorption and emission at 634/659 nm, the dye can be detected using a Cy®5 filter set.
LysoView™ 650 is a far-red fluorescent lysosome stain with absorption/emission at 650/675 nm, which is compatible with super-resolution imaging by SIM and STED.
LysoView™ 540 and LysoView™ 650 are supplied as 1000X stock solutions in DMSO. LysoView™ 633 is supplied as a lyophilized solid; after reconstitution in water, each vial yields 100 uL of 1000X dye stock solution.
Also see our unique UV-activatable Light-On LysoView™ 555, which is non-fluorescent until it is activated by UV light.
Cy Dye is a registered trademark of GE Healthcare.
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