Biotinylated Secondary Antibodies | Biotium

作者: 时间:2025-03-10 点击量:

产品视频和演示 来自 Essen Bioscience 的具有 NucView® 488 Caspase 3 底物的视频 由 Incucyte® ZOOM 和 NucView® 488 Caspase-3 底物拍摄的癌细胞凋亡在 Essen Bioscience 使用他们的 IncuCyte® 提供的视频中查看 NucView® 488 Caspase-3 酶底物的作用ZOOM活细胞成像系统。来自 HT-1080 人纤维肉瘤衍生细胞系的细胞在 5 uM NucView® 488 Caspase-3 底物存在下用 150 nM 喜树碱处理。细胞每 30 分钟成像一次,持续 24 小时,在此期间,可以通过细胞形态学的变化和 DNA 结合时发出的绿色荧光来观察细胞凋亡。 substrate.Incucyte 是 Essen Bioscience 的注册商标。Biotium 和 UVPF 提供的特色网络研讨会西方免疫印迹基础知识:化学发光和 NIR 多重成像 (49:44)Fluorescent western blots 正在成为使用免疫测定法检测蛋白质的越来越重要的技术。虽然化学发光为实验室中可靠的蛋白质定量提供了高度的灵敏度,但近红外 (NIR) 荧光 Western 使研究人员能够快速探测多种蛋白质,同时还减少了印迹开发所需的时间和劳动力。网络研讨会主题包括:• 优势Biotium 的 CF® 染料用于多重蛋白质印迹• 荧光蛋白质印迹显影和成像• 与胶片相比使用 CCD 相机检测蛋白质印迹• UVP 用于蛋白质印迹成像的强大而灵活的仪器教学视频如何使用 Super HT PAP 笔在此视频中,我们演示了如何使用 Biotium 的 Super HT PAP 笔制备带有疏水屏障的显微镜载玻片,以防止浪费宝贵的试剂。SuperHT PAP Pen 在载玻片上的组织周围绘制防水圆圈并通过将液体汇集在一个液滴中来防止宝贵试剂的浪费。常规尺寸的笔尖有 4 毫米,可用于约 800 次应用。 Mini SuperHT PAP 笔具有更细的 2.5 毫米笔尖,可用于约 400 次应用。 SuperHT 巴氏笔屏障不溶于水性缓冲液、清洁剂、酒精和丙酮,但可以用二甲苯去除。阻隔层在高达 120°C 的温度下稳定。在此处查看产品。技术提示:使用 EvaEZ™ 荧光聚合酶活性检测试剂盒获得成功的方案和提示想要一份该技术提示的可打印副本?注册我们的电子通讯以接收链接。技术提示:使用 EvaEZ™ 荧光聚合酶活性检测试剂盒获得成功的方案和提示心愿单请登录或注册一个帐户以创建心愿单登录/注册From: 106Sizes: 5-20 ug labeling, 10-20 ug labeling, 20-50 ug labeling, 25-50 ug labeling, 50-100 ug labelingCatalog #: 92433, 92432, 92431, 92430, 92429, 92428, 92427, 92426, 92425, 92230, 92231, 92232, 92233, 92234, 92235, 92236, 92237, 92238, 92239, 92240, 92241, 92242, 92243, 92245, 92246, 92247, 92248, 92250, 92251, 92252, 92253, 92254, 92255, 92256, 92257, 92258, 92259, 92260, 92261, 92262, 92263, 92264, 92265, 92267, 92268, 92270, 92271, 92272, 92273, 92274, 92275, 92276, 92277, 92278, 92279, 92280, 92281, 92282, 92283, 92284, 92285, 92287, 92288, 92289, 92290, 92291, 92303, 92304, 92305, 92316, 92317, 92318, 92319, 92320, 92321, 92322, 92323, 92324, 92331, 92332, 92333, 92334, 92335, 92336, 92337, 92338, - 92339View allHide From: 120Sizes: 5-20 ug labeling, 20-50 ug labelingCatalog #: 92501, 92500, 92502, 92503, 92504, 92505, 92506, 92507, 92508, 92509, 92510, 92511, 92512, 92513, 92514, - 92515View allHideSizes: 50 uL, 0.25 mL, 500 uL, 0.5 mL, 1 mgCatalog #: 20345-50uL, 20016, 20039, 20048, 20051, 20060, 20106, 20116, 20127, 20142, 20179, 20189, 20196, 20277, 20314, 20016-1, 20016-1mg, 20039-1, 20039-1mg, 20048-1, 20048-1mg, 20051-1, 20051-1mg, 20060-1, 20106-1, 20106-1mg, 20116-1, 20116-1mg, 20127-1, 20127-1mg, 20142-1, 20142-1mg, 20179-1, 20179-1mg, 20189-1, 20189-1mg, 20196-1, 20277-1, 20314-1, 20314-1mg, 20362-250uL, 20362-50uL, 20391-1mg, 20391-500uL, 20391-50uL, 20398-1mg, 20398-500uL, 20398-50uL, 20416-1mg, 20416-500uL, 20416-50uL, - 20834-50uLView allHide Highly cross-adsorbed donkey anti-goat IgG (H+L) secondary antibody labeled with our superior CF® dyes. Highly cross-adsorbed donkey anti-goat IgG (H+L) secondary antibody labeled with our superior CF® dyes.Sizes: 50 uL, 100 uL, 500 uL, 0.5 mL, 1 mL, 1 mgCatalog #: 20363-50uL, 20014, 20037, 20046, 20105, 20115, 20124, 20177, 20190, 20194, 20305, 20350, 20014-1, 20014-1mg, 20037-1, 20037-1mg, 20046-1, 20046-1mg, 20105-1, 20105-1mg, 20115-1, 20115-1mg, 20124-1, 20124-1mg, 20177-1, 20177-1mg, 20190-1, 20190-1mg, 20194-1, 20305-1, 20305-1mg, 20350-1, 20350-1mg, 20388-1mg, 20388-500uL, 20388-50uL, 20404-100uL, 20404-1mg, 20404-1mL, 20461-1mg, 20461-500uL, 20461-50uL, 20466-100uL, 20466-1mL, 20483-1mg, 20483-500uL, 20483-50uL, - 20835-50uLView allHide Highly cross-adsorbed donkey anti-mouse IgG (H+L) secondary antibody labeled with our superior CF® dyes and other labels. Highly cross-adsorbed donkey anti-mouse IgG (H+L) secondary antibody labeled with our superior CF® dyes and other labels. From: 83Sizes: 50 uL, 100 uL, 250 uL, 0.25 mL, 500 uL, 0.5 mL, 1 mL, 1 mgCatalog #: 20344-50uL, 20015, 20038, 20047, 20098, 20125, 20152, 20178, 20191, 20195, 20298, 20308, 20351, 20015-1, 20015-1mg, 20038-1, 20038-1mg, 20047-1, 20047-1mg, 20098-1, 20098-1mg, 20125-1, 20125-1mg, 20152-1, 20152-1mg, 20178-1, 20178-1mg, 20191-1, 20191-1mg, 20195-1, 20298-1, 20308-1, 20308-1mg, 20351-1, 20351-1mg, 20389-1mg, 20389-500uL, 20389-50uL, 20405-100uL, 20405-1mg, 20405-1mL, 20418-250uL, 20418-50uL, 20420-1mg, 20420-500uL, 20420-50uL, 20462-1mg, 20462-500uL, 20462-50uL, 20467-100uL, 20467-1mL, 20484-50uL, 20484-250uL, - 20833-50uLView allHide Highly cross-adsorbed donkey anti-rabbit IgG (H+L) secondary antibody labeled with our superior CF® dyes. Highly cross-adsorbed donkey anti-rabbit IgG (H+L) secondary antibody labeled with our superior CF® dyes.Sizes: 50 uL, 100 uL, 200 uL, 500 uL, 0.5 mL, 1 mL, 1 mgCatalog #: 20378-50uL, 20010, 20030, 20040, 20050, 20054, 20070, 20080, 20100, 20110, 20120, 20140, 20180, 20183, 20197, 20306, 20010-1, 20010-1mg, 20030-1, 20030-1mg, 20040-1, 20040-1mg, 20050-1, 20050-1mg, 20054-1, 20054-1mg, 20070-1, 20070-1mg, 20080-1, 20080-1mg, 20100-1, 20100-1mg, 20110-1, 20110-1mg, 20120-1, 20120-1mg, 20140-1, 20140-1mg, 20180-1, 20180-1mg, 20183-1, 20183-1mg, 20197-1, 20197-1mg, 20306-1, 20306-1mg, 20352-1mL, 20352-200uL, 20365-500uL, 20365-50uL, 20386-1mg, 20386-500uL, 20386-50uL, 20400-100uL, 20400-1mg, 20400-1mL, 20408-1mg, 20408-500uL, 20408-50uL, 20411-0.5mL, 20411-100uL, 20464-100uL, 20464-1mL, - 20365-1mgView allHide Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L) secondary antibody labeled with our superior CF® dyes and other labels. Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L) secondary antibody labeled with our superior CF® dyes and other labels.Sizes: 50 uL, 100 uL, 200 uL, 0.25 mL, 500 uLCatalog #: 20011, 20032, 20042, 20063, 20086, 20109, 20119, 20130, 20145, 20187, 20329, 20011-1, 20032-1, 20042-1, 20063-1, 20086-1, 20109-1, 20119-1, 20130-1, 20145-1, 20187-1, 20329-1, 20357-200uL, 20357-500uL, 20414-100uL, - 20414-500uLView allHide This product is prepared by labeling high quality F(ab )2 fragment of goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L) with a selection of our bright and photostable CF® dyes and other labels. This product is prepared by labeling high quality F(ab )2 fragment of goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L) with a selection of our bright and photostable CF® dyes and other labels.Sizes: 50 uL, 100 uL, 250 uL, 0.25 mL, 500 uL, 0.5 mL, 1 mL, 1 mgCatalog #: 20342-50uL, 20018, 20052, 20065, 20077, 20101, 20111, 20121, 20143, 20175, 20182, 20184, 20192, 20231, 20281, 20299, 20018-1, 20018-1mg, 20052-1, 20052-1mg, 20065-1, 20077-1, 20101-1, 20101-1mg, 20111-1, 20111-1mg, 20121-1, 20121-1mg, 20143-1, 20143-1mg, 20175-1, 20175-1mg, 20182-1, 20182-1mg, 20184-1, 20184-1mg, 20192-1, 20231-1, 20231-1mg, 20281-1, 20281-1mg, 20299-1, 20299-1mg, 20401-100uL, 20401-1mg, 20401-1mL, 20459-1mg, 20459-500uL, 20459-50uL, 20463-250uL, 20463-50uL, 20468-1mg, 20468-500uL, 20468-50uL, - 20831-50uLView allHide Highly cross-adsorbed goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L) secondary antibody labeled with our superior CF® dyes. Highly cross-adsorbed goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L) secondary antibody labeled with our superior CF® dyes.Sizes: 50 uL, 250 uL, 0.25 mLCatalog #: 20245, 20246, 20247, 20248, 20249, 20250, 20251, 20252, 20253, 20254, 20325, 20245-1, 20246-1, 20247-1, 20248-1, 20249-1, 20250-1, 20251-1, 20252-1, 20253-1, 20254-1, 20325-1, 20380-250uL, 20380-50uL, 20471-250uL, - 20471-50uLView allHide CF® dye goat anti-mouse IgG1 isotype-specific secondary antibody conjugates are labeled with our exceptionally bright, photostable CF® dyes. The conjugates are prepared from affinity-purified antibodies that react with Fc portion of the heavy chain of mouse IgG1. CF® dye goat anti-mouse IgG1 isotype-specific secondary antibody conjugates are labeled with our exceptionally bright, photostable CF® dyes. The conjugates are prepared from affinity-purified antibodies that react with Fc portion of the heavy chain of mouse IgG1.Sizes: 50 uL, 250 uL, 0.25 mLCatalog #: 20842-50uL, 20842-250uL, 20255, 20256, 20257, 20258, 20259, 20260, 20261, 20262, 20263, 20264, 20326, 20255-1, 20256-1, 20257-1, 20258-1, 20259-1, 20260-1, 20261-1, 20262-1, 20263-1, 20264-1, 20326-1, 20381-250uL, 20381-50uL, 20472-250uL, - 20472-50uLView allHide CF® dye goat anti-mouse IgG2a isotype-specific secondary antibody conjugates are labeled with our exceptionally bright, photostable CF® dyes. The conjugates are prepared from affinity-purified antibodies that react with Fc portion of the heavy chain of mouse IgG2a. CF® dye goat anti-mouse IgG2a isotype-specific secondary antibody conjugates are labeled with our exceptionally bright, photostable CF® dyes. The conjugates are prepared from affinity-purified antibodies that react with Fc portion of the heavy chain of mouse IgG2a.Sizes: 50 uL, 250 uL, 0.25 mLCatalog #: 20265, 20266, 20267, 20268, 20269, 20270, 20271, 20272, 20273, 20274, 20327, 20265-1, 20266-1, 20267-1, 20268-1, 20269-1, 20270-1, 20271-1, 20272-1, 20273-1, 20274-1, 20327-1, 20382-250uL, 20382-50uL, 20430-250uL, 20430-50uL, 20473-250uL, - 20473-50uLView allHide CF® dye goat anti-mouse IgG2b isotype-specific secondary antibody conjugates are labeled with our exceptionally bright, photostable CF® dyes. The conjugates are prepared from affinity-purified antibodies that react with Fc portion of the heavy chain of mouse IgG2b. To minimize cross reactivity, the antibodies are cross-adsorbed against other mouse IgG subclasses (IgG1, IgG2a, IgG3), and human, bovine and rabbit serum proteins. CF® dye goat anti-mouse IgG2b isotype-specific secondary antibody conjugates are labeled with our exceptionally bright, photostable CF® dyes. The conjugates are prepared from affinity-purified antibodies that react with Fc portion of the heavy chain of mouse IgG2b. To minimize cross reactivity, the antibodies are cross-adsorbed against other mouse IgG subclasses (IgG1, IgG2a, IgG3), and human, bovine and rabbit serum proteins.Sizes: 50 uL, 100 uL, 200 uL, 500 uL, 0.5 mL, 1 mL, 1 mgCatalog #: 20353-200uL, 20379-50uL, 20012, 20033, 20043, 20053, 20055, 20073, 20082, 20102, 20112, 20122, 20141, 20181, 20185, 20202, 20309, 20012-1, 20012-1mg, 20033-1, 20033-1mg, 20043-1, 20043-1mg, 20053-1, 20053-1mg, 20055-1, 20055-1mg, 20073-1, 20073-1mg, 20082-1, 20082-1mg, 20102-1, 20102-1mg, 20112-1, 20112-1mg, 20122-1, 20122-1mg, 20141-1, 20141-1mg, 20181-1, 20181-1mg, 20185-1, 20185-1mg, 20202-1, 20202-1mg, 20309-1, 20309-1mg, 20353-1mL, 20366-1mg, 20366-500uL, 20366-50uL, 20387-1mg, 20387-500uL, 20387-50uL, 20402-100uL, 20402-1mg, 20402-1mL, 20409-1mg, 20409-500uL, 20409-50uL, 20412-100uL, 20412-500uL, 20465-100uL, - 20465-1mLView allHide This product is prepared by labeling high quality goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L) with a selection of our bright and photostable CF® dyes and other labels. This product is prepared by labeling high quality goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L) with a selection of our bright and photostable CF® dyes and other labels.Sizes: 50 uL, 100 uL, 200 uL, 0.25 mL, 500 uLCatalog #: 20415-100uL, 20013, 20035, 20045, 20064, 20087, 20099, 20131, 20146, 20153, 20188, 20330, 20013-1, 20035-1, 20045-1, 20064-1, 20087-1, 20099-1, 20131-1, 20146-1, 20153-1, 20188-1, 20330-1, 20358-200uL, 20358-500uL, - 20415-500uLView allHide This product is prepared by labeling high quality F(ab )2 fragment of goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L) with a selection of our bright and photostable CF® dyes and other labels. This product is prepared by labeling high quality F(ab )2 fragment of goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L) with a selection of our bright and photostable CF® dyes and other labels.Sizes: 50 uL, 100 uL, 0.25 mL, 500 uL, 0.5 mL, 1 mL, 1 mgCatalog #: 20343-50uL, 20019, 20067, 20078, 20103, 20113, 20123, 20144, 20176, 20186, 20193, 20232, 20282, 20300, 20019-1, 20019-1mg, 20067-1, 20078-1, 20103-1, 20103-1mg, 20113-1, 20113-1mg, 20123-1, 20123-1mg, 20144-1, 20144-1mg, 20176-1, 20176-1mg, 20186-1, 20186-1mg, 20193-1, 20232-1, 20232-1mg, 20282-1, 20282-1mg, 20300-1, 20300-1mg, 20369-1mg, 20369-500uL, 20369-50uL, 20373-1mg, 20373-500uL, 20373-50uL, 20403-100uL, 20403-1mg, 20403-1mL, 20460-1mg, 20460-500uL, 20460-50uL, 20469-1mg, 20469-500uL, 20469-50uL, - 20832-50uLView allHide Highly cross-adsorbed goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L) secondary antibody labeled with our superior CF® dyes. Highly cross-adsorbed goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L) secondary antibody labeled with our superior CF® dyes. Biotium implements a Quality System, certified by QAS according to Standard QAS ISO 9001:2015. Certificate No. US3564

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