The cell permeable DMNPE-caged Luciferin is as a bioluminescent luciferase substrate used to measure intracellular functions since it readily crosses cell membranes. It is a D-luciferin ester analogue of luciferin.Once the caged luciferin is inside the cells, active luciferin can be released by the action of endogenous intracellular esterases or by a flash of UV light.
This implies:
- A more efficient delivery of luciferin into intact living cells & improved sensitivity analysis of in vivo luciferase assays
- A long-term measurement of luciferase activity since hydrolysis by esterases allows a continuous supply of active Luciferin
DMNPE-caged luciferin appears a good alternative to D-Luciferin classically used to measure luciferase activity in live cells. Indeed, the difficulty to deliver D-Luciferin into living cells renders in vivo quantification limited to a certain extent - for example, permeability issues at neutral pH.
- High purity
- Cell permeable: efficient luciferin delivery into intact cells even at neutral pH
- Ideal for in vivo applications
- Induces prolonged release of luciferin by the action of cells’ esterases
- Allows to follow changes in gene expression in live cells
- Suitable for in vitro experiments
Storage: -20°C and protect from light
Shipping Conditions: Room temperature
DMNPE-caged luciferin is provided in an amber bottle under nitrogen.
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