At BiosPacific we offer a wide range of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies along with recombinant and native proteins for both routine and niche cancer markers. BiosPacific supplies multiple clones for markers such as AFP, CA-125, CA19-9, CA15-3, Pepsinogen I & II, PSA and HE4 which are designed and developed with the commercial diagnostic market in mind. With decades of experience in the supply of antibodies, proteins and antigens we can offer pairing suggestions for your needs.
The below list of targets includes tumor markers and proteins that are relevant in different types of cancer including breast cancer, gastrointestinal tumors, prostate cancer and ovarian cancer.
Our list of antibodies and proteins is always growing so please contact us to inquire about any other antibodies or proteins you may require.
key targets in our portfolio• CA 19-9 Monoclonals and Antigens• CA 125 Monoclonals and Antigens• CYFRA21-1 Monoclonals
Biospacific内分泌甲状腺产品内分泌和甲状腺标志物在代谢诊断测定中用作关键指标。 在BiosPacific,我们汇集了各种各样的新型和常规免疫试剂,例如 FSH,LH,催乳激素,性激素结合球蛋白(SHBG),T3,T4,TG和TSH抗体和抗原。 BiosPacific可以提供多种试剂来提供广泛的产品,帮助客户轻松找到适合其需求的最佳试剂。 为了补充我们的抗体范围,BiosPacific还提供了多种形式的 纯化蛋白与我们的抗体配对, 用于开发对照,校准物和线性材料。 我们的抗体和蛋白质列表总是在增长,因此请 与我们联系 以咨询您可能需要的任何其他抗体或蛋白质。