4000-520-616 / 18915418616




The Mini-Beadbeater-96 is high-energy, high-throughput cell disrupter. It can process one 2 ml deep well micro plate (96 samples), two 1 ml deep well microplates (192 samples) or, using a included 45 capacity polypropylene microvial rack, 0.6, 1.5 or 2 ml microvials. In a busy day thousands of samples can be processed. Accessory 2 ml or 50 ml vial holders machined out of a solid aluminium blocks are availablle for strict temperature control, both at ice and liq N2 temperatures. See 'Features' tab, below, for more.

Cat. No. 1001, Mini-Beadbeater-96, 115 volt.

Cat. No. 1001EUR, Mini-Beadbeater-96, 230 volt.

Beads and vials vary with the application and should be ordered separately. For selecting Beads and Vials see their links in Browse box in the left margin.

Our Price : $0.00

Item requires freight shipping. Please call us at 800.617.3363 or 918.336.3363 to purchase.

The MiniBeadbeater-96 disrupts cells and tissue by violently shaking a sample inside a classic 2 ml microvial or standard deep well microplate partially filled with tiny ceramic or steel beads.  Complete cell disruption is achieved in 1 to 3 minutes of beadbeating.  A common application is nucleic acid extraction.  Up to 400 mg of tissue is added to a vial containing glass or ceramic beads and a nucleic acid extraction solution...the later often being purchased as part of a nucleic acid extraction kit.  The synergy of simultaneous mechanical cell disruption and nucleic acid extraction in a chaotropic solution gives very high yields of high quality RNA or DNA.  Most protocols developed using smaller capacity models of the MBB are transferable with little if any modification.

The MiniBeadbeater can also be used for dry grinding. In this application, ceramic or steel beads are added to to vials containing hard, dry samples such as hair, bone, teeth, seeds and minerals. Softer materials such as biological tissue, rubber or plastics can be powdered by first pre-freezing the sample to liq N2 temperatures (called Cryo-grinding). Powdered material can be safely dissolved in an organic solvent in BioSpec's XXTuff microvials, our stainless steel microvials or Porvair's reinforced microplates, simplifying recovery of organic analytes. A solid aluminum vial holder can be utilized to maintain cryogenic temperatures during beadbeating (see the Accessories, below).Selected Applications Using the Mini-BeadbeaterHelpful Advice when Buying a Commercial High Through-put Cell Disrupter

OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS:  See http://www.biospec.com/instructions/minibeadbeater_96/.

Size 6
Color Magenta

The MiniBeadbeater-96 is powered with a huge 1 hp induction motor.  No other beadbeater on the market offers higher shaking energies for cell disruption.  Power requirements for the 115 VAC MBB-96 is 20 amps, and for the 230 VAC machine it is 10 amps.

  • Sample Capacity: Holds one 2 ml deep-well microplate or two 1 ml deep-well microplates.  Also included is a microplate shaped vial holder wich can hold 4 to 45 microvials (0.5, 1.5 & 2.0 ml) each containing up to 400 mg (wet weight) of biomaterial.
  • Vial displacement distance or Throw: 1.25 in. (3.2 cm).
  • Shaking Speed: Variable speed.  1400 rpm to 2400 rpm (40 oscillations/second). Disruption efficiency has been engineered for equivalency with other MiniBeadbeater models having smaller vial capacities - thus developed protocols are interchangeable.  The "calculated M/sec performance" value is greater than competitive beadbeater-type cell disrupters on the market.
  • 3-D shaking pattern: Vial contents shake from the top to bottom of the vial or plate in a compressed figure-8 pattern.  Vials and microplates are held in a near-horizontal orientation rather than the less efficient vertical position.  This exclusive shaking pattern assures complete cell disruption in the shortest possible time.  No reorientation of plates in mid-cycle is required.
  • Timer: 0 - 5 minutes with automatic reset.
  • Recycle delay time: No motor cool-down time is required during or between sample runs.
  • Dimensions: Width: 16 in, Depth: 24 in, Height: 18 in, 120 pounds
  • Maintenance: None
  • Warranty: Two years.


►  COOLING. Temperature control must be addressed when using a bead mill cell disrupter for the isolation of proteins, membranes or organelles.  The Mini-BeadBeater-96, like all other high-energy, shaking-type bead mill cell disrupters, will heat up a sample from collisional friction of the beads...about 10° for each minute of beadbeating. An important accessory for the MBB-96 is a 48 capacity 2 ml microvial holder and a 2 tube capacity 50 ml tube holder, both machined out of solid aluminum.  Cooled beforehand in a deep freezer or with liquid nitrogen, the mass of the aluminum vial holder and its excellent heat transfer properties maintain samples at their initial low temperature during the entire beadbeating run...something that some competitor's bead mills offering flowing cold air accessories fail to accomplish.  The fact is that air is not an efficient media for the transfer and rapid removal of heat.  For this same reason, operating a bead mill cell disruptor in a cold room offers little regulation of heat buildup during beadbeating.

But this is not always a concern.  Strict temperature control is not a needed when cells or tissue are being disrupted in the presence of DNA or RNA extraction media.

►  ”DRY” GRINDING. The Mini-BeadBeater-96 can be used to powder most dried plant and animal tissues and, at  liquid nitrogen temperatures, fresh tissues. Exceptions to the rule are woody tissue and some tissues having high lipid or oil content.  Most dry grinding is done using steel beads.

When dry- or cryo-grinding plant or animal tissue use our stainless steel microvials with silicone rubber caps, special XXTuff microvials or special Porvair Sciences deep well microplates. Common plastic microvials and deep well plates will break when dry grinding with steel beads.

To the tubes or wells add either one 6.3 mm diameter chrome-steel bead, two 6.3 mm diameter zirconia beads or three 3.2 mm diameter chrome-steel beads.   Beadbeat for 5-30 seconds.  Note that steel beads can be used in common plastic vials and common deep well microvials for wet grinding, provided that the vial is completely filled with aqueous media and the amount of entrapped air is minimized..

►  DEEP-WELL MICROPLATES. When using deep well microplates possible leakage and subsequent cross contamination between wells should be concern. While the entire mat surface area is evenly clamped to the microplate during beadbeating in the Mini-BeadBeater-96, the user must first thoroughly press the mat onto the microplate during the initial sealing process. Rollers and mat presses help in this task (see accessories listed below). The best mats are made of EVA or silicone rubber. Mats made of other rubber-like polymers or adhesive- or heat-bonded films - may not prevent leaking during the intense shaking in the Mini-BeadBeater-96.  There is an easy way to check for this concern.  Give us a call.

►  SPEED CONTROL.  The Mini-BeadBeater-96 features digital variable speed control presets between 1400 rpm to 2400 rpm and three programmable time presets.  These presets allow for storage of your favorite speed and time settings for easy retrieval.

SHOPPING GUIDELINES:  BioSpec Products was the first company to introduce bead mill cell disrupters to the scientific laboratory - some 30+ years ago.  This method of cell disruption of unicellular organisms and small tissue samples has superceded most traditional cell disruption methods.  In addition to BioSpec’s current five models of beadbeater cell disrupters, several other manufacturers now offer similar microvial-shaking, ‘beadbeater-type’ cell disrupters*.   Many of of these shakers fulfill the following physical parameters that assure maximum cell disruption performance: A SHAKING SPEED of at least 2000 rpm; a THROW or displacement of the vial of 3/4  to 1 inch, a FIGURE "8" SHAKING PATTERN and a NEAR HORZONTAL ORIENTATION of the vial, tube or microplate. The full incorporation of these parameters maximizes bead circulation and bead collisions within the vial.

Side Note: Some, but not all, manufacturers are using shaking speed settings expressed as M/S..."meters/second".  A machine setting in m/sec is not a comprehensive measurement of cell disruption efficiency.  The term has caused buyer confusion while comparing cell disrupter bead-mill products.  The term also makes it difficult to reproduce cell disruption protocols when using a different bead mill cell disrupter. 

Because there is no consensus performance term for shaking-type bead mill cell disrupters BioSpec Products suggests that shaking cell disrupters machines be operated at their maximum available speed setting.  Beadbeater applications requiring lower operating speeds are rare.  Put bluntly, if the objective is to disrupt cells, crank up the rpm of the machine and get the job done.  The optimal time of beadbeating is a relevant varimable and will depend on the nature of the biological sample and the type of bead mill shaker used.  With current high performance machines, wet milling for 1-3 minutes gives close to 100% cell disruption.  If you are doing PCR work with nucleic acids and are content with less than 100% cell disruption, shorter periods of beadbeating will suffice.

Besides the five variables shaking speed, vial throw distance, vial shaking pattern and orientation and time of shaking, three equally important variables which determine efficiency of cell disruption are bead size, bead composition and bead load in the vial.  These later three variables must be optimized by the user, not only for the particular ‘beadbeater’ machine being used, but for the type of sample being investigated."Solutions" to deal with these last three variables are being offered in the form of commercially available vials prefilled with beads.  Unfortunately, there is little comparitive literature documenting how these vendors came up with their "magic mixtures".

One can usually get comparable results by loading your own beads into vials or microplates (and save a lot of money, too). Usually only one kind and size of bead will suffice.  Our Bead Selection Guidelines give a straight forward advice on how to select the correct bead size and composition and, if you have a lot of vials to load, BioSpec has three different bead loading devices designed to streamline the loading process.

In addition to shaking-type bead mill cell disrupters there are also vortexing-type bead mill cell disrupters.  While the later will fulfill their intended goal, it can take 5 to 10X longer beadbeating times to get complete cell disruption.  The sole exception is BioSpec Product’s new SoniBeast™ cell disrupter, which uses patented high speed vortex technology to disrupt cells even faster than ordinary shaking-type beadbeating machines.

biospec的Beadbeater(珠磨机)细胞破碎机珠磨(Beadbeating)是用于破坏组织细胞和微生物以回收和分析细胞内蛋白质,核酸和细胞器的首选常规实验室方法。它快速,高效且非常生物安全。有时建议使用附件来控制细胞破裂期间的样品加热。最早于1979年引入研发实验室的BioSpec Products生产五种型号的Beadbeater。每个都针对不同的样品大小和样品瓶容量进行了优化。根据所选择的模型,一个下午可以轻松处理20到2000个样品。根据磁珠的机械搅拌方式,将模型分为三类:从每个Beadbeater模型获得的最终结果非常相似。的NEW SoniBeast ™珠磨机使用专利申请中的珠混合技术。与市场上传统的珠磨机类型的细胞破碎仪(包括我们的MiniBeadbeaters)相比,它提供了更快的细胞破碎能力(最高10倍),并且旨在处理较小的样品。SoniBeast的容量为十二个0.6 ml微型管或三个2 ml微型瓶。 Mini-Beadbeater ™细胞破坏器有四种型号。全部使用标准的3/4“-1”,来回(从上到下)摇动以及“ figure-8”模式,并且经过精心设计,可以在组内提供协议兼容。新的MBB1-Plus一次可处理一个2 ml的小瓶。的MBB-16和MBB-24细胞破坏剂具有多瓶的能力和可以同时使用2位和7毫升microvials。高通量MBB-96可处理一个或两个深孔微孔板,可容纳多达45个微瓶的样品架或可容纳两个50 ml螺帽管的样品架。这组干扰物的可接受样本量为1毫克至1.5克(湿重)组织或堆积细胞。  Mini-Beadbeater的摇动能量等于或超过所有竞争品牌的摇动式珠磨机。钍ë 珠磨器 ™是一个更大容量的珠磨器即可以在进程微生物或单细胞植物或动物细胞的10-80克(湿重)。快速旋转的铁氟龙转子可以摇晃珠子,而不是摇晃运动,它可以在密封的腔室内搅动珠子。它通常用于破坏细胞悬液,例如酵母或细菌,以产生天然或表达的细胞内蛋白。与实验室中使用的其他大多数细胞破坏方法不同,“ Beadbeater方法”可轻松扩展至中试工厂和全面生产水平。