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asuragen/QuantideX® qPCR BCR-ABL minor Kit (RUO)/60/49637


QuantideX® qPCR BCR-ABL minor Kit (RUO)

BCR-ABL blood cancer cellsThe QuantideX® qPCR BCR-ABL minor Kit (RUO) is a clinical research tool enabling ultra-sensitive and precise detection of BCR-ABL1 minor fusion transcripts (e1a2) from whole blood specimens. Building on the simple workflow and best-in-class sensitivity established with the FDA-cleared QuantideX® qPCR BCR-ABL IS Kit, the minor Kit allows labs and clinical researchers to examine the biology of disease for this very rare but distinct leukemic variant with unprecedented ease.

Features & Benefits

The QuantideX qPCR BCR-ABL minor Kit (RUO) delivers high performance through unmatched sensitivity and optimized laboratory efficiency.

Reduced ComplexityEase-of-data analysis and reporting:

  • Leverages the QuantideX® qPCR BCR-ABL IS Kit workflow concept for streamlined implementation
  • Included software provides automated calculation of BCR-ABL1/ABL1 % ratio and eliminates the need for manual calculation

Optimized WorkflowValuable operator hands-on time has been significantly reduced through:

  • Multiplexed design amplifies and detects both fusion and control gene in the same reaction
  • All-inclusive reagents sourced and quality controlled together from a single vendor
  • Pre-mixed reagents allow fewer pipetting steps in mastermix preparation

Quality PerformanceDetecting BCR-ABL1 minor transcripts robustly and reliably with a highly sensitive assay:

  • Ultra-sensitive Limit of Detection (LOD): Log reduction of 4.61 (0.0025% ratio)
  • Increased analytical sensitivity without compromising analytical specificity: incorporates Limit of Blank (LOB) to prevent miscalling of non-leukemic low positives
  • Armored RNA®-based standards provide true RNA quantification

Analytical Characteristics

  • Reproducible: Proven sensitivity based on rigorous testing criterion (Table 1)
  • Precise: Minimal variability across entire dynamic range of BCR-ABL1/ABL1 % ratios (Table 2)
  • Streamlined: Multiplexed design yields workflow and cost efficiencies (Figure 1)

Proven Sensitivity Based on Rigorous Testing CriterionTable 1: LOD as determined by CLSI EP17-A2 guidelines by testing human RNA and cell line dilutions spanning lots, batch runs, days, operators and instruments.

Minimal Variability across Entire Dynamic Range

Table 2: Assay precision determined by testing 4 different log reduction (LR) levels in human RNA, using 2 operators and 8 runs for a total of 192 data points.

Multiplexed Design Yields Workflow and Cost Efficiency  

Figure 1: Comparison of a plate layout for 8 sample run on Asuragen plate (left) and an alternate non-multiplex assay (right): 19 reactions for Asuragen setup vs. 52 reactions on a non-multiplex assay setup


Product NameNumber of ReactionsCatalog Number
QuantideX® qPCR BCR-ABL minor Kit (RUO)6049637

T 512.681.5200 or 877.777.1874 F 512.681.5202 E orders@asuragen.com

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QuantideX® qPCR BCR-ABL minor Kit

The BCR-ABL1 minor breakpoint (e1a2) constitutes a rare but distinct leukemic variant and accurate detection and quantitation of these fusion transcripts are paramount to improving outcomes for all chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients. The QuantideX® qPCR BCR-ABL minor Kit, an in vitro diagnostic (IVD) assay, enables ultra-sensitive detection of BCR-ABL1 minor fusion transcripts from whole blood specimens.

Features & Benefits

The QuantideX qPCR BCR-ABL minor Kit marries improved efficiency with unprecedented sensitivity, empowering labs to assess the deepest molecular responses in patients harboring the minor breakpoint with the ease-of-use they’ve come to expect from Asuragen.

Reduced ComplexityEase-of-data analysis and reporting:

  • Shares a common workflow with the QuantideX® qPCR BCR-ABL IS Kit to reduce training burden and streamline test implementation
  • Included software provides automated calculation of BCR-ABL1/ABL1 % ratio and the ability to report BCR-ABL Major on both the International Scale (IS) and copy number*

Optimized WorkflowValuable operator hands-on time has been significantly reduced through:

  • Multiplexed design amplifies and detects both fusion and control gene in the same reaction
  • All necessary RT and qPCR reagents sourced and quality controlled together from a single vendor
  • Pre-mixed reagents allow fewer pipetting steps in mastermix preparation

Quality PerformanceDetecting BCR-ABL1 minor transcripts robustly and reliably with a highly sensitive assay:

  • Ultra-sensitive Limit of Detection (LOD): Log reduction of 4.61 (0.0025% ratio)
  • Increased analytical sensitivity without compromising analytical specificity: incorporates Limit of Blank (LOB) to prevent miscalling of non-leukemic low positives
  • Armored RNA®-based standards provide true RNA quantification

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Analytical Characteristics

  • Reproducible: Proven sensitivity based on rigorous testing criterion (Table 1)
  • Precise: Minimal variability across entire dynamic range of BCR-ABL1/ABL1 % ratios (Table 2)
  • Streamlined: Multiplexed design yields workflow and cost efficiencies (Figure 1)

Proven Sensitivity Based on Rigorous Testing CriterionTable 1: LOD as determined by CLSI EP17-A2 guidelines by testing human RNA and cell line dilutions spanning lots, batch runs, days, operators and instruments.

Minimal Variability across Entire Dynamic Range

Table 2: Assay precision determined by testing 4 different log reduction (LR) levels in human RNA, using 2 operators and 8 runs for a total of 192 data points.

Multiplexed Design Yields Workflow and Cost Efficiency  

Figure 1: Comparison of a plate layout for 8 sample run on Asuragen plate (left) and an alternate non-multiplex assay (right): 19 reactions for Asuragen setup vs. 52 reactions on a non-multiplex assay setup


Product NameNumber of ReactionsCatalog Number
QuantideX® qPCR BCR-ABL minor Kit6049640

T +1 512.681.5200 or +1 877.777.1874 F +1 512.681.5202 E orders@asuragen.com

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Asuragen通过结合使用和制造专业知识来提供高质量的定制分子控制。我们的定制产品套件包括装甲RNA ®,装甲RNA定量®和装甲DNA定量™,质粒DNA(圆形和线性化)和体外转录的RNA; 提供针对特定目标的独特控件,以满足您的需求。装甲质控技术已在IVD批准的测定法中使用了20多年,并且在迅速发展的分子诊断领域中继续充当重要工具。