4000-520-616 / 18915418616

asuragen/AmplideX® PCR/CE FMR1 Reagents/24 UL/49514


AmplideX® PCR/CE FMR1 Reagents

AmplideX FMR1AmplideX PCR/CE FMR1 Reagents* are market-leading research tools for the detection of CGG repeats in the fragile X mental retardation (FMR1) gene. These reagents provide a PCR-only approach based on Triplet Repeat Primed PCR (TP-PCR) design to reliably amplify and detect all alleles including Full Mutations.

Features & Benefits

AmplideX PCR/CE FMR1 Reagents* have created an easy-to-use, accessible, high performance method for laboratories to reliably analyze CGG repeats and detect interrupting AGG sequences in the FMR1 gene.

Reduced ComplexityEase-of-analysis of the FMR1 gene has been simplified through:

  • Implementation of proprietary PCR solution for amplifying GC-rich regions
  • Automation of result calling using AmplideX PCR/CE FMR1 Reporter* 

Optimized WorkflowValuable operator hands-on time has been significantly reduced through:

  • Direct injection of PCR products (no PCR clean up) in to Capillary Electrophoresis platforms
  • Decreased need for Southern blot analysis (up to 50 fold)
  • End-to-end solution for FMR1 analysis including all necessary reagents and software

Quality PerformancePerforming FMR1 Analysis with Greater Sensitivity and Accuracy:

  • Detection of all allele expansions, including low abundance full mutation size mosaics with up to at least 1300 CGG repeats
  • Up to 875 fold more sensitive than Southern blot1
  • Resolution of female homozygous and heterozygous samples and indication of interrupting AGG sequences
  • Proven performance as indicated by more than 30 peer reviewed publications

*For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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Product Description

Analytical Characteristics of AmplideX PCR/CE FMR1 Reagents*:

  • Detects all alleles including low abundance full mutations (Figure 1)
  • Accurately sizes any repeat up to 200 CGG repeats (Figure 2)
  • Resolves female zygosity (Figure 3)
  • Detects presence of AGG interruptions (Figure 4)

Figure 1: Amplification of Asuragen’s Methylation and Sensitivity Control which has a 5% full mutation in a background of 95% Normal

AmplideX Methylation and Sensitivity Control

Figure 2. Female premutation sample with accurate sizing of Normal (30 CGG) and Pre mutation allele (56 CGG)

AmplideX Female premutation sample

Figure 3: The difference in the “stutter” peak patterns of homozygous and heterozygous female provides a clear resolution of zygosity

AmplideX resolves female zygosity

Figure 4. Female Full Mutation sample with AGG interruptions as indicated by sudden decrease in peak heights of the “stutter” peak profile

AmplideX Female Full Mutation sample


Product NameNumber of ReactionsCatalog Number
AmplideX PCR/CE FMR1 Control24 UL49513
AmplideX mPCR FMR1 Control24 UL49514
AmplideX PCR/CE FMR1 Reagents10049402
AmplideX mPCR FMR1 Kit2449442
AmplideX PCR/CE FMR1 ReporterN/A49576

T 1-877-777-1874; 512-681-5200 F 512-681-5202 E orders@asuragen.com

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  1. Referenced in over 30 peer reviewed publications and used in over 200 laboratories, the AmplideX® PCR/CE FMR1 Reagents* are globally recognized as best-in-class for assessment of CGG repeats in the FMR1 gene.
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AmplideX® PCR/CE FMR1 Kit

AmplideX FMR1AmplideX PCR/CE FMR1 Kit is an in vitro diagnostic (IVD) device for use in clinical laboratories for detection of the CGG repeats in the fragile X mental retardation (FMR1) gene. The device is intended to aid in the diagnosis of fragile X syndrome and fragile X associated disorders, e.g. tremor and ataxia syndrome (FX-TAS) and primary ovarian insufficiency (FXPOI), through determination of CGG repeat length up to 200 CGG and detection of alleles greater than 200 CGG. The kit provides a PCR-only approach based on Triplet Repeat Primed PCR (TP-PCR) design to reliably amplify and detect all alleles including Full Mutations.

Features & Benefits

AmplideX PCR/CE FMR1 Kit has created an easy-to-use, accessible, high performance method for laboratories to reliably analyze CGG repeats and detect interrupting AGG sequences in the FMR1 gene.

Reduced ComplexityEase-of-analysis of the FMR1 gene has been simplified through:

  • Implementation of proprietary PCR solution for amplifying GC-rich regions
  • Automation of result calling using AmplideX PCR/CE FMR1 Reporter 

Optimized WorkflowValuable operator hands-on time has been significantly reduced through:

  • Direct injection of PCR products (no PCR clean up) in to Capillary Electrophoresis platforms
  • Decreased need for Southern blot analysis (up to 50 fold)
  • End-to-end solution for FMR1 analysis including all necessary reagents and software

Quality PerformancePerforming FMR1 Analysis with Greater Sensitivity and Accuracy:

  • Detection of all allele expansions, including low abundance full mutation size mosaics with up to at least 1300 CGG repeats
  • Up to 875 fold more sensitive than Southern blot1
  • Resolution of female homozygous and heterozygous samples and indication of interrupting AGG sequences
  • Proven performance as indicated by more than 30 peer reviewed publications

Product Description

Analytical Characteristics of AmplideX PCR/CE FMR1 Kit:

  • Proven clinical accuracy compared to Southern Blot (Table 1)
  • Detects all alleles including low abundance full mutations (Figure 1)
  • Accurately sizes all alleles up to 200 CGG repeats (Figure 2)
  • Resolves female zygosity (Figure 3)
  • Detects presence of AGG interruptions (Figure 4)

Table 1: Diagnostic Sensitivity of 100%; Diagnostic Specificity of 98.4% and Overall Accuracy of 99%AmplideX has proven clinical accuracy compared to Southern Blot*These 2 samples presented premutation alleles by both methods and low intensity full mutation alleles detected only by the AmplideX PCR/CE FMR1 Kit

Figure 1: Amplification of Asuragen’s Methylation and Sensitivity Control which has a 5% full mutation in a background of 95% Normal

AmplideX Methylation and Sensitivity Control

Figure 2. Female Pre-mutation sample with accurate sizing of Normal (30 CGG) and Pre-mutation allele (56 CGG)

AmplideX Female premutation sample

Figure 3: The difference in the “stutter” peak patterns of homozygous and heterozygous female provides a clear resolution of zygosity

AmplideX resolves female zygosity

Figure 4. Female Full Mutation sample with AGG interruptions as indicated by sudden decrease in peak heights of the “stutter” peak profile

AmplideX Female Full Mutation sample


Product NameNumber of ReactionsCatalog Number
AmplideX PCR/CE FMR1 Control*24 UL49513
AmplideX mPCR FMR1 Control*24 UL49514
AmplideX PCR/CE FMR1 Reagents*10049402
AmplideX PCR/CE FMR1 Kit10076008
AmplideX mPCR FMR1 Kit*2449442
AmplideX PCR/CE FMR1 Reporter*N/A49576

T 1-877-777-1874; 512-681-5200 F 1-512-681-5202 E orders@asuragen.com

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  1. Referenced in over 30 peer reviewed publications and used in over 200 laboratories, the AmplideX® PCR/CE FMR1 Reagents* are globally recognized as best-in-class for assessment of CGG repeats in the FMR1 gene.
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Asuragen通过结合使用和制造专业知识来提供高质量的定制分子控制。我们的定制产品套件包括装甲RNA ®,装甲RNA定量®和装甲DNA定量™,质粒DNA(圆形和线性化)和体外转录的RNA; 提供针对特定目标的独特控件,以满足您的需求。装甲质控技术已在IVD批准的测定法中使用了20多年,并且在迅速发展的分子诊断领域中继续充当重要工具。