4000-520-616 / 18915418616

Lifespan/Oligo dT Primed First-Strand cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Esophagus -/40 tst/LS-J1321-40


First-Strand cDNA is synthesized from RNA isolated from a wide variety of documented human normal tissues, human diseased and tumor tissues, mouse, rat, monkey, dog, and plant tissues. Total RNA used for cDNA synthesis is isolated by modified guanidine thiocyanate techniques. 10 µg total RNA was primed by an oligo dT primer and reverse transcription (RT) using MMLV reverse transcriptase in 40 µl final volume. RT reaction was stopped by heating at 65°C for 10 minutes. The cDNA is delivered in 1x RT buffer (1x RT Buffer: 50 mM Tris-Cl, pH 8.3, 75 mM KCl, 3 mM MgCl2, 10 mM DTT). 1 µl cDNA is sufficient for one PCR reaction. The 5' end of human clathrin cDNA (a 6 kb gene) has been amplified by PCR from all of these cDNAs.Features • Ready-to-use for PCR • Oligo dT primer used to ensure the presence of the entire 3' end of cDNA • 12 kb PCR amplicon has been successfully obtained with some templates indicating intact cDNAs • The largest selection of cDNAs from different tissues on the marketApplications • Immediate PCR amplification of known genes • Verification of genetic mutation • Comparison of a specific gene between different tissues • Analysis of mRNA alternative splicing • Gene cloning and target sequencingQuality Control • The integrity of the RNA used for cDNA synthesis is examined by visual inspection for the presence of intact bands of 18s and 28s ribosomal RNA when electrophoreses on a denaturing agarose gel. • The quality and purity of total RNA were tested by spectrophotometer. A260/280 is between 1.8 and 2.0 (detected in 10 mM Tris-Cl, pH 7.5). The ratio of 28S/18S is =1. • The RNA used for cDNA synthesis is treated by DNase I, and is tested as DNA-free RNA by PCR. • The synthesized human, animal, and cell line cDNA was selected to ensure its full length. The cDNA was used as template for PCR amplification of ß-actin gene and an 838 bp ß-actin band was visualized on 1% agarose gel. ß-actin control primer is included. It is enough for 10 PCR reactions. • The synthesized plant cDNA was used as template for PCR amplification of chloroplast gene. A 458 bp chloroplast band was visualized on 1% agarose gel. Chloroplast control primer is included. It is enough for 10 PCR reactions. For lot specific information such as Diagnosis and Donor Information, please refer to the Datasheet below.Important Notice: This tissue product is manufactured by a third party and is presented with the pathologic diagnosis supplied by the provider. Due to the variability inherent in pathology samples and the tissue cores derived from them, LSBio recommends that upon receipt, customers should review the histology/pathology of each specimen in order to confirm that it is consistent with the diagnosis supplied. Storage Conditions: Store at -20°C.Other lots of this item may be available upon request.

Certificate Of Analysis
About BioChain Oligo dT Primed First-Strand cDNA
Statement of Compliance
For research use only
Available for shipment within the USA only
LifeSpan成立于1995年,已经成为分子病理学领域的领导品牌,专注于人和其他物种的正常和疾病组织中蛋白的定位情况。我们提供超过74000种抗体,定制的免疫组化研究服务,超过500种蛋白研究用人免疫组化材料,及组化和病理学服务;提供2,000,000样本,包括冰冻及石蜡切片的正常和疾病组织,进行对外研究服务。对外服务项目范围广泛,由LifeSpan的病理学家提供包括课题设计、抗体搜寻及表征、组织搜集和验证、免疫标记、问题处理及结果处理等诸多环节。 产品评述样例 为了研究表达增加的HO-1在脑干死亡中的影响,采用了Lifespan Biosciences的兔抗HIF-1beta多克隆抗体进行了免疫中和干预免疫印迹实验。 为了研究PROK1通过PROKR1和calcineurin/NFAT信号通路对IL11表达的调节,采用了Lifespan Biosciences的抗PROKR1抗体进行免疫组织化学实验。 为了揭示蝰毒素如何促进感染,采用Lifespan Biosciences的抗HADHB抗体进行免疫印迹试验。 为了建立能够特异的检测抗HCV化合物的报告系统,使用了LifeSpan BioSciences公司的NS3羊多抗来进行免疫印记实验。 为了研究静态成纤维细胞的作用使用了Lifespan Biosciences公司的抗IDH1抗体来进行蛋白印迹实验。 为了阐明源于E3泛素连接酶(TRIM32)突变的肌肉萎缩症包含神经性的和肌原性的特征,采用了Lifespan Biosciences公司的兔抗TRIM32抗体(1:1000),进行了蛋白质印迹实验。 使用LifeSpan生物公司的抗FPRL1抗体(1:100)进行流式细胞计数来研究促炎症反应多肽LL-37在卵巢肿瘤进展中的作用。 Lifespan Biosciences公司P2X7抗体可用于免疫组化实验。来研究P2X7受体在角膜上皮损伤修复中的作用。 产品样例 IHC-plus™ GPR21 Antibody (C-Terminus) LS-A108 IHC-plus™ CCR10 / GPR2 Antibody (N-Terminus) LS-A1153 IHC-plus™ CHRM3 / M3 Antibody (Cytoplasmic Domain) LS-A1421 IHC-plus™ GPR32 Antibody (Cytoplasmic Domain) LS-A1679 IHC-plus™ GPR61 Antibody (C-Terminus) LS-A1688 IHC-plus™ VIPR1 Antibody (N-Terminus) LS-A3589 IHC-plus™ GPR182 / ADMR Antibody (N-Terminus) LS-A390 IHC-plus™ RAIG2 / GPRC5B Antibody (C-Terminus) LS-A4088 IHC-plus™ TACR2 / NK2R Antibody (C-Terminus) LS-A4320 IHC-plus™ GPR52 Antibody (Cytoplasmic Domain) LS-A444