Features:- Ready-to-use aqueous solution- Hardening formulation- Contains DAPI counterstain (blue fluorescence staining of nuclei)- Inhibits photobleaching of fluorescent dyes and fluorescent proteins- No warming necessary- No sealing necessary for long term storage - Ideal refractive index (1.46)- 10 ml volume- Six month expiration dateApplications: - Immunofluorescence- In situ hybridization- Cellular Imaging- Super-Resolution MicroscopyDetails:VECTASHIELD HardSet Antifade Mounting Medium with DAPI preserves fluorescence and hardens after coverslipping.After approximately 15 minutes at room temperature, the coverslip will become immobilized, and optimal antifade ability and refractive index will be achieved.This solution contains DAPI (4 , 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole), which produces a blue fluorescence when bound to DNA with excitation at about 360 nm and emission at 460 nm. The DAPI concentration can be modified by mixing with VECTASHIELD HardSet Antifade Mounting Medium without DAPI (LS-F1034).VECTASHIELD® Mounting Media are compatible with a wide array of fluorochromes, enzymatic substrates, and fluorescent proteins.See the VECTASHIELD® Mounting Media Compatibility document to determine if VECTASHIELD® will be compatible in your system.Antifade Comparison: Other manufacturers measure the antifade properties of their mounts using labeled microspheres or arrayed spots. Vector® Labs prefers to measure antifade properties of VECTASHIELD® mounts using frozen tissue sections immunohistochemically stained with fluorescently labeled secondary antibodies.Antifade capability is measured using a 40x objective with real time imaging over 30 seconds of continuous exposure to the excitation illumination. Individual intensity measurements are recorded from 6 separate labeled regions and the average is calculated. The intensity after 30 second exposure is expressed as a percentage of the intensity at zero time. The values for PG are taken from the manufacturer s published results.