Concentration: | 0.20 mg/ml (vortex before apply for gel electrophoresis) |
Size: | 100 μl (20 applications of 5 μl each). ApoAI Standard is a ready-to-use format - no mixing, heating or reducing required. It is pre-reduced and contains reducing reagents in the loading buffer. The ApoAI resolves into a band with 28 kDa. |
Source: | From purified ApoAI; fresh human plasma that has tested negative for Hepatitis C, HIV-I and HIV-II antibodies as well as Hepatitis surface antigens. |
Use: | The Un-Stained ApoAI Standard allows you to check the result of your gel run and to judge western transfer efficiency. The attached gel was running with 4 µl and 5 µl for lane 1 (ApoAI) and lane 2 (Std Mix1) on an Invitrogen 18% SDS-Gel, respectively. |
Buffer: | In loading buffer consists of Tris-HCl, MeSH, SDS, glycerol, and bromophenol. |
Storage: | -20°C for short and long-term storage. Aliquot to avoid repeated freezing and thawing. |
*These products are for research or manufacturing use only, not for use in human therapeutic or diagnostic applications.
Apo AI comprises approximately 70% of the protein moiety in HDL. It is a single polypeptide chain consisting of 243 amino acid residues without disulfide bound and with glutamic acid as the C-terminal residue and aspartic acid as the N-terminal residue. The molecular weight is reported to be 28 kDa (Brewer et al., 1978).The roles of Apo AI in HDL function include reverse cholesterol transportation, lipid cholesterol binding, lecithin-cholesterol acyl transferase (LCAT) activation, and receptor binding, which is responsible for cholesterol esterification in plasma. Besides participate in cholesterol metabolism, Apo AI and HDL also suppress neutrophil activation, inhibit bacterial endotoxin, induce trypanosomal lysis, and other physiological activities. (Brouillette et al., 2001)Apo AI levels may be inversely related to the risk of coronary disease. In previous research, Apo AI may affect diet-induced inflammation by either directly or indirectly altering lipid rafts. (Cheng et al., 2012)Brewer, H. B., T. Fairwell, A. LaRue, R. Ronan, A. Houser, and T. J. Bronzert. “The amino acid sequence of human Apoa-I, an apolipoprotein isolated from high density lipoproteins.” Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 80.3 (1978): 623-30.Brouillette, Christie G., G.m. Anantharamaiah, Jeffrey A. Engler, and David W. Borhani. "Structural Models of Human Apolipoprotein A-I: A Critical Analysis and Review." Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids (2001): 4-46.Cheng, Andrew M., Priya Handa, Sanshiro Tateya, Jay Schwartz, Chongren Tang, Poulami Mitra, John F. Oram, Alan Chait, and Francis Kim. "Apolipoprotein A-I Attenuates Palmitate-Mediated NF-κB Activation by Reducing Toll-Like Receptor-4 Recruitment into Lipid Rafts." PLoS ONE 7.3 (2012): e33917.
academy biomed[A05]绵羊抗人类载脂蛋白AII多克隆抗体12A-S1a学院生物医学公司$ 155.00$ 155.00目录号数量1寄主物种: 羊浓度: 1毫克/毫升(OD 1.35 / 280 nm)抗原: 人类载脂蛋白AII纯化: 亲和纯化缓冲: 75 mM磷酸钠,75 mM NaCl,0.5 mM EDTA,0.02%NaN3,pH 7.2特异性 与人载脂蛋白AII特异性结合。免疫印迹和ELISA的稀释范围:1,000至80,000。用: 该抗体可用于检测血浆和脂蛋白中的载脂蛋白AII,免疫测定,免疫印迹,酶结合或生物素化。存储: -20°C长期保存,4°C短期保存。等分试样,以避免反复冻结和解冻。 *这些产品仅用于研究或制造用途,不能用于人体治疗或诊断应用。 重要性Apo AII占HDL的25%。它在人血浆中以77条氨基酸残基的2条相同链的二聚体形式存在,并通过二硫键连接。据报道,单链的分子量为8.7kDa(Brewer等,1972)。对小鼠的研究报道,apoAII可能具有促动脉粥样硬化作用(Warden等,1993)。然而,一项大型的欧洲前瞻性研究中的病例对照研究表明,血浆Apo AII浓度与冠心病事件密切相关(Birjmohun等,2007)。Birjmohun,RS,GM Dallinga-Thie,JA Kuivenhoven,ESg Stroes,JD Otvos,NJ Wareham,R.Luben,JJp Kastelein,K.-T. Khaw和SM Boekholdt。“载脂蛋白A-II与未来冠状动脉疾病的风险成反比。” 循环116(2007):2029-035。Brewer,HB,SE Lux,R.Ronan和KM John。“人ApoLp-Gln-II(apoA-II),一种从高密度脂蛋白复合物中分离的载脂蛋白的氨基酸序列。” 美国国家科学院院刊69.5(1972):1304-308。Warden,C.,C.Hedrick,J.Qiao,L.Castellani和A.Lusis。“过表达载脂蛋白A-II的转基因小鼠中的动脉粥样硬化。” 科学261(1993):469-72。