4000-520-616 / 18915418616

Echelon/PI4-Kinase beta (PI4Kb), active/10 ug/P32-102G


PI4-Kinase beta (PI4Kb), active is a full-length, recombinant human PI4KB co-expressed by baculovirus in Sf9 insect cells using an N-terminal GST tag. Enzyme obtained from SignalChem.

Molecular weight: ~120 kDaSequence: Full lengthSpecies: HumanTag: GST tagPurity: >90 % (request TDS for lot specific information)Specific Activity: >30 nmol/min/mg (request TDS for lot specific information)Expression System: Sf9 insect cells using baculovirusGenebank Number: BC000029Applications: PI 4-Kinase assay , western blot.Formulation: Recombinant protein stored in 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl, 10 mM glutathione, 0.1 mM EDTA, 0.25 mM DTT, 0.1 mM PMSF, 25% glycerol.Storage and stability: Store product at -70ºC. Stable up to one year.

Product Background

PI4KB is a member of the phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase family (PI4K) and is the first committed step in the production of the second messenger inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate (PIP3). PI4KB regulates the golgi disintegration/reorganization during mitosis possibly via the phosphorylation of phosphatidylinositol. PI4KB is a type III enzyme that is sensitive to wortmannin and is responsible for regulating the synthesis of agonist-sensitive pools of polyphosphoinositides. PI4KB is critical for glucose-induced insulin secretion due to its capacity to regulate the release of secretory granules. PI4KB inhibits the insulin-stimulated translocation of glucose transporter-4 in mouse adipocytes through its interaction with neuronal calcium sensor.


Antibodies & Proteins


Enzyme, Kinase, PI4K

Echelon Biosciences成立于1997年10月3日,总部坐落于在美国犹他州。从1997到2004,EBI主要用于政府的补助金以及产品的销售收入来资助其研究工作。2005年初,EBI的依特钠Zentaris购买 (NAS:AEZS)的MEP抗感染,PI3激酶小分子程序,目录业务,与科学专业。2007年末,前沿科学公司(FSI)在洛根,犹他州购买了EBI, 专业从事卟啉和硼化学。自公司成立以来以来,EBI保留了开发研究试剂脂质新的检测方法。不断开拓**,从而推动药物研究的新发型。 Echelon Biosciences是美国杰出免疫学产品供应商,专业提供各种抗体、分析检测试剂盒、抑制剂等产品,尤其擅长以细胞信号、脂类代谢和标记物研究为主的相关产品。为研究治疗诸如癌症、糖尿病、炎症、感染和心脑血管疾病专家提供**有效工具。 Echelon Biosciences产品线 Lipid Kinases & Phosphatases 脂质激酶和磷酸 Lipid-Protein Interaction Tools 脂蛋白质相互作用工具 Lipid-Specific Assay Kits 脂质特定检测试剂盒 Lipid-Specific Antibodies & Binding Proteins 脂质特定抗体和结合蛋白 Hyaluronic Acid & Collagen IV Assay Kits 透明质酸和IV型胶原检测试剂盒 Synthetic Inositol phosphates, Lipids, & Phospholipids 合成的磷酸肌醇,脂和磷脂 PI3-Kinase PI3-激酶 Echelon Biosciences可提供PI3-Kinase 实验解决全套方案,从分析服务到实验用抗体、酶和抑制剂等,**满足科研需求。 专业系列 产品编号 特色产品 Kits 试剂盒 K-1000 PI3-K ELISA Kit  K-1000S PI3-K ELISA: Pico Assay K-1100 PI3-K Fluorescence Polarization Kit K-1300 PI3-K AlphaScreen®  K-2700S TRueFRET PI3-K Activity Assay K-3000 Class III PI3-K ELISA Kit Antibodies 抗体 Z-R015 Anti-huVps34 (Class III PI3-Kinase) Antibody for IP Z-R016 Anti-huVps34 (Class III PI3-Kinase) Antibody for WB Inhibitors 抑制剂 B-0021 Resveratrol (Class IA PI3-K Inhibitor) B-0222 Wortmannin (PI3-Kinase Inhibitor) B-0294 PI3-Kinase Inhibitor (LY294002) B-0301 PI3-Kinase Gamma Inhibitor 1 (AS605240) B-0302 PI3-Kinase Gamma Inhibitor 2 (AS604850 B-0303 PI3-Kinase Alpha Inhibitor 1 (PI-103) B-0304 PI3-Kinase Alpha Inhibitor 2 Enzymes 酶  P27-18H PI3-K (p-110 alpha/p85 alpha) Active Enzyme  P28-10H PI3-K (p-110 beta/p85 alpha) Active Enzyme Lysolipids 血溶性脂类 Lysolipid Pathway                                            Synthetic Lysophosphatidic Acid (LPA) ◆ Inhibitors 抑制剂系列                                  ◆ Labeled 标记物系列 ◆ Ligands 配体系列                                        ◆ Ligands 配体系列 ◆ Analogs 类似物系列                                    ◆ Saturated 底物系列                                                                          ◆ Unsaturated 不饱和系列  专业系列 产品标号 特色产品 Kits试剂盒  K-2800B Lysophosphatidic Acid Competitive ELISA Kit K-4100 Autotaxin Activity Assay K-4200 Autotaxin Inhibitor Screening Kit Enzymes酶 E-4000 Autotaxin Enzyme Substrate底物 L-2000 FS-3 LysoPLD/Autotaxin Substrate Inhibitors抑制剂 L-7416 LysoPLD/Autotaxin Inhibitor Sphingolipids 鞘脂类 Synthetic Sphingolipids ◆ Sphingosine 鞘氨醇                           ◆ Ceramide 神经酰胺 ◆ Sphingosine 1 Phosphate (S1P ) 鞘氨醇磷酸酯     ◆ Sphingomyelin 鞘磷脂 ◆ FTY720P  专业系列 产品编号 特色产品 Kits 试剂盒 K-1900 Sphingosine 1 Phosphate ELISA Kit (S1P) K-3500 Sphingosine Kinase 1 Activity Assay K-1800 Sphingomyelinase Assay Kit K-3200 Acid Sphingomyelinase Assay Kit Enzymes 酶 E-K068 Sphingosine Kinase 1, active E-K069 Sphingosine Kinase 2, active Inhibitors 抑制剂 B-0024 Sphingosine Kinase Inhibitor   产品编号 特色产品 S-400B Sphingomyelin Biotin  P-B0SM Sphingomyelin Beads S-6100 Sphingosine Beads S-6110 Sphingosine 1 Phosphate Beads  P-B00Ss Sphingo Bead Sample Pack  G-SM01 Sphingomyelin Grip (Equinatoxin) Autotaxin(ATX) 自分泌运动因子 Echelon Biosciences是世界上唯壹完整**提供Autotaxin(ATX) 和Autotaxin(ATX) 相关试剂的供应商。 产品编号 特色产品 K-4100 Autotaxin Activity Assay Kit K-4200 Autotaxin Inhibitor Screening Kit  K-2800B Lysophosphatidic Acid Competitive ELISA Kit L-2000 FS-3 (LysoPLD / Autotaxin Substrate) L-7416 BrP-LPA Autotaxin Inhibitor E-4000 Autotaxin Enzyme