Product Description
iMatrix-511 Product SummaryLaminin 511 is known to bind to Intergin α6β1 of the cell surface. iMatrix-511 is highly purified human Laminin 511-E8 fragments recombinantly expressed by CHO-S cell.ApplicationiMatrix-511 can be used as cell culture matrix for various cell types including ES/iPS cells.ContentsLiquid Solution (175μg/vial @ 0.5 mg/mL Solvent: PBS(-)) .Product Size: 350μg (175μg x 2 pcs.)SpecificationsFormat: Solution (175μg/vial @ 0.5 mg/mL)Storage temperature: 2-15°CNaCl concentration: 137 mMActivityThe dissociation constant of the binding activity with integrin α6β1 is under 10 nM.
Procedure1. Dilute the solution with PBS (-). Coat dishes with 0.5μg/cm². The optimal coating concentration depends on cell lines from 0.1 to 1.5μg/cm². (For example, when you use 6-well plate (9.6 cm²/well), add 9.6μl iMatrix-511 (4.8ug) in 1.99ml of PBS(-). Add 2 mL of diluted iMatrix-511 solution to the well.)2. Incubate for 1 hour at 37°C, 3 hours at Room temperature, or over night at 4°C.3. Remove excess fluid from the coated surface. No rinse is needed.4. Immediately plate the cells at desired density.Notes:Don"t allow the plate to dry. Briefly spin down all liquid in the tube before use. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.DocumentationDownload Protocol [PDF]Download MSDS [PDF]Product Basics & StructureiMatrix-511 is an innovative cell culture matrix compatible with a wide variety of cell types, and exceptionally well suited for pluripotent stem cells. This product is comprised of recombinant Laminin-511 E8 protein fragments which permit ES/iPS cells to be maintained in xeno-free culture conditions, enable the passaging of single cells, and provide greater adhesion than full-length Laminin, Vitronectin or Matrigel⁵.Laminin-511 is a major component of the basement membrane used as a scaffold for pluripotent stem cells (ES/iPS cells), as it binds to integrin on cell surfaces. However Laminin-511 is a large protein (800kDa) composed of three chains (α-, β-, and γ-) forming a supramolecular aggregate, making it difficult to produce recombinantly. In order to overcome this challenge, Laminin-511 proteins were fragmented to find the smallest integrin-binding component and the E8 fragment was identified as the most promising result. In fact, hES cells were found to adhere more strongly to the E8 fragment than to the full-length protein.

In the same study cited above, Human ES cells were passaged on Laminin-511 E8 fragment and other cell culture substrates. Upon singly dispersing human ES cell colonies at the time of passage, it was confirmed that single cells adhere rapidly to Laminin-511 E8 and proliferate immediately.
Reference Literature
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Manufactured by: Nippi, Inc.*License to manufacture and sell this product has been obtained from Osaka University & Kyoto University.*
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