4000-520-616 / 18915418616

Clontech/PrimeScript RT Master Mix (Perfect Real Time): Generate cDNA for real-time PCR/800 Rxns/RR036B


To minimize sample-handling time, look no further than this real-time RT-PCR kit. PrimeScript RT Master Mix (Perfect Real Time) is designed for fast, efficient reverse transcription prior toreal-time RT-PCR (qPCR) with a streamlined workflow. cDNA synthesis reactions are easy to assemble—just add RNA template and water. The real-time RT-PCR kit contains a 5X master mix reagent that includes all reagents required for cDNA synthesis (PrimeScript RTase, RNase inhibitor, random 6mers, oligo dT primer, dNTPs, and reaction buffer). Because this real-time RT-PCR kit is powered by PrimeScript Reverse Transcriptase, it enables full-length cDNA synthesis for real-time RT-PCR (qPCR) in just 15 minutes. This kit is designed for two-step real-time RT-PCR. Use it upstream of a TB Green- or probe-based qPCR premix from Takara Bio, such as TB Green Premix Ex Taq II (Tli RNase H), TB Green Premix Ex Taq (Tli RNase H), or Premix Ex Taq (Probe qPCR).

To minimize sample-handling time, look no further than this real-time RT-PCR kit. PrimeScript RT Master Mix (Perfect Real Time) is designed for fast, efficient reverse transcription prior toreal-time RT-PCR (qPCR) with a streamlined workflow. cDNA synthesis reactions are easy to assemble—just add RNA template and water. The real-time RT-PCR kit contains a 5X master mix reagent that includes all reagents required for cDNA synthesis (PrimeScript RTase, RNase inhibitor, random 6mers, oligo dT primer, dNTPs, and reaction buffer). Because this real-time RT-PCR kit is powered by PrimeScript Reverse Transcriptase, it enables full-length cDNA synthesis for real-time RT-PCR (qPCR) in just 15 minutes. This kit is designed for two-step real-time RT-PCR. Use it upstream of a TB Green- or probe-based qPCR premix from Takara Bio, such as TB Green Premix Ex Taq II (Tli RNase H), TB Green Premix Ex Taq (Tli RNase H), or Premix Ex Taq (Probe qPCR).

This real-time RT-PCR kit includes PrimeScript reverse transcriptase, which has exceptionally strong strand-displacement activity for optimal efficiency during cDNA synthesis. The PrimeScript recombinant RTase enzyme is robust, versatile, and well-suited for applications requiring full-length cDNA synthesis. PrimeScript RTase enables reverse transcription of virtually any RNA template, including templates that are GC-rich and/or have high levels of secondary structure, making this real-time RT-PCR kit ideal for both routine applications and challenging reverse transcriptase reactions alike. PrimeScript RTase is a modified, recombinant MMLV (Moloney murine leukemia virus) enzyme and is verified to be RNase H-minus. PrimeScript reverse transcriptase is engineered to allow full-length cDNA synthesis reactions at lower temperatures (e.g., 42°C), decreasing the risk of RNA degradation that occurs during conventional reactions performed at higher temperatures.

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