4000-520-616 / 18915418616

Braintree/RFID Transponders and Accessories for Animals/Hand Held Reader Case, red/RFID URH-1RD


RFID Transponders for Animals For many years, Radio Frequency Identification has provided laboratories with a secure method to identify animals. Unified Information Devices (UID) provides implantable transponders, readers, and multiple tag programming that is compatible with any LIMS system. UID also creates customized software solutions based on your individual laboratory processes in order to computerize your Excel sheets. UID transponders and readers integrate flawlessly with Provantis®, Pristima™, PDS, Topaz, and many others for easy and secure data collection. UID also has a complete line of Trovan and ISO Standard compatible transponders available. Implantable All UID transponders for animal research are compatible with the URH1 handheld reader. Each transponder is supplied in a triple ground cannula for easy insertion. Perfect for all animals from mice to horses. All are individually packaged and sterilized. For non-Sterile or bulk purchase, contact UID.

  • Easy to insert

  • Provided with a unique identification number. Never to be repeated

  • Can be programmed using the UPS-60 Provisioning Station for your specific 15 digit Identification

Implantable RFID Chips for Mice - Model #UC-1485 Mouse Glass Chip (w/Cannula). Available in packages of 24, 200, 1,000

  • Smallest Transponder on the market

  • 1.4mm x 8.5mm in a sharp cannula

  • Sterile and individually packaged

Implantable RFID Chips for Rats - Model #UC-2112, Rat Glass Chip (w/Cannula). Available in packages of 24, 200, 1,000

  • The most widely used size for rodents and other animals

  • 2.1mm x 12mm in a sharp cannula

  • Sterile and individually packaged

Hand Held Transponder Reader - Model #URH1 UID readers are designed to work with the secure UID Transponders. Each transponder has an encryption that only allows for communication with a UID compatible reader. All UID Readers are fully compatible with any LIMS or other software that allows the input of Identification Data. Stand ISO readers are also available.
  • USB or Bluetooth connectivity
  • Battery powered
  • Available Protective case

Chip Provisioning Station - Model #UPS-60 The most advanced multi-transponder programmer available. Our new provisioning station allows you to program up to 6 transponders at one time. Program the exact number or letter sequence specific to your needs. Patent Pending

  •  Allows the programming of up to 6 UID injectable transponders at one time

  • Code up to 15 alpha-numeric characters of your choice prior to implantation

  • Fast and secure transponder programming

  • See what you programmed on the reader when you scan the animal!

Hand Held Reader Case - Add protection to URH 1 reader with a silicone rubber case. Silicon case provides better grip and protects reader from accidental drops. Four colors available: black, red, blue, and orange. Reader not included. Model #URH-1X


Braintree的鼠标幻影-为Micro-CT扫描仪提供参考标准Micro-CT系统可提供精确,准确和高分辨率的测量结果。这些系统的视野要求适当缩放的QA体模。CIRS 090型MicroMouseTM和091型注水鼠标幻影提供了量化X射线衰减和吸收特性方面的钙和骨密度的工具。羟基磷灰石(HA)是哺乳动物牙齿和骨骼的主要成分,是评估矿物质密度的最合适参考。CIRS将HA与软组织等效的聚合物背景混合在一起,以提供参考值,其HA负荷范围为0 mg / cc至750 mg / cc。羟基磷灰石的晶粒尺寸和棒的均质性已优化,可用于Micro-CT。固态MicroMouse幻影和注水鼠标幻影均包含11种不同矿物含量和尺寸的棒。它们可以像评估全身扫描仪一样用于评估Micro-CT扫描仪。该目标适用于确定对比度的可检测性和估计低对比度的分辨率。在MicroMouse Phantom中,杆嵌入在软组织等效的环氧材料中,该材料的大小和形状均与小型啮齿动物相同。充满水的鼠标幻影在防水的聚碳酸酯外壳中包含11个杆,非常耐用并且耐多种化学物质。091型外壳可轻松填充各种液体,以改变杆和周围液体之间的对比度。090和091型中使用的11根Micro-CT棒也可以作为092型单独购买,以及其他长度,直径和HA装载选项。发送电子邮件以获取更多详细信息。特征:25 mg / cc-750 mg / cc HA目标肺,肌肉和脂肪适用于Micro-CT固体或液体填充