4000-520-616 / 18915418616

avivasysbio/TEK ELISA Kit (Bovine) (OKEH07322)/96 Wells/OKEH07322

Predicted Species Reactivity:
Kit Detection Method:
Colorimetric, OD450 nm
Kit Principle:
Aviva Systems Biology TEK ELISA Kit (Bovine) (OKEH07322) is based on standard sandwich enzyme-linked immuno-sorbent assay technology. An antibody specific for TEK has been pre-coated onto a 96-well plate (12 x 8 Well Strips) and blocked. Standards or test samples are added to the wells, incubated and removed. A biotinylated detector antibody specific for TEK is added, incubated and followed by washing. Avidin-Peroxidase Conjugate is then added, incubated and unbound conjugate is washed away. An enzymatic reaction is produced through the addition of TMB substrate which is catalyzed by HRP generating a blue color product that changes yellow after adding acidic stop solution. The density of yellow coloration read by absorbance at 450 nm is quantitatively proportional to the amount of sample TEK captured in well.
Kit Range:
0.156 - 10ng/mL
Kit Recovery:
Mean recovery when spiking into sample matrices at concentrations within the dynamic range: 116% (n = 20)
Kit Reproducibility:
Mean Intra-assay CV%: <=8.8% (n="">Mean Inter-assay CV%: <=11.2% (n="">
Kit Component:
TEK Microplate96 Wells (12 x 8 Well strips)
TEK Lyophilized Standard2
100X Biotinylated TEK Detector Antibody1 x 120 uL
100X Avidin-HRP Conjugate1 x 120 uL
Sample Diluent1 x 20 mL
Detector Antibody Diluent1 x 12 mL
Conjugate Diluent1 x 12 mL
25X Wash Buffer1 x 30 mL
TMB Substrate1 x 10 mL
Stop Solution1 x 10 mL
Additional Information:
Function: Tyrosine-protein kinase that acts as cell-surface receptor for ANGPT1, ANGPT2 and ANGPT4 and regulates angiogenesis, endothelial cell survival, proliferation, migration, adhesion and cell spreading, reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton, but also maintenance of vascular quiescence. Has anti-inflammatory effects by preventing the leakage of proinflammatory plasma proteins and leukocytes from blood vessels. Required for normal angiogenesis and heart development during embryogenesis. Required for post-natal hematopoiesis. After birth, activates or inhibits angiogenesis, depending on the context. Inhibits angiogenesis and promotes vascular stability in quiescent vessels, where endothelial cells have tight contacts. In quiescent vessels, ANGPT1 oligomers recruit TEK to cell-cell contacts, forming complexes with TEK molecules from adjoining cells, and this leads to preferential activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and the AKT1 signaling cascades. In migrating endothelial cells that lack cell-cell adhesions, ANGT1 recruits TEK to contacts with the extracellular matrix, leading to the formation of focal adhesion complexes, activation of PTK2/FAK and of the downstream kinases MAPK1/ERK2 and MAPK3/ERK1, and ultimately to the stimulation of sprouting angiogenesis. ANGPT1 signaling triggers receptor dimerization and autophosphorylation at specific tyrosine residues that then serve as binding sites for scaffold proteins and effectors. Signaling is modulated by ANGPT2 that has lower affinity for TEK, can promote TEK autophosphorylation in the absence of ANGPT1, but inhibits ANGPT1-mediated signaling by competing for the same binding site. Signaling is also modulated by formation of heterodimers with TIE1, and by proteolytic processing that gives rise to a soluble TEK extracellular domain. The soluble extracellular domain modulates signaling by functioning as decoy receptor for angiopoietins. TEK phosphorylates DOK2, GRB7, GRB14, PIK3R1, SHC1 and TIE1.
Subcellular Location: Cell membrane Single-pass type I membrane protein Cell junction Cell junction Focal adhesion Cytoplasm Cytoskeleton Secreted Recruited to cell-cell contacts in quiescent endothelial cells. Colocalizes with the actin cytoskeleton and at actin stress fibers during cell spreading. Recruited to the lower surface of migrating cells, especially the rear end of the cell. Proteolytic processing gives rise to a soluble extracellular domain that is secreted (By similarity).
Unigene: Bt.4390String: 9913.ENSBTAP00000026836
KEGG: bta:280939Pfam: PF00041
KEGG: bta:280939Pfam: PF00041
Reconstitution and Storage:
Store as indicated in product manual.
Click here to download product manual. As variation between lots may occur, always reference the lot-specific manual received with each kit.
Natural and recombinant Bovine Angiopoietin-1 receptor
Assay Info:
Assay Methodology: Quantitative Sandwich ELISA
Gene Symbol:
Official Gene Full Name:
TEK receptor tyrosine kinase
Alias Symbols:
Endothelial tyrosine kinase, Tyrosine kinase with Ig and EGF homology domains-2, Tyrosine-protein kinase receptor TIE-2, CD202b, TIE-2, TIE2
NCBI Gene Id:
Protein Name:
angiopoietin-1 receptor
Swissprot Id:
Protein Accession #:
Nucleotide Accession #:
Tissue Tool:
Find tissues and cell lines supported by DNA array analysis to express TEK.
RNA Seq:
Find tissues and cell lines supported by RNA-seq analysis to express TEK.
我们在Aviva Systems Biology生产并提供含有重组蛋白或天然蛋白的裂解物,这些蛋白可在Western blot检测中用作阳性对照。重组蛋白在细菌,哺乳动物细胞和昆虫细胞中表达,并作为整体裂解物提供。