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脱支酶 在 轻工业手工业 分类中 的翻译结果--cnki翻译助手

作者: 时间:2025-02-23 点击量:

debranching enzymeIsoamylase is a debranching enzyme which specifically cleaves a-1,6 glycosidic linkages in amylopectin, starch, glycogen and some dextin.异淀粉酶(Isoamylase)是淀粉脱支酶中的一种,它能够催化支链淀粉、糖原及某些分支糊精中的a-1,6糖苷键的断裂反应。 短句来源Debranching enzyme, a branch of starch hydralases , possesses special property and uses.脱支酶属淀粉水解酶类,具有独特的性质和用途. 短句来源Following α-amylase and β-amylase,debranching enzyme has found applications in food industry and recieved more and more attention,showing a broad prospect.继α-淀粉酶、β-淀粉酶在食品工业方面的应用之后,脱支酶在食品工业方面的应用愈来愈受重视,前景十分广阔,本文对这方面也作了简要介绍. 短句来源The effcts of the starch slurry concentration,the dextrose equivalent value of liquefied starch,the enzyme dosage,the reaction time and debranching enzyme in the high maltose syrup preduction with fungal-α-amylase from Asperigillus Oryzae were studied and it was found that the influence of substrate concentration and the dextrose equivalent value was smaller while that of enzyme dosage and reaction time was greater.本文研究了淀粉乳浓度、液化淀粉葡萄糖值(DE值)、加酶量、反应时间以及脱支酶对真菌α-淀粉酶糖化的影响。 实验发现,淀粉浓度、液化淀粉葡萄糖值对反应的影响较小,加酶量影响较大,酶量太少,即使延长反应时间,麦芽糖含量也很低。 短句来源The results shaw that the activities of debranching enzyme and α-amylase decrease greatly;结果表明稻米经微波处理后脱支酶及α-淀粉酶活力明显下降; 短句来源\"脱支酶”译为未确定词的双语例句After the UV mutagenetic and substrate inducing, the strain ZZC6-6 was finally chosen for the highest special activity and thermostablity in a wide temperature range. 同时,通过比较a-淀粉酶和ZZC6-6所产淀粉脱支酶分别对相同底物(包括可溶性淀粉、可溶性支链淀粉、可溶性直链淀粉及普鲁兰糖)的不同作用结果,确定ZZC6-6所产酶是一种异淀粉酶。短句来源The enzyme activity was increased from 4.14 u/mL to 18.54 u/mL. Wang et al isolated a strain from the soil of the starch factory in Lanzhou. After many UV and UV+DES mutagenetic treatments and selections from a lot of mutants, finally they obtained a high yield, stable and mid— temperature strain which can yield isoamylase. 通过诱导和诱变ZZC6-6,使ZZC6-6菌株产淀粉脱支酶酶活力由初始4.14u/mL提高到18.54u/mL。短句来源The production of extreme high maltose syrup with pullulanase and two different maltogenic enzymes was studied and it was found that the coaction of β-amylase and pullulanase was more suitable for the production of non-crystilline-maltose-syrup with a composition of about 80% maltose and 10% maltotriose than maltogenase and pullulanase. 本文研究了超高麦芽糖浆的生产,结果发现,普通β-淀粉酶和脱支酶共同作用适于制造普通非结晶性麦芽糖浆,组成大致为80%左右的麦芽糖和10%左右的麦芽三糖,而外切型α-麦芽糖-α-小淀粉酶(Malto-genase)由于价格及水解方式两方面的原因,不适合用于此类麦芽糖浆的生产。短句来源But the combined action of β-amylase, maltogenase and pullulanase was especially suitable for the production of crystilline-maltose-syrup with more than 80% of maltose and less than 4% of maltotriose. 但生产用于制造结晶麦芽糖的超高麦芽糖浆时,则宜用β-淀粉酶、Maltogenase和脱支酶共同作用,通常的组成为80%以上的麦芽糖,4%以下的麦芽三糖。短句来源The content of maltase was increased by 6% if pullulanase was added. 脱支酶有助于糖化,添加后麦芽糖含量增加6%左右。短句来源更多 查询\"脱支酶”译词为用户自定义的双语例句我想查看译文中含有:的双语例句 \"例句\"为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。debranching enzymeIsoamylase, a starch debranching enzyme capable of hydrolyzing α-1,6-glucosidic linkage, was immobilized on CM-cellulose and chitin.This debranching enzyme displays a temperature optimum at 60°-65° C and a pH optimum at 5.5-6.0.A gene encoding a debranching enzyme (pullulanase) from Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC15050 was cloned and its nucleotide sequence determined.By screening a genomic library of maize, a 2.2?kb 5\' flanking fragment of Zpu1 gene, encoding the pullulanase-type starch debranching enzyme, was isolated.It was found that significant changes occur in their activities and that amylophosphorylase and amylo-1,6-glucosidase (debranching enzyme), both of which are responsible for the conversion of glycogen to glucose, are markedly inhibited by radiation.更多

Debranching enzyme, a branch of starch hydralases , possesses special property and uses. It plays a very impotatant role in the development of food industry as well as in the study of the structure of starch. Therefore, some essential properties of debranching enzyme are introduced in the paper for better understanding . Following α-amylase and β-amylase,debranching enzyme has found applications in food industry and recieved more and more attention,showing a broad prospect.


The production of extreme high maltose syrup with pullulanase and two different maltogenic enzymes was studied and it was found that the coaction of β-amylase and pullulanase was more suitable for the production of non-crystilline-maltose-syrup with a composition of about 80% maltose and 10% maltotriose than maltogenase and pullulanase. But the combined action of β-amylase, maltogenase and pullulanase was especially suitable for the production of crystilline-maltose-syrup with more than 80% of maltose and less...

The production of extreme high maltose syrup with pullulanase and two different maltogenic enzymes was studied and it was found that the coaction of β-amylase and pullulanase was more suitable for the production of non-crystilline-maltose-syrup with a composition of about 80% maltose and 10% maltotriose than maltogenase and pullulanase. But the combined action of β-amylase, maltogenase and pullulanase was especially suitable for the production of crystilline-maltose-syrup with more than 80% of maltose and less than 4% of maltotriose.


The effcts of the starch slurry concentration,the dextrose equivalent value of liquefied starch,the enzyme dosage,the reaction time and debranching enzyme in the high maltose syrup preduction with fungal-α-amylase from Asperigillus Oryzae were studied and it was found that the influence of substrate concentration and the dextrose equivalent value was smaller while that of enzyme dosage and reaction time was greater.Low dosage of enzyme led to imcomplete hydrolysis and high dosage led to more glucose.The content...

The effcts of the starch slurry concentration,the dextrose equivalent value of liquefied starch,the enzyme dosage,the reaction time and debranching enzyme in the high maltose syrup preduction with fungal-α-amylase from Asperigillus Oryzae were studied and it was found that the influence of substrate concentration and the dextrose equivalent value was smaller while that of enzyme dosage and reaction time was greater.Low dosage of enzyme led to imcomplete hydrolysis and high dosage led to more glucose.The content of maltase was increased by 6% if pullulanase was added.



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