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Mobitec ev-02a电动摩托车329km/h刷新邦纳维尔速度记录_【快资讯】

作者: 时间:2025-02-23 点击量:


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苏州蚂蚁淘生物技术有限责任公司是一家2001成立的经营生命科学用品的高科技企业,除了代理国际*公司生产的试剂、仪器、设备和耗材等产品外,也把寻找新的肿瘤标志物定位为公司的长远发展方向。 代理和经销的产品分为两类:医学类产品和生物类产品。医学类产品主要包括:肿瘤早期诊断试剂(意大利Xeptagen),甲状腺类检测产品(德国Medipan),过敏原检测系统(美国Hitachi),载玻片离心机及染色仪(德国Tharmac),高强聚焦超声刀(中国 希复康)。生物类产品主要包括:免疫学和神经生物学产品(以色列Alomone),细胞因子(以色列Prospec),生物化学和分子生物学类产品(美国Qbiogene),酶免分析试剂盒(美国Cytimmune),核酸纯化类产品(美国Omega),生物化学和免疫类产品(美国Alexis),酶免分析试剂盒和各种抗体(美国Cytimmune),多种抗原和抗体(美国Fitzgerald),细胞和分子生物学产品(美国Cambrex)等30多种。

order# description amount
BMEG02 Bacillus megateriumprotoplasts ready for transformation (strain WH320;1)Material is sufficient for 4 transformations plus control experiment. 5 x 500 µl
BMEG50 Bacillus megateriumprotoplasts, strain MS941 5 x 500 µl
BMEG31 pC-His1623hp shuttle vector, C-term. 6xHis-tag; lyophilized DNA 10 μg
BMEG32 pN-His-TEV1623hp shuttle vector, N-term. His-tag,TEV-site 10 μg
BMEG30 p3STOP1623hp, shuttle vector, lyophilized DNA 10 μg
BMEG33 pSPLipA-hp, shuttle vector with signal sequence, lypophilized DNA 10 μg
BMEG34 pSPYocH-hp, shuttle vector with signal sequence, lypophilized DNA 10 µg
BMEG03 pWH1520 shuttle vector, original; lyophilized DNA 5 µg
BMEG10 pMM1522 shuttle vector, improved; lyophilized DNA 10 µg
BMEG11 pMM1525 shuttle vector with signal sequence; lyophilized DNA 10 µg
BMEG12 pHIS1522 shuttle vector, 6xHis-tagged; lyophilized DNA precursor of BMEG20 10 µg
BMEG13 pHIS1525 shuttle vector with signal sequence; 6xHis-tagged; lyophilized DNA 10 µg
BMEG14 pSTREP1525 shuttle vector with signal sequence; Strep-tagged; lyophilized DNA 10 µg
BMEG15 pSTREPHIS1525 shuttle vector with signal sequence; Strep/6xHis double-tagged; lyophilized DNA 10 µg
BMEG20 pC-His1622 shuttle vector, C-term. 6xHis-tag; lyophilized DNA 10 µg
BMEG21 pC-Strep1622 shuttle vector, C-term. Strep-tag; lyophilized DNA 10 µg
BMEG22 pN-His-TEV1622 shuttle vector, N-term. His-tag,TEV-site 10 µg
BMEG23 pN-Strep-TEV1622 shuttle vector, N-term. Strep-tag,TEV-site 10 µg
BMEG24 pN-StrepXa1622 shuttle vector, N-term. Strep-tag; Xa site; lyophilized DNA 10 µg
BMEG25 pSTOP1622, shuttle vector, lyophilized DNA 10 µg
BMEGT702 Bacillus megaterium protoplasts, strain MS941, pretransformed with pT7-RNAP 5 x 500µL
BMEGT701 Bacillus megaterium high yield T7 gene expression kit,includes pretransformed protoplasts BMEGT702 (5 x 500µl), pPT7 cloning vector and pPT7-GFP control vector (vectors lyophilized, 10 µg each) Kit
BMEGT710 Bacillus megaterium pPT7 cloning vector, lyophilized 10 µg
shipped at RT, protoplasts shipped on dry icestore lyophilized vectors at 4°C, reconstituted vectors at -20°C, protoplasts at -70°CAll vectors areE. coli/B. megateriumshuttle vectorsPlease note that protoplasts ofBacillus megateriumhave a limited shelf life of some months only, depending on the date of production. Therefore purchase and use of protoplasts must be thoroughly planned.

  • 药准字:
  • 主要组成成分:mobitec的巨大芽孢杆菌表达系统
  • 性状:mobitec的巨大芽孢杆菌表达系统
  • 适应症:mobitec的巨大芽孢杆菌表达系统
  • 规格:mobitec的巨大芽孢杆菌表达系统
  • 贮藏:mobitec的巨大芽孢杆菌表达系统
  • 有效期:36
  • 生产企业:德国
hp-vector表达系统megaterium芽孢杆菌hp-vector expression systems for bacillusmegateriumfeatures:high performance vectors with optimized sequenceprotein yield up to 10 times enhanced compared toprotein expression with basic plasmidplasmids with established mcsencoding c- or n-terminal his-tag for versatilepurification (native, 6xhis-tag)secretion with lipa or yoch signal peptide up to 9fold increasedoptimized high performance (hp) vectors for bacillusmegaterium!mobitec provides a wide range of useful vectors forthe b. megaterium system that are adaptable to most applicationsand protein purification methods. these include vectors carrying asecretion signal peptide sequence and a 6xhis-tag.with our new hp-vectors yields up to 10-fold highercompared to the basic plasmids are possible. all plasmids haveestablished multiple cloning sites (mcs) for versatile cloning.furthermore we offer vectors encoding c- or n-terminal his-tags foreasy purification. the protein secretion with lipa or yoch signalpeptides is up to nine-fold increased. induction of proteinexpression of all vectors is achieved by the tightly regulated andefficiently inducible xylose operon.versatile system with a wide range of vectorsthe b. megaterium expression system provides aversatile and easy-to-handle tool for stable and high-yield proteinproduction, both small- and large-scale.b. megaterium has proven to be an excellentalternative host to e. coli for heterologous gene expression.unlike other bacilli strains, proteolytic degradation by alkalineproteases is avoided. in addition, there are no endotoxins found inthe cell wall.b. megaterium protoplasts specifically optimized fortransformationthe protoplasts supplied by mobitec are from b.megaterium strain wh320, developed by prof. dr. w. hillen at theinstitute of microbiology in erlangen, germany. these protoplastsare prepared according to an optimized protocol resulting in thehighest transformation efficiencies.for secretion vectors we offer protoplasts of strainms941. both strains are mutants of dsm319, where wh320 is achemically mutant, while ms941 has a defined deletion in the geneof the major extracellular protease nprm.order information, shipping and storageplease click on the respective order # for furtherdetails.order# description amountbmeg02 bacillus megaterium protoplasts ready fortransformation (strain wh320;1)material is sufficient for 4 transformations pluscontrol experiment. 5 x 500 µlbmeg50 bacillus megaterium protoplasts, strain ms9415 x 500 µlbmeg31 pc-his1623hp shuttle vector, c-term.6xhis-tag; lyophilized dna 10 μgbmeg32 pn-his-tev1623hp shuttle vector, n-term.his-tag,tev-site 10 μgbmeg30 p3stop1623hp, shuttle vector, lyophilized dna10 μgbmeg33 psplipa-hp, shuttle vector with signalsequence, lypophilized dna 10 μgbmeg34 pspyoch-hp, shuttle vector with signalsequence, lypophilized dna 10 µgshipped at rt, protoplasts shipped on dry icestore lyophilized vectors at 4°c, reconstitutedvectors at -20°c, protoplasts at -70°call vectors are e. coli / b. megaterium shuttlevectorsplease note that protoplasts of bacillus megateriumhave a limited shelf life of some months only, depending on thedate of production. therefore purchase and use of protoplasts mustbe thoroughly planned.

MoBiTec GmbH是一家私人控股公司,由Stephan Diekmann教授于1987年创立。与Max-Planck学会的密切关系以及德国领先的研究中心之一哥廷根的所在地促进了与某些研究中心的密切合作。德国最具创造力的科学家。此外,MoBiTec一直与欧洲和北美的科学家广泛合作,包括法国巴斯德研究所和荷兰Vrije大学的科学家。通过将许多研究人员的精彩创意商业化,MoBiTec能够提供一系列独特的高质量产品和简化的协议,使实验室生活更轻松,并为实际研究留出更多时间。

MoBiTec的产品包括e。 G。用于体内检测蛋白质 - 蛋白质或DNA-蛋白质相互作用的双杂交系统,用于筛选特定肽配体的噬菌粒展示系统和选择具有特异性结合特性的新蛋白质,方便的LamBDa PS基因组文库用于克隆的多功能DNA载体,表达和分析靶基因,有效表达和纯化重组蛋白试剂盒细胞转染试剂和细胞培养工具,固定化和可溶性酶,许多用于基因组学和蛋白质组学研究的产品(例如用于PCR,核酸和蛋白质纯化和分析),众多抗体细胞因子生长因子和重组蛋白,优质荧光试剂和试剂盒(如蛋白标记试剂盒,标记抗体,细胞染色试剂,柱和凝胶电泳附件)。

与其自有产品线并行,MoBiTec分销德国多家国际公司的产品,包括荧光探针和研究化学品(AnaSpec,TEFLabs),量子点,各种DNA纯化试剂盒和DNA聚合酶(EdgeBio),诊断工具(ZJ BioTech) ),凝胶电泳配件(Amresco,Clare Chemical),糖生物学产品(Dextra Laboratories,Sumitomo),细胞转染试剂(Mirus)以及抗体,蛋白质,底物,精细化学品和分子和细胞生物学试剂盒- 特别是病毒学,免疫学,神经生物学,细胞凋亡,信号转导,细胞增殖,细胞毒性和癌症研究(MBLI,AG Scientific,Amresco,AdarBiotech,AnaSpec,Echelon)。

MoBiTec提供全面的服务,从清晰完整的产品文档开始,为客户提供个性化的建议和技术服务。 MoBiTec产品通过MoBiTec的总部在德国分销,在其他国家由分销商分销。此外,MoBiTec不断寻求新产品和可销售的许可技术,因此对科学合作非常感兴趣,以开发创新的产品理念。


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